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What is a Polish Nationalist?

scrappleton  - | 829  
28 Nov 2009 /  #31
we share a continent
Should they be denied living here? After all, we share a continent. What about Canadians? Should they be denied lving here because they are simply Canadian?

Yes they should be denied living here. Do you have any idea the burden 20 million addl Mexicans will put on the American economy? This directly effects YOU.. You're own job prospects. There are scarcely any jobs for the people who were born here. Here's an idea why don't Mexicans stop being baby making machines and re-invest in their OWN people instead of pawning them off to their neighbors to the north. This isn't Candyland, it's real life..

Share a continent, lol. Neither Europe or the US can afford these hippy dippy sentiments. Those times are over. This is like walking around on a winter's day seeing someone without a coat, giving them your coat.. 3 days later you die of pneumonia. :- S
Seanus  15 | 19666  
28 Nov 2009 /  #32
Scrappy is right, PP. You are just a sucker for the globalist agenda of uniting the people. What has Mexico given America other than cheap labour, Taco Bell and swine flu? This is one of the bigger problems of the EU, the uneven payouts. Some, like BB, are willing to pay for it, to invest in an idea. Many are not! When your own nation is going through a rough patch, you need to iron out the creases on the home front first. Charity begins at home and you need to sort out other issues.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
28 Nov 2009 /  #33
Some of the illegals are Mexicans, others are from further south, Central American countries like Guetamala.
Scrappleton, most of the jobs the legal Mexicans have are the ones cleaning motel rooms, picking vegetables, working at McDonalds, restaurant ownership/working in a restaurant. Any of these jobs can be done just as easily by other Americans.

If you had your choice of a business to invest in, would it be a restaurant? Most people don't want the hassle of one. You have to keep it really clean and it's hard to find workers. Many people will bypass investing in these just because of that. A high percentage of them go out of business in the first couple of years, too.

Non latino Americans apply for some of these jobs and are not denied. The truth is, these jobs pay very little and other Americans can get better jobs. Truth is, anyone can get a job working at a fast food restaurant, no matter where they are from, American or not. So why don't Americans want them? They don't pay enough. That kind of work sucks. So what if a Mexican has that job?

The illegals are a different matter...in my state, it is very hard for them to find work, so they left, for the most part. We still have lots of people from Mexico here, because most of them are here legally.
scrappleton  - | 829  
28 Nov 2009 /  #34
Scrappleton, most of the jobs the legal Mexicans have are the ones cleaning motel rooms, picking vegetables, working at McDonalds, restaraunt ownership/working in a restaraunt.

Those jobs should be going to our college kids, highschool kids who always filled them before. LOOK, WE DON'T HAVE JOBS HERE ANYMORE.. PICK UP A NEWSPAPER. WE CAN'T AFFORD IMMIGRATION ANY MORE. These immigrants have kids here and demand benefits.. demand housing.. start drug gangs. This isn't the 1990's any more.

I don't know if you're being argumentative but if your not your naivete is astounding.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
28 Nov 2009 /  #35
Yes, those jobs can be done by other Americans so time to get who is illegal and who isn't straight.

It's analogous to the position between Poland and the UK. Many Brits just won't do the jobs that Poles are prepared to do. The thing is, there are only so many of those jobs on the go and you can't employ everyone.

Listen to Scrappy, PP. Times have changed. Maybe you want to bring back the days of full employment under communism. You might get your wish one day, PP. The globalists would accept communism and we can see more than faint traces of it in the UK.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
28 Nov 2009 /  #36
Those jobs should be going to our college kids, highschool kids who always filled them before.

NO WAY are you going to get high school kids to do that! Their parents don't want them doing that kind of work! They want them in school, studying, or out learning how to socialize with their friends. They don't want them down on the farm picking the cotton.

In my part of America, there are jobs, and I know for a fact most of the Mexican nationals are here legally because this state has the toughest laws regardling illegal immigration and a lot of them left. A lot of jobs are being filled by Mexicans who are here legally, and it's jobs Americans do not want.

At one time, high school kids did work at fast food restaurants, and some do now, but not like they used to. They either can find better jobs than that, or their parents are well enough off they don't have to take any job just for money. So, who is left to fill these jobs? The ones that are willing to live together to cut expenses so they can take these jobs and make enough to survive, and those are the people from Mexico.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
28 Nov 2009 /  #37
And how about those families that can't afford to give too much pocket money to their kids? My parents were rich enough but I still had to go out and work in my student days. Cutting grass in 1996 in a shady hood and doing a work placement to get extra cash.

Well, if they are there legally then fine.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
28 Nov 2009 /  #38
And what I posted has nothing to do with communism. Read BB's posts, Seanus. We are talking about free movement throughout Europe and why nationalism isn't always a great thing.

Sometimes you make more money cutting grass than working fast food, and you'll see all kinds of people doing landscaping around here. People want the jobs that pay the money no matter how much work is involved.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
28 Nov 2009 /  #39
Well, yes it does. Full employment is a feature of communism and you didn't address what Scrappy said at all about being swamped by Mexicans. The UK was swamped by Poles and it caused a major stir. You sit there in the comfort of your home without an awareness of reality for many people. The resources just aren't there.

When I cut grass, I got 3.71. That was back in 1996 when there wasn't a minimum wage. Now it's at 5.15. Trust me, very comparable to McDonalds wages but it got me fit.

I know what BB said but he doesn't seem to realise the core issues. He doesn't seem to be fazed by the fact that 75% of laws that have direct application are from Brussels. If he were part of an affected group, he may change his tune. Also, the ramifications for common law are quite extensive.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
28 Nov 2009 /  #40
Full employment? What do you mean full employment? There are places here that can't find workers. It's jobs like at IHOP. People don't like them and burn out fast, so they need a steady stream of potential workers or they can't find people to run their businesses. That's got nothing to do with communism, that's the free market. Not everyone needs a job nor wants a job at a place like IHOP. They take what they can get.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
28 Nov 2009 /  #41
Exactly, you are rooted in that way of life and can't see outwith it. The free market, for all its inherent plusses, sees many falling by the wayside. Seriously, PP, I'd encourage a study of the Russian labour market over the years to see how full employment manifested itself. It's always about "here" with you. Trying looking at the southern states that get swamped by Mexicans. States like Texas and Louisiana, for example.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
28 Nov 2009 /  #42
Seanus, it's because of their laws. We don't have that problem because of our laws. They can have jobs for the legals while making themselves less of a target for the illegals, if they choose.

Nationalism is the same wherever you go. Same concept.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
28 Nov 2009 /  #43
Please explain as I am not familiar with those laws that you referred to. One would have thought that they would have taken serious steps to block entry based on previous swamping and also the advent of swine flu.

All I know about it is from a documentary I watched where an American patrolman spoke of the glaring inadequacies of having to patrol a really long stretch by himself without manning key crossing points. That struck me as odd.

The very fact of letting Mexicans in so easily sounds alarm bells.

PP, I agree. Look at my post of 19:19 where I commented on nationalism.
OP Polskiej_Dumy  18 | 66  
29 Nov 2009 /  #44
Some how we got wayy off track
but what are some Polish Nationalist Groups so I can look them up?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
30 Nov 2009 /  #45
Check groups related to football. There are bound to be plenty there.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
30 Nov 2009 /  #46
Nationalist = considers each nation to have their own states
Ofc it is different about nation to nation
Polish nationalist would mostly want Polish ethnics to be the only citizens of Poland and often even looks back in time for their country's glory I RP for instance yet they seem to forget that it was multicultural at that time :)

Although I don't like the whole idea of each nation having their own state, im rather an unionist (Not globalist tho wanting whole world 2 be one country lol)

rather some countries in certain regions uniting each other to secure their TRUE independence :)

Union of Northern Europe or Central european union ^^ (Not something like EU that's an other agenda)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929  
30 Nov 2009 /  #47
Union of Northern Europe or Central european union ^^ (Not something like EU that's an other agenda)

That's our best and only option right now (especially when we keep the non-europeans out of it).
There is no real alternative but to use the cards we are given.

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