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Air Raid Sirens today at 12 noon in Poland??

1 Sep 2007 /  #1
does anyone know what might have been the occasion for the 2 minute blast?

i know that they did it the Monday after the bus crash tragedy in France.

The sirens were in my city, Szczecin
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
1 Sep 2007 /  #2
they also did it for the warsaw uprising memorial this summer
Magdalena  3 | 1827  
1 Sep 2007 /  #3
does anyone know what might have been the occasion for the 2 minute blast?

How about the outbreak of WW2?
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
1 Sep 2007 /  #4
german invasion of poland
OP nauczyciel  
1 Sep 2007 /  #5
/\ way to ride someones coat-tails
isthatu  3 | 1164  
1 Sep 2007 /  #6
1st September 1939,Id guess like others,maybe they will go off again on the 17th?
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
1 Sep 2007 /  #7
was the outbreak of ww2 on 1st or 3rd sept?
Crow  154 | 9463  
1 Sep 2007 /  #8
Listen,... I can imagine Serb who come to Szczecin and, lat`s say during lunch Air Raid Sirens activates. One would peobably say: ``F***, NATO found me even in Szczecin!``

BDW, I would for people of Polishforums.com, once prepare full rapport about life conditions in case of modern warfare bombardment- so that my Polish brothers and sisters could be well informed in case that Germany try something. No, don`t tell me that Russia could try something, too. No, Russia won`t dare to ruin its position inside of Slavic world once again.
Daisy  3 | 1211  
1 Sep 2007 /  #9
``F***, NATO found me even in Szczecin!``

you're paranoid
Crow  154 | 9463  
1 Sep 2007 /  #11
Quoting: Crow
``F***, NATO found me even in Szczecin!``

you're paranoid

Now, imagine that you say that to Serbs in Szczecin, as your reaction on his comment about sirens.

On that, he might say (of, course considering that he is paranoid): ``Beware, they would found you, too.``

and confused

On that, paranoid Serb could tell: ``Time would give all answers to you.``
isthatu  3 | 1164  
1 Sep 2007 /  #12
wtf has this thread got to do with nato bombing war criminals and mass murderers?Only thing nato did wrong was not to bomb the crap out of them 5,6 years earlier thousands of people may have still been alive and not pinned to barn doors or roasted alive by thugs.btw,other slav's incase you hadnt noticed.

In answer to bubbawoo's Q,
WW2 started ,more accurattly sometime around 1940 once fighting broke out in North Africa,untill then it had been a localised european war, the first shots of the war though occured in the early hours of the 1st of september when the german cruiser shlisweig holstien(sp?) shelled the Westerplatte garrison in danzig/gdansk. War was declred on germany by britain and france on the 3rd thus expanding it from just a polish/german conflict. Mind you,tracing back further to the year before when Czechoslovakia was invaded and carved up by germany and,wait,what was the other country who got in on the action again,invaded from the north,er,no,cant remeber;) or more likely the origins can be traced to 36 and the start of the spanish civil war,a world war fought by proxy on spanish soil but where all the major players of the 2nd ww were involved in more or less grubby little ways.
plk123  8 | 4119  
1 Sep 2007 /  #13
sept 1 germans rolled onto the polish soil from the west.. ruskies from the east. it was really never just a german polish war from the beginning.

No, don`t tell me that Russia could try something, too. No, Russia won`t dare to ruin its position inside of Slavic world once again.

and yes, russia would. i don't trust putin at all. he is shrubco like; just seems a little more gun shy then the cowboy.
isthatu  3 | 1164  
1 Sep 2007 /  #14
er,the russians invaded on the 17th,so technically from 1st untill 3rd when britain and france declared war it was just a polish/german conflict,not to split hairs or anything.Mind you,the Slovaks had some troops with the germans from day one,so i suppose........

for rest of posts dont worry ,youve not cracked up,they have been shipped off somewhere else on the forum.....
Crow  154 | 9463  
3 Sep 2007 /  #15
for rest of posts dont worry ,youve not cracked up,they have been shipped off somewhere else on the forum.....


I have my free speach gheto hire but, that`s OK with me. It is still much more then Serbian representatives geting from EU institutions

on Polish forum, one Racowie, at least can get some rights. Thanks for that Poles

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