scrappleton - | 829
28 Nov 2009 / #31
we share a continent
Should they be denied living here? After all, we share a continent. What about Canadians? Should they be denied lving here because they are simply Canadian?
Should they be denied living here? After all, we share a continent. What about Canadians? Should they be denied lving here because they are simply Canadian?
Yes they should be denied living here. Do you have any idea the burden 20 million addl Mexicans will put on the American economy? This directly effects YOU.. You're own job prospects. There are scarcely any jobs for the people who were born here. Here's an idea why don't Mexicans stop being baby making machines and re-invest in their OWN people instead of pawning them off to their neighbors to the north. This isn't Candyland, it's real life..
Share a continent, lol. Neither Europe or the US can afford these hippy dippy sentiments. Those times are over. This is like walking around on a winter's day seeing someone without a coat, giving them your coat.. 3 days later you die of pneumonia. :- S