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The new Polish Minister of Finance is British

16 Nov 2007 /  #1
Well that's buggered it up for every English man now in Poland :(

When he screws up everyone will hate the English and we will have to start running.

The newly appointed Minister of Finance in Poland requested to give his social security number -Informs Radio RMF FM . The submission of an application on his behalf asked his colleagues. If such requirements minister will report in person . Rostowski has no social security number since he was born abroad and a citizen of the United Kingdom.

The new Minister of Finance explained that the identification number ...

Crow  154 | 9556  
16 Nov 2007 /  #2
The new Polish Minister of Finance is British


What you think, what are chances that he is Pan-Slavic orriented? Two words- No chance
Polson  5 | 1767  
16 Nov 2007 /  #3
what are chances that he is Pan-Slavic orriented?

Who really is ? ;)
Crow  154 | 9556  
16 Nov 2007 /  #4
i am, really and, i know many who are
Polson  5 | 1767  
16 Nov 2007 /  #5
I know you are, but who else is ? Do you know people in Poland who are panslavists ?...
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
16 Nov 2007 /  #6
He is Polish born in UK, son of a member of Polish government in exile.
Crow  154 | 9556  
16 Nov 2007 /  #7
I know you are, but who else is ? Do you know people in Poland who are panslavists ?...

yes, i know some Polish pan-Slavists, Czech, Lusatian, Russian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Ukrainian, etc, too.

Modern Pan-Slavism is spiritual-political concept of future. Only among Pan-Slavists you can found people who consider as something normal to speak truth, who are brave enough to live free and to think with their own head. Those are most tolerant people of this Earth and racialy aware on one normal, non-vulgar way, people who clearly see future of United States of Slavia, ultimate tower of Slavic civilization. Those are guys and girls who understand that races and nations of Earth have only future in cooperation and mutual help. Religion doesn`t divide Pan-Slavists but asure them that Slavic world and people in general are so interesting.

Slavs has their mission. We are children of Gaia, fifth element.

Slavdom- home of Slavs
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
16 Nov 2007 /  #8
We are children of Gaia, fifth element.

I see... :):)
16 Nov 2007 /  #9
Hey Crow, and who would be taking the lead of this union of Slavs? Surely Russia would want to, that would cause all kinds of problems on its own.
Polson  5 | 1767  
16 Nov 2007 /  #10
...So Spain, Italy and Portgual should join a "Latindom", Germany, the Scandinavian countries, the Netherlands, England...should join a "Germanicdom", and so on...

The UE is good enough, and more mixed in term of culture and religions.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
16 Nov 2007 /  #11
Slavdom- home of Slavs

Poland was once a part of a "slavdom". The result was that Polish language was banned from schools and all kids had to learn Russian instead, so thanks, but no, thanks.

Instead of that flag and gene waving, why don't we just get up in the morning, go to work like we should, take care of our kids and not step on people's toes. If all of us do it then the will be no need for all the doms (or subs)
Crow  154 | 9556  
16 Nov 2007 /  #12
Quoting: Crow
Slavdom- home of Slavs

Poland was once a part of a "slavdom". The result was that Polish language was banned from schools and all kids had to learn Russian instead, so thanks, but no, thanks.


Mr, with all due reaspect

When talk about things i suggest you to opperates with facts and to use approprate designations for events, people, etc. Otehrwise, your tongue would just klap klap and message would be just bla bla. What i want to say, speak truth man, speak truth

I will show you...

Russian Empire was Russian Empire and it wasn`t Slavdom, for sure. Poland as part of Russian Empire was under occupation.

See, it was easy. Now, when we are capable to say truth, we can continue and our message isn`t just bla bla

Slavic Unity refusing occupation as tool for re-union. It consider to be shelter, not a prison.

Slavic countries/peoples, if segmented, can`t avoid to be assimilated. That`s why, Slavic Union will become reality. People would demand it, on streets, in parlaments.

...So Spain, Italy and Portgual should join a "Latindom", Germany, the Scandinavian countries, the Netherlands, England...should join a "Germanicdom", and so on...

It would be interesting what would choose Ireland, Wells and Scotland. There is great possibility that they choose Slavdom.

Scandinavian countries, possible would choose Slavdom too, same as Hungary. Austria and Germany, well, forget about them, they would disintegrate. Why? Conflict with Serbs is just bad luck for evil Empires and all hegemonies which attacked us just disappeared in history. Somehow, attack on Serbs activates some forces/balance which exist between powers and those who are hostile in that situation just must go down. You would see, Germany is `kaput`. Austria, England, too. Belgian, they were against us, now they disintegrates. Bad luck, I telling you. France- well, God help them. Spain, Italy and Portgual. Look, Northern Italy already choosed Slavdom. Rest is Semitic world. Same as with great deal of Spain and Portugal. That would be Semitia. Romania would be Gipsyland.

The UE is .... more mixed

You get the point. Like with finger in the eye
Polson  5 | 1767  
16 Nov 2007 /  #13
Ireland, Wells and Scotland [...] There is great possibility that they choose Slavdom

Scandinavian countries, possible would choose Slavdom too, same as Hungary

Northern Italy already choosed Slavdom

I thought that Slavdom was a union of slavic countries, slavic cultures...why would the Skandi countries choose Slavdom, as well as Northern Italy, and Ireland, Wales, Scotland ?...

Quoting: Polson
The UE is .... more mixed

You get the point. Like with finger in the eye

Personnally i feel great in the EU, and i think that Poland too (most of the Poles are happy with that, and they're right). Now Poland has more and more nice roads, highways, etc. thanks particularly to the EU funds, and that's great. The best and most beautiful highway i was on, was the A4 (i think) from Wrocław to Gliwice by sundown...it was like driving on an airport track, it was amazing ;)
Crow  154 | 9556  
16 Nov 2007 /  #14
I thought that Slavdom was a union of slavic countries, slavic cultures...why would the Skandi countries choose Slavdom, as well as Northern Italy, and Ireland, Wales, Scotland ?...

You know, all they possible were Slavs or part of Slavic cultural area.

As I said once, Slavs has common origin but modern concept of Slavdom is even more than that. Its alternative approach to civilized life in balance with nature, based on Slavic (original Western) cultural and linguistic heritage.

USA is based on Anglo-Saxon and Jewish heritage, EU on Semitio-German heritage in general, etc.

Personnally i feel great in the EU, and i think that Poland too (most of the Poles are happy with that, and they're right). Now Poland has more and more nice roads, highways, etc. thanks particularly to the EU funds, and that's great. The best and most beautiful highway i was on, was the A4 (i think) from Wrocław to Gliwice by sundown...it was like driving on an airport track, it was amazing ;)

Poland is obliged to take best from EU, as all Slavs, considering that western parts of Europe- as bastions of Semitic ideological constructions, for thousands of years exploited Slavs.
Polson  5 | 1767  
16 Nov 2007 /  #15
You know, all they possible were Slavs or part of Slavic cultural area.

...not really, the Skandis are from Germanic tribes, as the Netherlands, Germany, etc. England is a mix of Germanic tribes (Anglo-Saxons, Danes, even Norwegians for the Northern part), French Normans, etc. And Italy in latin country...i'm sorry to tell you all this, but that's the truth. I can add that even the Poles are not all 100% slavic : germanic (German, Swedish, maybe Danish and Norwegian too), tatar, etc.

USA is based on Anglo-Saxon and Jewish heritage

For the Jewish heritage, it concerns Poland as well.

EU on Semitio-German heritage in general

What ?

considering that western parts of Europe for thousands of years exploited Slavs

In the past, Poland were a powerful country (Poland-Lithuania), no exploitation...
The EU is really good for Poland, you can't deny it.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
16 Nov 2007 /  #16

instead of your little tribal suggestions, do you think we'd better of with pan-humanism?
lesser  4 | 1311  
16 Nov 2007 /  #17
The EU is really good for Poland, you can't deny it.

I can, the EU is bad option for every each member country and the fact that Slavdrom is a complete utopia is another matter.
Polson  5 | 1767  
16 Nov 2007 /  #18
Slavdrom is a complete utopia

I agree.

the EU is bad option for every each member country

Why ? What's bad ?
Crow  154 | 9556  
16 Nov 2007 /  #19

instead of your little tribal suggestions, do you think we'd better of with pan-humanism?

It would be much batter that free civilizations of humankind laern to live side by side in mutual cooperation, in balance with nature. It would be much batter then that some super-power decide what is good for them and impose their ruling elite on rest of humanity. That is proposed by today`s false pan-humanists. They don`t care for others, just to prolongue rule of their inheritors.

So, to contribute to free humankind, we Slavs first must free ourselves and restore power and glory of our own civilization.

Darius man...

Imagine that some man enter on your private property and take your land, impose his rules on you and your children and in the same time demand that you are happy about it. Exactly this scenario you propose to Slavs. Shame on you

No, my kind won`t died in silence. While Serb live, Serb would demand freedom for Slavdom!

Freedom for Slavia! Free Lusatia! Free crucified Serbian Kosovo!

Down with Germans and their servants! Down with world policeman!
lesser  4 | 1311  
16 Nov 2007 /  #20
Why ? What's bad ?

What is the EU? A lot of institutions and millions of regulations,a huge bureaucracy obsessed by control mania like every other (Please mention some treaty which would reduce their competences if you disagree, this is impossible because every each treaty extend their competences). What is more those bureaucrats who have full mouth of "democratic" slogans don't care about it at all if opinion of societies don't stick to their vision. I have read a book of Russian dissident Vladimir Bukovsky based on Soviet archives that he had temporary access after collapse of the SU. Funny how former president of France F. Mitterrand during closed for media talks (already in 1989!), consulted with Soviet last leader M. Gorbachev the idea of European federation (one socialist state, without Soviet territories). They talked about this as this would be already decided and approved by people. There was no Maastricht or Amsterdam treaties signed at that time, not to mention Nice treaty or constitution! Your compatriots and the Dutch voters have voted against the constitution, people in many countries were not even asked but it doesn't matter because it must be like they want! So they will rename it and shamelessly avoid referendums. Sorry but this is what you all call democracy? EU Commissioners (named like in Soviet Union) which in fact run this bureaucracy are not even elected. No matter for what mayor party you would vote (and only such parties have access to media mainstream outlets) this really doesn't matter cause their goal is the same. This is not democracy but a cynical farce.

If you would organize referendum whether to dissolve the EU probably people would save them. But if you would ask them whether to radically reduce bureaucracy they would enthusiastically support such idea. Two basically the same questions and opposite answers! This proofs only that people don't really understand what is the EU all about. Because the EU is only a huge bureaucracy and nothing else.

I support all European free trade zone, I support Schengen zone which should be extended to the east but I'm totally against all their institutions and regulations.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
16 Nov 2007 /  #21
I support Schengen zone

With Schengen zone It's rather only a matter of time when a big terrorist attack happens in Poland.
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
16 Nov 2007 /  #22
everyone will hate the English

- It's totally improbable this can ever happen. Not in Poland, mate, and you know it.
slick77  - | 127  
16 Nov 2007 /  #23
United States of Slavia


We are children of Gaia, fifth element

Hmmmm...beside that everything OK?
lesser  4 | 1311  
16 Nov 2007 /  #24
With Schengen zone It's rather only a matter of time when a big terrorist attack happens in Poland.

I'm also against immigration, especially from third world and Muslim countries. Plus what is very important I'm against sticking our noses into their internal affairs. All troops should be withdraw and then they would not have a reason to target us.
Crow  154 | 9556  
16 Nov 2007 /  #25
Quoting: Crow
We are children of Gaia, fifth element

Hmmmm...beside that everything OK?

I know, i was in the mood


Quoting: Crow
USA is based on Anglo-Saxon and Jewish heritage

For the Jewish heritage, it concerns Poland as well.

Slavs were exposed to different ideological/religious influences thru their history but Slavic heritage survived. That heritage is last remain of original native European (geographicaly- not only European) heritage. Only thru Slavic heritage, Western civilization still live.

It is something else if we must learn to share our land and resources with people who basicaly isn`t Slavic but on the other side non-Slavs who live side by side with Slavs or cooperate with us, must learn to respect Slavic choice. That we call tolerance and Slavs don`t have problem with it. Problem never was in Slavs but in some greede non-Slavs, hostile on us.

Quoting: Crow
EU on Semitio-German heritage in general

What ?

let`s continue our disscusion hire...


I will tell you something. Truth is that ancient history of Europe represent one great open question.

But, what i wanted to say is that Skandinavians, Scots, Irish and Welsh preserved more of their native European spirituality, same as Slavs.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
19 Nov 2007 /  #26
So, to contribute to free humankind, we Slavs first must free ourselves and restore power and glory of our own civilization.

OK, I could be in for the slavdom but under some conditions:
- Cyrillic alphabet is dropped
- Russian language is eliminated as an official language
- all drunks are executed (Russian, Polish and others)
- Perun is declared the chief god
- I am declared the president, or a king (do not confuse with kink)
(other details to be discussed)

Edit: I almost forgot:

- I need a new laptop too.
Crow  154 | 9556  
19 Nov 2007 /  #27

Is that all?

szmata  - | 23  
1 Dec 2007 /  #28
4country’s sake, the new Polish Minister of Finance must be Jewish we know about $$$$$$
JuliePotocka  5 | 188  
14 Feb 2008 /  #29
All drunks executed?? But that's almost everyone I know...darius, ya can't be king!

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