In general sense, the religion issues are multiplied in the culture issues. Look at the women: in the USA, UK and other mainly Protestant countries women are covered from the knees to the elbows. In Dar al Islam - they are covered from the feet to the wrist. In Catholic lands, like Mexico, Poland etc, we flash the naked skin a lot. so the Orthodox culture is more conservative than Protestant - covered from the knees to the neck. Not like us damn Catholics walking around naked and trying to demoralize good Russian folk
Jews use American congress to pressure Polish government to PAY
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11850
10 Sep 2009 / #62
I thought the non-religious have to go all nekkid..
(Besides the pagan-types of course...easy to spot because of their helmets..)
(Besides the pagan-types of course...easy to spot because of their helmets..)
Yes, but then the cops get after the atheists and fine them, thus Poland is such an oppressive country ;)
But you can see easily why the poor oppressed Russia must defend against the great power of Poland. We can MOON them, hehe.
But you can see easily why the poor oppressed Russia must defend against the great power of Poland. We can MOON them, hehe.