Well see that's the thing really. The comment was from an EU official. The EU believe these deals are against the EU mandate. So it seems the EU is failing the new entrants.
You know the first thing that caught my eye when Poland entered the EU was that they want to be part of just about all the favourable things the EU has to offer all at once and immediately. They forget that it took the original states decades of fighting and consolidating to achieve this. Poland has to go through the same process as everybody else and it doesn't really help the Polish cause to -like that Polish prime minister did last year- blame it all on the Germans and the war. That just causes irritation EU-wide and a reluctancy to help Poland achieve what they want. One must also not forget that not even 20 years ago they were part of the enemy-pact (viewed from Western eyes). It's not the EU that is failing, it's just that Poland should learn to observe patience. This does not mean that I don't want Poland to get all these things, au contraire, but I get the impression they want everything all at the same time.
And Kasia: yeah, something smells fishy here; those darn Russians again!