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If Poland is attacked by Russia will N.A.T.O help defend Poland or not?

sjam  2 | 541  
3 Nov 2009 /  #122
How do you think you defeat a lone civilian with bombs strapped to his body, determined to kill himself and to blow the next market place full of families up to heaven too?

The solution to defeating the Taliban is simple it is not rocket science.

Stop using heroin!


Seeds of Terror: How Heroin is Bankrolling the Taliban and Al Qaeda
by Gretchen Peters
Oneworld Publications (1 Jun 2010)
ISBN-13: 978-1851687510
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11926  
3 Nov 2009 /  #123
Stop using heroin!

Erm...I don't...honestly!!!

On the other hand giving the dirt poor afghan poppy farmers motivations to try something else works not bad also.
There are also lots of campaigns going right now. But they need alternatives....

Another thing what isn't and shouldn't be the duty of military NATO troops!


It seems they couldn't convince the Irish...so what?
cheehaw  2 | 263  
3 Nov 2009 /  #124
It would be a first.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
3 Nov 2009 /  #125
And that is the problem with stupid people, instead of having you euthanized like they did in Sparta society lets you bloody morons grow up, come to this here board and **** me off with stupid posts.

You know, you really start to annoy me with your retarded remarks. You have no clue of what is going on and you accompany this with showing what an under-educated and inferior person you are. I will contact the mods to have you banned. I think that should be appropriate for you for a while. Furthermore, NL and GB have huge gas-reserves on their territory, Norway has a huge Oilreserve. The West basically doesn't need Russia for it's gas and fossile fuels. They're just buying it from Russia because they earn more by selling their own reserves and buying cheaper gas from Russia. But if the need arises, we can very well supply our own gas and oil. You haven't got a clue, don't you? PL needs Russia's gas yes, but we DON'T should need arise. Now go and leave this thread, you have nothing to add than a display of your paranoid nature. And besides, I'm here nearly a year longer than you are, so shut the f*ck up. If you hate yourself, go seek professional help, don't bother us with your petty frustrations.


M-G (has had it with Sokrates' moronic remarks)
Senach  1 | 47  
3 Nov 2009 /  #126
We have are own way's of dealing with our traitor's, and your "so what? you are quite right,you have the Goverment you deserve enjoy.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11926  
3 Nov 2009 /  #127
What traitors? It's all your polish parties and the majority of your people!
What are you going to do? Kill them?
polishcanuck  7 | 461  
3 Nov 2009 /  #128
PolishCanuck,....what the hell do you know about anything? You're from Canada.

I know more about europe than you, yank. I was born in poland and i bet i've spent more time in europe than yourself.

Just go back to the abortion thread and continue talking about religious ********. It's the only reason why you came to this forum.

Only if they too are interested in becoming steaks!

Obviously no nation will launch nukes, not even north korea or iran (if they get 'em) - it would be the end of the world. That's why i've provided 2 options. If we don't kill ourselves, cyberware will be the future (it has already started btw).

Well...alone because we are immediate neighbours to any threat....you can bet on it!

You can't blame me for being so pessimistic, krautboy. Poland has been abandoned by it's allies in the past. And also, don't forget the molotov-ribbentrop pact:) History likes to repeat itself.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11926  
3 Nov 2009 /  #129
You can't blame me for being so pessimistic, krautboy. Poland has been abandoned by it's allies in the past.

I don't remember Germany being Polands ally recently...;)

History likes to repeat itself.

Europe has changed big time!
polishcanuck  7 | 461  
3 Nov 2009 /  #130
I don't remember Germany being Polands ally recently...;)

Oh come on kraut, you know what i was making reference to:)

Or maybe you are suggesting that germany would make a more loyal ally than france/uk in a future conflict? :)
But yes i agree, germany needs poland as a buffer.

Europe has changed big time!

Yeah it has. Europe also changed in ww1 when it was said that ww1 was to be "a war to end all wars":) Things always change.
wildrover  98 | 4430  
3 Nov 2009 /  #131


What is the abusive term for a Polish person.....does anyone know...?

I am a limey by the way , or should i be refered to as an angol by anybody trying to be a smart mouth...
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
3 Nov 2009 /  #132
I will contact the mods to have you banned.

Dont forget to kiss my ass on your way out.

Europe has changed big time!

We dont know that untill a major crisis happens, all the treaties, all international organisations are a big honking unknown in times of peace.

Take a look at Franco-British-Polish alliance, technically it had much greater legal basis then NATO.

Obviously no nation will launch nukes,

Why? US used nuclear bunker busters in Nowherestan. I can think of dozens of situations where Russia, Israel, Pakistan or India decide its mushroom time.

Or maybe you are suggesting that germany would make a more loyal ally than france/uk in a future conflict? :)
But yes i agree, germany needs poland as a buffer.

And you just answered yourself, Germany is the most likely ally Poland would have, somewhere in the deepest pits of hell Stalin and Hitler are banging the sides of their cauldrons in rage:))
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
3 Nov 2009 /  #133
Why? US used nuclear bunker busters in Nowherestan. I can think of dozens of situations where Russia, Israel, Pakistan or India decide its mushroom time

This just goes to show that you haven't got a clue, you lousy little rat. Except for your negativity and racism and all. Ever heard of mutual destruction? Wasn't that the reason why the Cold War never turned hot? Guess you haven't heard about that, you negative, racist ******.

Now, don't contribute anymore to this subject. You obviously haven't got a tiny little clue.

M-G (tiens)
polishcanuck  7 | 461  
3 Nov 2009 /  #134
I can think of dozens of situations where Russia, Israel, Pakistan or India decide its mushroom time.

It's all talk though. If iran launches nukes at israel, they will retaliate. The result will be a mutual destruction of both countries and the spread of radiation. Why would they want this?
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
3 Nov 2009 /  #135

Let him be. He wants a war. Let's hope for him that he gets to go to the front first and out last.


M-G (tiens)
3 Nov 2009 /  #136
And that is the problem with stupid people, instead of having you euthanized like they did in Sparta society lets you bloody morons grow up, come to this here board and **** me off with stupid posts.

You know, you really start to annoy me with your retarded remarks. You have no clue of what is going on and you accompany this with showing what an under-educated and inferior person you are (...) I'm here nearly a year longer than you
are, so shut the f*ck up.

Dont forget to kiss my ass on your way out.

This just goes to show that you haven't got a clue, you lousy little rat (...) Guess you haven't heard about that, you negative, racist ******.

I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship :)
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
3 Nov 2009 /  #137

He just doesn't know how to thank me for being raised with the toys that my family sent him in the late 70's, early 80's because the Poles were poor then.



M-G (tiens)
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
3 Nov 2009 /  #138
mutual destruction

Mutually assured destruction aka MAD, at least spell it out right if you're making sad attempts at patronising :))))
sjam  2 | 541  
3 Nov 2009 /  #139
If iran launches nukes at israel,

Does anyone seriously think Israel would really allow Iran to have nuclear weapons in the first place?

I think not... only the USA stands in their way...for now. israelli bombers will be on their way some day soon. When Isarel decides to act it acts regardless—that is one of its great strengths :-)))
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
3 Nov 2009 /  #140
Take a look at Franco-British-Polish alliance, technically it had much greater legal basis then NATO

Take a look at the Franco-British-Polish alliance: technically, it had a much greater legal basis than NATO has.

Wow, that's 6 errors in one sentence....You have not passed the test...So far for your correcting abilities.


M-G (tiens tiens, poor Sokrates - nobody loves him...)

Bratwurst Boy

*there will be a short break now as M-G has to go to a shop*


M-G (Bratwurst may as well do the laundry in the meantime)
Senach  1 | 47  
3 Nov 2009 /  #141
That helmet a little tight,or does it work like a tin foil hat,No sir you arrest the members of the Dial for treason by lying to the people and selling their sovereignty,why should we kill million's of people who were conned, Genocide, that is a Saxon practice.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
3 Nov 2009 /  #143
Senach = RevokeLisbon = RevokeNice


M-G (and what did I win, Shirley?)
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
3 Nov 2009 /  #144
If Poland will be attacked by Russia will N.A.T.O help defend Poland or not?

NATO doesn't even have plans what to do in case of attack on Poland or any other new member. If Poland will be attacked, they will discuss, discuss, discuss...
Senach  1 | 47  
3 Nov 2009 /  #145
Bratwurst Boy

What lying? maybe that goes with your What Genocide?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11926  
4 Nov 2009 /  #146
What lying? maybe that goes with your What Genocide?

Is that your lone argument??? ROFL
To convince others you need to do better than sitting moping in a corner and blather about genocide Revvie....I wonder why your irish fellows didn't reacted to your "genocide"-argument and voted against the treaty in masses....you fool nobody!

...and you are becoming boring quickly...
Senach  1 | 47  
4 Nov 2009 /  #147
Strong words,were you thumping the table while saying that,did you have the impulse to raise your arm,i do not need any other arguement for you,as you cannot excuse your countries action's,in my opinion Germany as a nation should have been broken up and given to the surrounding nation's and your people's spread around the world as persona non gratis,until the memory of those crime's dwindled into history and your gene's diluted,then maybe you people's would be fit to join the human race.

If i bore you well get used to it,we lost 14 of our family,all the children under 2 and all the old,and my Grandfather on Monte Cassino.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11926  
4 Nov 2009 /  #148
Strong words,were you thumping the table while saying that,did you have the impulse to raise your arm

Well...your countrymen seem to love it!
It seems your "opinion" is of interest for nobody...get used to it loser!
Senach  1 | 47  
4 Nov 2009 /  #149
Loser? and the mighty German Army has not had a win in a hundred years,2-0 Loser,and i am sure you should check your Ydna,you may find your Grandma had a Russian sausage not Bratwurst,instead of being on a Polish site,you can start finding you ansectors among the Cossack's or the Tarter's.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11926  
4 Nov 2009 /  #150
....and still your fellow Irish voted for the EU...my that must hurt, doesn't it! ;)

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