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"Jokes" on the account of Poles are part of assimilation process?

Crow  155 | 9713  
18 Sep 2008 /  #1
I found that jokes on the account of Poles which are distributed in public of so called west represent specific pressure on Poles in order of their assimilation, to say- westernisation. Their ultimate background is attack on Polish Slavic being.

So, i would like to ask, what people here think- Are "jokes" on the account of Poles part of assimilation process of Polish people or at least Polish diaspora?
Switezianka  - | 463  
18 Sep 2008 /  #2
I'm a Pole and I can laugh at Polish jokes. I drink moderately, don't steal bikes, I'm educated, so I don't take those jokes personally :P Sometimes I even laugh at sexist jokes. Sometimes I even tell sexist jokes or jokes abot stupid Poles. So what? These are just jokes. If you know your worth, jokes can do you no harm.

Oh, and there's one joke that even describes me but it makes it even funnnier for me.

The devil brought a Pole, an English man, a German man and a French man to the edge of an abyss. He came to the English man and said: 'Jump!'.

'I won't' the English man said.
'A gentleman would'. So the guy jumped.
Next he came to the French guy.
'I won't'
'But it's en vogue'
So he jumped. Next he came to the German man.
'I won't'
'But it's an order'
So he jumped. Finally the devil came to the Pole.
'I won't'
'OK, then don't jump.'
'What? You're telling me I won't jump?!'
And he jumped.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
18 Sep 2008 /  #3
Not everyone may be aware of the fact that even the WASPs (White Anglo-Saxon Protestants, also called Anglos and Yanks) are the butt of jokes in mutli-ethnic America.

Check out: netfunny.com/rhf/jokes/88q2/11640.html
Sobottka  2 | 106  
18 Sep 2008 /  #4
I drink moderately, don't steal bikes

What means moderately drinking for a Polish woman? Less than 2 bottles Vodka per day? :)

And: If You don't steal bikes, what do You steel instead? Cars, Aeroplanes? :)

I don't think those jokes harmless, and I myself are very angry about that: Polish politicians who are not submissive to Merkels politics are described as dumb and primitive countrymen, Polish politicians who are submissive to Merkels politics are described as modern and reasonable. That is not a good way.

A Pole is tired of life, standing at a river, having tied a stone at his leg.

A German sees it, comes and says: "Don't do it! Let's talk about Your problems, There will be a solution, I will help You!"

"I don't want to get help by a German!", the Pole says.

A woman comes, not German. She says the same as the German had said.

The Pole says: "I don't want to get help by a woman less than ever!" and jumps.
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
18 Sep 2008 /  #5
Crow will try to do eveything to prove that only sperate union with Serbia and Bułgaria is resonable ... lol :)

That is why he posts so many strange discussions. There are jokes about Scots Germans Jews Gypsies etc.

Ok it is time to sleep :)

PS. Poles are one of the most sober nations in europe.
Switezianka  - | 463  
18 Sep 2008 /  #6
I don't drink vodka, I drink absinthe: 2 bottles a day. And I don't steal bikes or aeroplanes because I'm more civilized. I steal break into accounts via Internet and steal money.
Sobottka  2 | 106  
18 Sep 2008 /  #7
I steal break into accounts via Internet and steal money.

You are that one having let vanished more than 300 Millions from the German KFW-Bank?

If so, then please some times more, the adresses You will find in Internet:

1. Deutsche Bank

2. Dresdner Bank

3. Commerzbank

4. Sparkasse Lünen

More adresses if you will have done those jobs!
OP Crow  155 | 9713  
19 Sep 2008 /  #8
Crow will try to do eveything to prove that only sperate union with Serbia and Bułgaria is resonable

i could prove that Poland and Serbia can form sustain alliance or union- federation, confederation, parliament monarhy, whatever...

It`s from the angle of Poles and Serbs but, its the other question that European powers won`t allow that. Just look what happened to Yugoslavia when become too strong. THEY need Slavs segmented and enslaved

in case with Bulgaria that you mentioned... i don`t have any comment on possibilities with Bulgaria or with some other Slavic state right now. I can speak you about Serbian feelings and eventual options

That is why he posts so many strange discussions.

you are wrong. I have planty of reasons

There are jokes about Scots Germans Jews Gypsies etc.

thank you for contribution to the topic
Sobottka  2 | 106  
19 Sep 2008 /  #9
i could prove that Poland and Serbia can form sustain alliance or union- federation, confederation, parliament monarhy, whatever...

It would be for the sake of all slavs to unify as true sisters and brothers, that would not premise a common state.

But it would be deadly to build such a union on errors about the best way. Not all Germans are enemies of the slavs, for instance. It is a special kind of people in all countries who are enemies of all others. Any national animosity is a horrible error, the reasonable ones of all nations must stand up as sisters and brothers. Slavic religions that postulate any other messages are satanic.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
19 Sep 2008 /  #10

They're not that offensive, in fact quite funny, I am surprised there isn't a Pims joke in there though :) and may I please correct you on the fact Anglo is short for Anglo Saxon - and nothing to do with being protestant :) Foreigners (from certain countries) call all English Anglos regardless of their religious background :)
OP Crow  155 | 9713  
19 Sep 2008 /  #11
It would be for the sake of all slavs to unify as true sisters and brothers, that would not premise a common state.

i contemplated a lot of on eventual future Slavic combinations

my conclusion is that alliance or confederation must be best for Slavs, considering that we live on hostile planet

If `enviroment` isn`t that hostile on Slavs i could even suggest that cultural and economic (free trade and travel without borders and taxes) union/alliance can be quite enough (minimum and maximum of unity) for Slavs
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
19 Sep 2008 /  #12
i could prove that Poland and Serbia can form sustain alliance or union- federation, confederation, parliament monarhy, whatever...

cjjc  29 | 407  
19 Sep 2008 /  #13

I enjoy your posts they are some of the most amusing on the whole site.

Thank you.
osiol  55 | 3921  
19 Sep 2008 /  #14
Believe it or not, it is normal everyday people who make up jokes, not government or secret world-controlling organisations. Even I have been known to make up one or two jokes in my time. Not xenophobic ones of course! (Hello Wahldo, if you're there - you sad, bitter Yank).
OP Crow  155 | 9713  
19 Sep 2008 /  #15
Believe it or not, it is normal everyday people who make up jokes, not government or secret world-controlling organisations.

believe it or not my virtual friend, both of them- ordinary people (journalists among them, etc) but also organizations of all kind (governmants included). Everything in this world is target of something. Everything is on the market, even souls

but i do believe that Druids walk again


be serious. Take responsibility on yourself, start thread. i would imidiately jump there as good frog but, why should always i risk to be send in off-topic?? So, you start

Thank you.

its nothing man

among else, i am here because i was sworn to Yugoslavia but i didn`t died. just repaying my debt (as, if)
cjjc  29 | 407  
19 Sep 2008 /  #16

Look it up.
OP Crow  155 | 9713  
19 Sep 2008 /  #17
let it be
osiol  55 | 3921  
19 Sep 2008 /  #18
Assimilation is about finding commonality and doing things together as one community, not about treating certain people as inferior or as if they are there to be laughed at, because that completely goes against the grain of what building a cohesive society is all about.

organizations of all kind (governmants included).

Jokes by politicians are very rarely any good. I wouldn't know about jokes written by especially created NGOs (I'm not sure how these jokes are distributed). The best jokes are my own (but I just can't remember any at the moment).
outintheyard  27 | 517  
19 Sep 2008 /  #19
jokes can do you no harm.

That can be debated. I like your Joke though!

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