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The new Polish government is going to do... reprivatisation

Lukasz  49 | 1746  
18 Dec 2007 /  #1
I have heard that our new gov is going to do reprivatisation ...

what means Polish people expelled form East in 45 will get some money for their properties there ... (Ukrainians are not going to pay single penny so only relationship would be harmed)

this 10 000 Jews will get some money

Polish people who have lost their properties because commie regime (enforced by Russia) decided that they are enemy of system or whatever ... are going to get some money ... (my family was confiscated three times because they were potential thread ... )

money will come from privatization of national companies ...

(of course we are not discussing about Germans )

What I want to add, and what is important it is because our economy is stronger and we are able to do it for our citizens ... when unemployment in Poland was about 20% it was really hard to manage some money to pay for our citizens who suffered because of commie regime decisions ...

What is important it is time to close this issue ...
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
18 Dec 2007 /  #2

can you explain anything about the 'shares' that were given to poles when the country became free - i heard about it many years ago, and how radio maria managed to persuade many people to give their shares to them, but never really understaood how it worked...
OP Lukasz  49 | 1746  
18 Dec 2007 /  #3
it was one of the worst Polands projects after '89 ... generaly people were cheated ... and populists always point it as a symbol of bad capitalism ... (generaly it is long story)

last time there was "ustawa uwłaszczeniowa" new law ... lets say "poor" part of our society have been given sth more that this pathetic project in '90s

what is the difference between this two projects, all people got particpated in project you mentioned, without difference if they had sth before commie come or not ... but the fact is that commies confiscated a lot of properties form Polish people just because the had aristocracy origin or were members of Home Army who fighted against German nazists (they were potential thread "if they fighted agianst germans they potentialy can start fighting against us" (way of thinking) ) (in case of Home Army there have already been some money given) what is more some rich peasants were confiscated as well ("rozkulaczanie") peope who had factories or other kind of business lost it ... people expeled from east have lost their properties as well ...

OK so main difference is that first project was for all people without looking if they were rich or poor on the begining of commie time ... this one is for this people who have had sth and were confiscated ... so their input in our national companies or growt was much higer ... this 10 000 jews were our citizens so if they had sth worthful and were confiscated will be treated in the same way as native Poles (but it have to be exactly their property not one of milions of Jews (big Jewish family ;) ) ...

we discusse about money because nobody is going to change owners of properties... and per cent of value of its worth because nobody is going to pay 100%

This is not official info, we dont have dates but it seams that sth will happen especialy after "ustawa uwłaszczeniowa"
lesser  4 | 1311  
19 Dec 2007 /  #4
what means Polish people expelled form East in 45 will get some money for their properties there ..

What a nonsense. This is up to Ukraine to pay them, Polish goverment even this communist one did not size their property.

Talking about the Jewish issue, I hope that our goverment will negotiate only with individuals and pay only to those who provide well documented evidence. However I'm afraid that they will pay just little 15% out of US$ 65 billion! (to Jewish World Congress which raised these insane demands, all 65 billion )
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
19 Dec 2007 /  #5
The World Jewish Congress is a gangster organization headed by the 'Canadian' Bronfman family, the biggest liquor purveyors/manufacturers in the world.
Vanguard  - | 24  
19 Dec 2007 /  #6
Yes. Jews are always making demands on people. They don't care if a country is rich or poor, they want money. They shook down Switzerland a few years ago, they've been shaking down Germany, and now Poland is the next on the list for some money.

This situation in Poland stinks of Gefilte fish.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
23 Jan 2008 /  #7
'Privitization' is usually a scheme wherby wealth elitists, speculator & gangsters aquire a
formely communist nation's important resources & infra-structure for pennies on the dollar, or in Poland's case for a few zlotys...now, in theory, it might have some merit, as

formely non-productive enterprises could be given an injection of new capital and new energy by new owners...but, with Russia in the 1990's as an example, you can see the

danger...wasn't this also called 'shock treatment' in Poland?
cyg  5 | 119  
24 Jan 2008 /  #8
Jews are always making demands on people. (...) They shook down Switzerland a few years ago, they've been shaking down Germany,

They "shook down" poor little Switzerland, which never, ever trafficked in stolen Jewish property. They "shook down" poor little Germany, which in no way had anything to do with that property being stolen. You're right, these Jews are horrible. How could the world have been so blind. Glad you're around to set us all straight.

As far as Poland goes, if property was nationalized illegally, then why the hell shouldn't the former owners be compensated, regardless of their ethnic origin? Having said that I'd be against any sort of group settlements - individuals who have been harmed should be given compensation, not organizations that claim to represent them.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
24 Jan 2008 /  #9
Im glad you got there before me, you were far more polite than I could have been!!!!!!!!!!
celinski  31 | 1258  
24 Jan 2008 /  #10
Poland is the next on the list for some money.

This is not a Jewish thing, this is a Polish that were sent to Siberia, killed and removed from their own property thing. Look up "osadnik", this was property given to front line heros that fought for a free Poland. Other military could purchase property. My grandfather was given the property and had to forfiet his medal for bravery on the front line. Of the ones deported by "Stalin"by July 1,1941 reports were over 10,000 were dead, today we know this is much higher.
Sadek  4 | 136  
24 Jan 2008 /  #11
it is not going to happen ... just another game on time ... Russians don't pay for Poles, Germans don't pay for Poles. Poles are not going pay for anybody
celinski  31 | 1258  
24 Jan 2008 /  #12
Poles are not going pay for anybody

This was set up by communist Poland 60 years ago. Yes there are applications and yes funds for this.

Compensation Law for Land Lost during the War beyond the Current
Borders". You have to be a Polish citizen (which means you or a
family member were born in Poland) and you need documents OR 2
witnesses attesting to your claim. There is a sunset clause; claims
must be lodged by the end of (or 2008?) only, then it's closed
forever. The financial compensation offered is not great, but is
based on a ratio (20-60% for Lwow believed) of the current land
value of an equivalent property around Krakow in present-day Poland.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
18 Feb 2008 /  #13
As far as Poland goes, if property was nationalized illegally, then why the hell shouldn't the former owners be compensated, regardless of their ethnic origin? Having said that I'd be against any sort of group settlements - individuals who have been harmed should be given compensation, not organizations that claim to represent them.

Hmm...maybe this could go for the Palestinians, too.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
25 Dec 2008 /  #14
Compensation claims are destabilising. Pandora's Box could really be opened.

Reprivatisation, has Tusk carried out his agenda?
Marek  4 | 867  
27 Dec 2008 /  #15
Problem with all the talk, at least in Germany, about the so-called "Heimatvertriebene", is that most were NOT of Polish, but rather of pure German, according to the Nazis, racially 'Aryan', descent, who therefore were 'entitled' (bodenberechtigt) to live in 'teutschen Landen'! The Poles expelled from presently Russian-occupied territory after WWII continue talking about repartriation.

What with the border areas continally changing hands, it really depends on whom you speak with.
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
27 Dec 2008 /  #16
Seanus, recompensation is a fact of life, better cowboy up as the rednecks say, lol. Recompensation happens everywhere. It happens in the US and it is not a destabilizing influence. Someone gets ripped off, they sue and the government pays them. That is soooo normal and typical. Poland is NOT the only country that goes thru this sort of thing. WELCOME TO EARTH!!!

The US, where I live, is always recompensating and is in a continual state of recompensation.
These things you complain about are just part of living on earth, lol. Is there one country in the developed world that hasn't had to recompensate someone somewhere? Listen, if Poles feel wronged, they should be more demanding, sue the government and jump on the recompensation bandwagon like everyone else.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
28 Dec 2008 /  #17
I know that. I was talking about recompensation on a mass scale. You start giving compensation to some and it spirals out of control.

Governments cannot admit fault here.
Dziady  - | 50  
28 Dec 2008 /  #18
Governments cannot admit fault here.

Of course they can. Contemporary democracies act in the best interest of the whole people. If they fail to do so, they can admit fault. In order to continue to do so, they do not have to contort to grandiose compensation schemes. If you'll humor my opinion, a full disclosure and an apology serve the greater good of the nation.
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
29 Dec 2008 /  #19
ReCompensation occurs after the government royally screws over a group of people. The US government has done it countless times concerning past treaties and is busy recompensating because of it. Until human beings become perfect, it's part of the human condition.
Marek  4 | 867  
29 Dec 2008 /  #20
There's a mega difference here between 're-pivatisation' and 'repatriation'! Former East German territories of which West Germans were deprived during the aftermah of the Berlin Blockade ('enteignet', lit. 'disowned' in German) belongs squarely under 're-privatisation', former Polish (now Ukrainian!) territories such as Tarnopil (formerly 'Tarnopol') or L'viv (formerly Lwów and originally 'Lemberg'-:)) come clearly under the category of 'repatriation', as again, those borders changed hands so often, it's hard to tell even now, who the land "originally" belonged to. Multilingual deeds are also pf little help, as their authenticity cannot be verified in many cases.

It's an ongoing problem, a solution to which I cannot imagine in the near future.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
30 Dec 2008 /  #21
Former East German territories of which West Germans were deprived during the aftermah of the Berlin Blockade

It is quite clear that Eastern Germany territories belong to Russia by the right of victor!
Crow  154 | 9541  
30 Dec 2008 /  #22
Let`s not forget... Eastern Germans are germanized Slavs

in a few years Russia should return to Eastern Germany and offer alternative to people there- `return to Slavija or stay in Eurabia!`
Marek  4 | 867  
30 Dec 2008 /  #23
'East Germans are Germanized Slavs.'

If you mean by that the Kashubians, Sorbs and Wends, then you're technically correct. They represent a Slavic enclave! What about everyone else? -:)
Crow  154 | 9541  
30 Dec 2008 /  #24
What about everyone else?

Take Prussians for example or should i mention Slavic Bavaria, etc, etc, etc, etc

Why are all germanized Slavic people excluded from democratic processes? Why germanized Slavs shouldn`t have right to return to Slavija? Why is Slavic history raped? Why is germanization politicaly correct in Europe?

If you mean by that the Kashubians, Sorbs and Wends, then you're technically correct.

BDW, only real Serbian failure in history is when Serbs of today`s Eastern Germany turned to become Teutons/Germans. For that, i apologize to Poles... what to tell you sh** happening

and who knows, maybe because of that failure of Serbs, Russians colaborate with Germans. Maybe Russians think that Germans are still Serbs. Somebody should tell them that Germans aren`t Serbs anymore
Marek  4 | 867  
31 Dec 2008 /  #25
Everybody knows though that the Prussians were Balts, NOT Slavs, Ugurs or any of the like. Their language therefore was closely related to Old Lettish and Lithuanian.

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