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Poland boycotts German goods?

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
12 Sep 2008 /  #211
Bratwurst, the German Justice and the German Police are uncovered as most criminal organisations. Why not talking about that?

I'm asking you for hours now to bring some real stuff, some links, some websites, some articles, books ANYTHING which would support your opinion....but there comes NOTHING!

You are just repeating yourself and accusing everybody you disagree with of ridiculous things.

And when, how and through whom is the german justice and police uncovered as "most criminal organization"?
YOU say that...but that's not enough.

I can say that right now a marsian looks through my window...that wouldn't make it anymore true!
12 Sep 2008 /  #212
I think Torny they are just hell bent on messing up Polish Forums.

And quite frankly I'm losing respect for some of the people posting on this thread at the moment <of course you are excluded from this comment Torny :) >
12 Sep 2008 /  #213
Why not talking about that?

because it is not German forum. get with the program or get out.
shopgirl  6 | 928  
12 Sep 2008 /  #214
This is what Mr. Sobottka does, he visits all kinds of forums, signs up and starts posting his wacko theories. Google his name and see for yourself. Its a hobby for him.
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
12 Sep 2008 /  #215
I think Torny they are just hell bent on messing up Polish Forums.

i agree

And quite frankly I'm losing respect for some of the people posting on this thread at the moment <of course you are excluded from this comment Torny :) >

lol, thanks.
12 Sep 2008 /  #216
Its a hobby for him.

Then ignore him please. This thread would put off any new or prospective members and I feel ashamed of this thread if I am being truthful.

What's the point of feeding him ? It will just get worse ?
12 Sep 2008 /  #217
What's the point of feeding him ? It will just get worse ?

I agree. Too much tolerance is not a good thing.

he needs to know that.
12 Sep 2008 /  #218
he needs to know that.

Yes i wonder if Admin would review this thread and see if he feels he could possibly close this thread now. I have no problems in buying German products, one of my best friends was German <bestest friend I could ever have> and she sadly died of cancer nearly two years ago.........and it breaks my heart to see such an awful thread. She loved my Mom and my Mom <when she was alive> treated her as one of her daughters and my Mom was Polish.......

There's no need for such a thread with such awful words :(
ski  7 | 140  
12 Sep 2008 /  #219
I still think that buying German products is bad idea.
shopgirl  6 | 928  
12 Sep 2008 /  #220
Here now ladies......easy does it. He is so ridicluous that it's funny. I don't think anyone who would read this could POSSIBLY take it seriously!
12 Sep 2008 /  #221
I don't think anyone who would read this could POSSIBLY take it seriously!

It's become offensive, sick humour as far as I am concerned.
Dekameron  1 | 146  
12 Sep 2008 /  #222
Seriously no but its a waste of space and encouraging trolls is never good.
shopgirl  6 | 928  
12 Sep 2008 /  #223
I'm sure he will be back on his meds in no time!
ski  7 | 140  
12 Sep 2008 /  #224
I don't know why this discussion is so problematic for some members. There was interesting dicussion between German anarchist, me and German pagan racists.
shopgirl  6 | 928  
12 Sep 2008 /  #225
I don't know why this discussion is so problematic for some members.

Hehe...cause you AGREE with him! :)
12 Sep 2008 /  #226
There was interesting dicussion between German anarchist, me and German pagan racists.

Well go and discuss it on a German Forum then ........is my advice lol
ski  7 | 140  
12 Sep 2008 /  #227
Hehe...cause you AGREE with him! :)

We have so many "controversial" argues and now apears idea to delate it. It was very interesting debate until you haven't started to ridicule it. I'd say pagan team in action.

Well go and discuss it on a German Forum then ........is my advice lol

It is about boycott of German goods in Poland.
southern  73 | 7059  
12 Sep 2008 /  #228
German anarchist, me and German pagan racists.

And me.
12 Sep 2008 /  #229
We have so many "controversial" argues and now apears idea to delate it. It was very interesting debate until you haven't started to ridicule it. I'd say pagan team in action.

you liked it because he could not be taken seriously and presents no real challenge for anybody. A won argument before it even got started.
southern  73 | 7059  
12 Sep 2008 /  #230
Not at least that I am an elite-fighter - better than Waffen-SS has ever been

Sobottka  2 | 106  
12 Sep 2008 /  #231
To our Sisters and Brothers of all nations!

Cases as that one of Rüdiger Jung, see an earlier entry in this thread, or, If You are able to understand German, Google using: RÜDIGER JUNG CLAUS PLANTIKO, and as the case NADINE O. MORD WETTER/RUHR, see an earlier entry in this thread which contains links to entries on other pages in German language, are the real proofs that German Justice and German Police are working with lies and falsifying of facts and proofs, are murdering and false sentencing, are really not better then SS has been before the 8th of May 1945. Only one difference: Up to May 1945 they could do their crimes to public knowing, since the end of War they have to do it hidden, bluffing the world and their own people about that.

Infomations to several ambassadors of other conutries, information to the Jewish Assiciation and publishings in the Internet, in German language, but mostly on Servers in the USA and in Denmark has been a shock wave to German SS: Angela Merkel does not dare to accuse other countries because of abuse of human rights.

My Sisters and Brothers in Germany have begun that fight of demasking German SS more than two years ago, we are fighting that battle for the sake of the whole world, because we are not willed to accept anything other than true justice and true reason, we don't want any human suffering that can be averted, we don't want dominators and domiated ones, we wish that all people around the whole world will be true Sisters and Brothers!

At this moment we are not standing alone, not only Anarchists of other countries are supporting us - very different people are going to understand that mankind is standing at a precipice and has to go other ways in future.

So we appeal to You all to go the way which we are going, to fight evilness and to fight for true friendship and true love! A very important condition is the freedom of information and opinion, today You could see how SS-Satanists in this forum gave their best to kill information and opinion! They know why: The true freedom of information and opinion and discussion will be the beginning of the end of any unrighteousness!

Unrighteousness can only grow and live in the dark and in the fog, but it can't stand in the light!

Please fight with us for a world wide overcoming, I would like to hear wonderful Joan Baez singing "We have overcome" so very, very much!

Don't buy German goods as long as Germany fights down the freedom of information and opinion and as long as Germany is going to occupy other countries with it's money and as long as German Justice and German Police act criminal!

Every Euro You give them gives them more Power! And that Power they are using to fight us all! So don't give them Your money!

We love You all!

By the name of German Anarchists

Winfried Sobottka, Karl-Haarmann-Straße 75, 44536 Lünen, BR-Deutschland
ski  7 | 140  
12 Sep 2008 /  #233
And me.

Yes and you.

you liked it because he could not be taken seriously and presents no real challenge for anybody. A won argument before it even got started.


"I didn't exspect any other thing: In the Polish Forum in English are cavorting SS-Satanists to lead that forum under their control. They have their dirty fingers in all soups, and one of our jobs it is to beat onto those dirty fingers wherever we meet them!"

I agree with him that some members here play in one team and support some controversial ideas. Sobbotka had pointed something out. At this point he is right.

Going back to German products, In my opinion Poles should buy their products because after communism polands "business" was weak and there is need to strenghten it. Going back to German products. Why ?

Lets listen argumentation Germans give when it comes to Nord Stream. IT IS JUST BUSINESS. I see it as our national interest, so we should send signal that it is wrong way. It shouldn't be verbal signal but simple economical signal like small depresion in export to Poland what is more whole central europe durring recession.

sounds cool

shopgirl  6 | 928  
12 Sep 2008 /  #234
Yep, Okay Wini! Got it! Whatever you say!
Peace dude! :)
Dekameron  1 | 146  
12 Sep 2008 /  #235
Lets listen argumentation Germans give when it comes to Nord Stream. IT IS JUST BUSINESS. I see it as our national interest, so we should send signal that it is wrong way. It shouldn't be verbal signal but simple economical signal like small depresion in export to Poland durring recession.

You do realise that Poland and Germany are mutually dependent economically as both are each others largest markets ?

I agree that Nord Stream is against our national interest ( in fact its against Germany national interests too but they dont see that and wont see it that way untill its too late ) but economic boycott would hurt us, a lot.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
12 Sep 2008 /  #236
( in fact its against Germany national interests too...

How so?
ski  7 | 140  
12 Sep 2008 /  #237
I agree that Nord Stream is against our national interest ( in fact its against Germany national interests too but they dont see that and wont see it that way untill its too late ) but economic boycott would hurt us, a lot.

Of course it is against their national interest because when we are going to be more dependent from Russia ... we are going to listen to Russia I wouldn't be so sure if it is in EU interest or German interest.

You do realise that Poland and Germany are mutually dependent economically as both are each others largest markets ?

I have been making business with Germans and I'd say that they have kind of national calculation. Eventhough for example "deutsche bank" is bridge beetwen Germany and Russia ... I couldn't be costumer of this bank as long as this bank represents interests which are very bad for my country. The same goes to many other companies.
Dekameron  1 | 146  
12 Sep 2008 /  #238
How so?

If in the near future Russia and Germany find each other at odds which given the unstable nature of their goverments mentality is quite possible Russia will simply turn off the walve and you're fracked.

Russia has proven time and time again that with them its not just business its politics and you cant seriously assume that Germany is going to be best chums with Russia forever, sooner or later russian demands will stretch to Germany for political or economical concessions that will definitely not serve your interest and if you are dependent on their gas, what then ?
Sobottka  2 | 106  
12 Sep 2008 /  #239
Haven't You been that one setting the movie about Nazis's murdering?

You should have more arguments not to buy German products: What will be if Germany is going on buying Poland step by step? Every people has to hold his own land in it's own hands! If German concerns are the owners of Poland, they will do to Polish people what ever they want! Do You really think the whole Ghost of SS had died on 8th of May 1945? What could be the reason for German concerns to buy Poland step by step? Can You imagine a good reason for that?

No country should buy more from other countries then it can sell to other countries, cause more buying than selling leads to dependence and slavery at last!

That Poland is weaken is no wonder: It has been occupied from Germans or Russians the most time in the last centuries, and it is really a problem for Poland up to now that German SS has given it's best to kill the highest intelligence of Poland.

That is a point where Germany is bound to help Poland by transfering know how for free and giving help to use that know how for free. That should be a demand of Polish government, we Anarchists would support that.

Going back to German products, In my opinion Poles should buy their products because after communism polands "business" was weak and there is need to strenghten it. Going back to German products. Why ?

Lets listen argumentation Germans give when it comes to Nord Stream. IT IS JUST BUSINESS. I see it as our national interest, so we should send signal that it is wrong way. It shouldn't be verbal signal but simple economical signal like small depresion in export to Poland what is more whole central europe durring recession.
sounds cool

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
12 Sep 2008 /  #240
If in the near future Russia and Germany find each other at odds which given the unstable nature of their goverments mentality is quite possible Russia will simply turn off the walve and you're fracked.

We are already at odds often enough as it is.
But even during the Cold War Russia never used their energy as a weapon...

Did you know that Poland was offered 4 times to be a part of the pipeline? To get their own branch??? Your energy concern was offered parts of the pipeline, it was your gov who declined EVERY compromise...

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