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FISZ  24 | 2116  
15 May 2007 /  #31
Im English and for as long as I can remember very few people have been happy with our government

Just a bit outdated ;)
15 May 2007 /  #32
Allright, I accept that. But asking everyone to admit if they worked for the communist govt. & making their daily lives depend on it is not the right way. It's pretty much a witch hunt. Which is why I can understand why the court deemed it as unconstitutional.

These clear cases need to be adressed one by one through justice and courts of law & not massively through the ones in power.

And even then I don't know if I'm fully 100% for that, as to me personally, it's something that stands in the way of the future. But I can understand that Poles that lived through it & have profound memories about it do not want to forgive & forget that easily.

If these individuals feel that their cooperation was justified and that the information given by them was not detrimental to others. Why should it be a secret? If I worked or lived a long side a communist party informer I have every right to know who the person was and what information was given to the authorities about my person.

As far as any legal proceedings are concerned, those guilty of nothing more than membership of the communist party have nothing to fear. They should ,in fact, be more than willing to open all the files in order to prove their innocence.

In order for Poland to move forward people whose families and lives were destroyed by the former system have the right to demand justice. The current confusion is a direct result of not bringing certain individuals to justice. Former high ranking party officials are now honourable members of the upper classes of Polish society. They had the financial capabilities to reposition themselves in free market Poland. Many of their children were educated at western universities. They themselves travelled abroad extensively, had access to foreign currencies and shopped in Pevex's shops. They will also be entitled to very handsome pensions.

These are the very same individuals today that seek to confuse and disinform Polish society about who cooperated. They were also the same individuals who changed created,rewrote and destroyed numerous numbers of secret police files prior to the election of this government. Poles have the right to know who they were and how they cooperated. They also have the right to demand compensation from the guilty.

What's more some European powers have little interest in clarifying any of the above for reasons that will be become known in the history books are grandchildren will read. I am afraid very few people in the west can begin to understand or comprehend what has happened. They should, however, consider their own history and decision making processes before lecturing Poles about pn how to treat former communist criminals. They should first explain the reasons behind the decisions taken after the second world war. The reasons behind " Yalta". The reasons behind the recognition of the illegal Polish government (put in place by Moscow) after the second war world.

The very same reasons today are being used to justify the EU's close cooperation with Russian. A Russian infiltrated with former KGB agents in all areas of economic and political life. A Russia who rewards cooperation with riches and punishes dissent with murder.
sparrow  2 | 243  
15 May 2007 /  #33
I agree on that, I understand what communism means, my parents literally had to fled from Poland when I was still small because of it. I know what you're saying.

But it's something that has to be done by the juridical branch & not "the twins"
16 May 2007 /  #34
I can understand the need for an independent body to deal with the above issues. However, I can't help but feel that we wouldn't be having this discussion if it wasn't for the twins.
dannyboy  18 | 248  
16 May 2007 /  #35
One time I was eating a hotdog in Warsaw and Lech came along and robbed it off me and scoffed it.

You should vote Warka or zywiec into power instead.
16 May 2007 /  #36
Oh, Lechboy the pipes the pipes are calling
From glen to glen and down the mountain side
now Moscow's gone and all the communists are dying
24 May 2007 /  #37
i have no idea who this guy is but he sounds like a bery bad president but i can not say that for sure because you might just not like him
daboos  - | 10  
27 May 2007 /  #38
Everybody laughs at the polish gouvernment in poland. xD ;P It's so pathetic...
27 May 2007 /  #39
What are you talking about?
Eurola  4 | 1898  
27 May 2007 /  #40
English and for as long as I can remember very few people have been happy with our government, its the way of the world, you cant please all of the people all of the time.

I agree. Can anybody name a country where everybody is happy with their government?
espana  17 | 951  
27 May 2007 /  #41
cuba??????? may be 90% of the people,,,,(10% are in usa)
27 May 2007 /  #42

Any Cuban on camera will give positive comments about their government. Off camera, I am sure you will get a different opinion.
Eurola  4 | 1898  
27 May 2007 /  #43

OK, you win. 60 or so years of brainwashing would do it. lol.

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