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Poland boycotts German goods?

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
12 Sep 2008 /  #121
Yup, Daisy is a tough girl....you don' know what she did made me doing earlier!
Sobottka  2 | 106  
12 Sep 2008 /  #122
Their job it is to kill informations, to spread errors and to write wishy-washy. They get paid for that.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
12 Sep 2008 /  #123
Well...how about some evidence for that...I (and noone else) cares much for your PERSONAL OPINIONS! We would like to see made a good case for your point...you know....with links, articles, such things...can't be so hard since it is all so clear for you!
Sobottka  2 | 106  
12 Sep 2008 /  #124
You are her sexual slave? Not very unusual among SS-Satanists...

Anything else?

Yup, Daisy is a tough girl....you don' know what she did made me doing earlier!

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
12 Sep 2008 /  #125
You are her sexual slave? Not very unusual among SS-Satanists..

He...Daisy did you hear that???

ski  7 | 140  
12 Sep 2008 /  #126
Bratwurst you are Germanic pagan and racist ... Now you try to laught but you are NAZI.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
12 Sep 2008 /  #127
Now you try to laught but you are NAZI.

Well..if it rocks your boat...I don't care what a "ski" thinks of me!
You were always a twit and you will stay one! :)

"Nutters of PF (Sobby and Ski) unite"

LOL :)
Sobottka  2 | 106  
12 Sep 2008 /  #128
The usual reaction of a sexual slave: If he doesn't know what's to do/to say, he calls his domina for help....

He...Daisy did you hear that???


Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
12 Sep 2008 /  #129
Hey Sobbi...we still wait for more than your personal slime...where is the support, the evidence???

Edit: Winnie? Is that you??? From this

Area 51 Illuminaten Esoterik Forum



I fear there goes our evidence...:)
ski  7 | 140  
12 Sep 2008 /  #130
Well..if it rocks your boat...I don't care what a "ski" thinks of me!
You were always a twit and you will stay one! :)

I am not twit. :) you are Nazi twit. Who reads this forum knows that very well. Sobottka called this forum "SS-Satanic" He is right because you are Nazi. You spread this ideaology on this forum "lets be pagans" "only pagans are able to clean europe from different elements" " white pride" . IT IS SS SATANISM
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
12 Sep 2008 /  #131
Maybe you should just try another forum?


Sobbi is already there....:)
You both like to utter opinions without any evidence...must be fun!
Sobottka  2 | 106  
12 Sep 2008 /  #132
You cannot bring arguments, You can only defame. You can be lucky that most people here aren't able do read and understand German texts. But Polish and Czech people here have understood that You are a sloped German, they call You a NAZI, I call You an SS-Satanist.

Hey Sobbi...we still wait for more than your personal slime...where is the support, the evidence???

Edit: Winnie? Is that you??? From this

Area 51 Illuminaten Esoterik Forum



Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
12 Sep 2008 /  #133
Hey Sobbi...boy are you ugly!

I found you in a gaming board, in a dating board ("unbedingter Anhänger der wahren Liebe") etc....you have no real life, don't you?
ski  7 | 140  
12 Sep 2008 /  #134
Sobbi is already there....:)
You both like to utter opinions without any evidence...must be fun!

What kond of evidence are you looking for. Hitler was occultic maniac. Lets face facts I have presented evidences that you are Nazi and you just smile and try to be funny but the fact is that everybody who reads this forum for longere time knows what is your mission and main "record". Anny way conversation with you is the same like with your politicians about Nord Stream.

Once again watch it carefully

Sobottka  2 | 106  
12 Sep 2008 /  #135
Bratwurst boy, is Your domina Daisy not at Your side yet? So that You must come up with crazy ideas of Your own?

@ ski: They do not follow Hitler, they are the folowers of Himmler, that Satanist who has founded the ORDER OF THE BLACK SUN .

Have a look at that what every German has on the back of his identity card:

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
12 Sep 2008 /  #136
Once again watch it carefully

Ooooh...now I get it!
You think they survived somehow and came back to haunt you???

Ah..no fear...Bratty will help you! :)

Lets face facts I have presented evidences that you are Nazi

I somehow missed it...can you please post your evidence again?

Bratwurst boy, is Your domina Daisy not at Your side yet? So that You must come up with crazy ideas of Your own?

He...at least I HAVE a domina...looking at your pic I fear your desperate call on this dating site was to no avail! :(

You cannot bring arguments

Well...I wouldn't call millions SS-Satanists either so it's not me who has to bring some support...
shopgirl  6 | 928  
12 Sep 2008 /  #137
The usual reaction of a sexual slave: If he doesn't know what's to do/to say, he calls his domina for help....

I thought that was my job????

Have I been replaced?
Fickle germans!
Sobottka  2 | 106  
12 Sep 2008 /  #138
@ ski: They are producing the most evil murders even in Germany. They will kill critical people as You if they can. It is not a joke, they are really diabolic. But otherwise they are silly and coward. Bratwurst would have a s*h*i*.* into his trousers if he would stand opposite to me.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
12 Sep 2008 /  #139
Have I been replaced?
Fickle germans!

A real man can have two dominas, can't he? *ducks* :)

They will kill critical people as You if they can.

But somehow you are still alive and screeching...

Bratwurst would have a s*h*i*.* into his trousers if he would stand opposite to me

You ARE ugly...but not THAT ugly....:)

Oh...and we are still waiting to show us some more but your personal utterings to support your statements...why is that so hard to get from you?

May it be that there isn't any?
Sobottka  2 | 106  
12 Sep 2008 /  #140
I am not screeching. And that I am alive yet has several reasons, as I have already written in this thread.

Not at least that I am an elite-fighter - better than Waffen-SS has ever been, but standing on the right side.

But somehow you are still alive and screeching...


Bratwurst would have a s*h*i*.* into his trousers if he would stand opposite to me

Dekameron  1 | 146  
12 Sep 2008 /  #141
@ ski: They are producing the most evil murders even in Germany. They will kill critical people as You if they can. It is not a joke, they are really diabolic. But otherwise they are silly and coward. Bratwurst would have a s*h*i*.* into his trousers if he would stand opposite to me

Crack is bad for you, don't do crack.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
12 Sep 2008 /  #142
I am an elite-fighter - better than Waffen-SS has ever been


That's the truth of the matter, isn't it?
You adore them...but it's forbidden...it's a known psychological problem...you can't stop talking about them...you wish they would still be there...but they must be something bad so you can keep on talking about them...

Boy what a sick, sick mind! :(
Sobottka  2 | 106  
12 Sep 2008 /  #143
I am not adoring Waffen SS, Bratwurst, You are that one of us who is doing so.

to Dekameron:

They have murdered the 15-Year old young woman Nadine O. in Wetter/Ruhr in August 2006 in a very, very cruel way. Then the police of Hagen near Dortmund and the Landeskriminalamt of Nordrhein-Westfalen falsified proofs abusing the technically confident DNA-Proof to push that murder into the shoes of an unguilty young men.

That is only one example, and the logical proof is already published in Internet - in German language. It is not the evening of all days.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
12 Sep 2008 /  #144
Tell me more....a girl gets murdered by an aquaintance...that's sad...but that has to do with SS-Satanists exactly what?

You are that one of us who is doing so.

Well...I'm NOT the one mentioning them in every second sentence! :)

These "SS-Satanists" do they have a website or similiar? How do you know about them?
ski  7 | 140  
12 Sep 2008 /  #145
Everybody who reads this forum sees impudence. Read his discussions about muslims and other races ... and look now.
Sobottka  2 | 106  
12 Sep 2008 /  #146
Bratwurst, You are able to read German language, and I hope that some Polish and Czech people here will also be able to:

Gemeinsam mit meinen wahren Schwestern und Brüdern, den Anarchistinnen und Anarchisten in Österreich und der BRD, die ein Deutschland für uns sind, konnte ich das Wesen des Unrechtsstaates BRD, der sich gegenüber der Öffentlichkeit im In- wie Ausland geschickt das Antlitz eines Rechtsstaates gibt, aufdecken: Staatlicher Mord, Missbrauch des DNA-Beweises zur Falschverurteilung eines Unschuldigen, unter Beteiligung von LKA-NRW und Polizei Hagen:

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
12 Sep 2008 /  #147
Gemeinsam mit meinen wahren Schwestern und Brüdern, den Anarchistinnen und Anarchisten in Österreich und der BRD, die ein Deutschland für uns sind, konnte ich das Wesen des Unrechtsstaates BRD, der sich gegenüber der Öffentlichkeit im In- wie Ausland geschickt das Antlitz eines Rechtsstaates gibt, aufdecken: Staatlicher Mord, Missbrauch des DNA-Beweises zur Falschverurteilung eines Unschuldigen, unter Beteiligung von LKA-NRW und Polizei Hagen:

Excuse me but I would prefer a statement from an official site not what you personally think about it.

The culprit was a 19 year old aquaintance who get's his deserved trial and punishment for it...

Everybody who reads this forum sees impudence. Read his discussions about muslims and other races ... and look now.

Well...help us out here...you see something others obviously don't...just point it out, why won't you?
Sobottka  2 | 106  
12 Sep 2008 /  #148
He is, but You should know that there is a reason for that: He feels very, very unhappy and is conditioned and dominated by means that You and I wouldn't like. The error and the crazyness are the most important facts regarding Satanists - not only SS-Satanists...

Bratwurst Boy:

Tell me more....

Isn't he disgusting ? ....

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
12 Sep 2008 /  #149
HEY I'm just asking questions!

I ask for support, for evidence, for stuff about these "SS-Satanists".
There must be something out there, I want to learn...HEEEELP MEEEEEEE!
Sobottka  2 | 106  
12 Sep 2008 /  #150
I have used only the informations that the police and the justice have given theirself. The rest is logic.

You know best that German newspapers would not write about murdering police that falsifies proofs to sentence an unguilty man for their murder.

Excuse me but I would prefer a statement from an official site not what you personally think about it.

to stuff about SS-Satanists: Take the book of Ulla Fröhling, "Vater unser in der Hölle", for instance, or good books about the SS in the time up to 1945.

BILD-Zeitung does not report about that - as You know: Satanic organisations are very, very secret organisations.

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