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Jews use American congress to pressure Polish government to PAY

McCoy  27 | 1268  
26 Aug 2009 /  #31
damn kikes
Salomon  2 | 436  
26 Aug 2009 /  #32
27 Aug 2009 /  #33
My mother's father owned a tobacco store in Warsaw. My father's father owned a small lumber mill in Warsaw.

Excuse me, but why have those properties not been returned to their rightful owners? If it is known that there are descendents of the pre-war owners, those people should immediately get their property back or have compensation paid to them by the people who took it (in this case that is the City of Warsaw). And don't give me that tired old crap about Poland not being able to pay: the City of Warsaw has got so much money it doesn't know what to do with it and assets in excess of any other city in Europe!
1jola  14 | 1875  
27 Aug 2009 /  #34

We would not approve of evicting these Polish people from their homes

Here is your answer, Harry. Besides, you don't seem to understand that Jewish organizations are trying to get money for heirless property as if one Jew's property belongs to all Jews.

Jews, just like Poles, can go to court and recover property. My father did. It took six years and a chunk of his life.

the City of Warsaw has got so much money it doesn't know what to do with it

Have you been to any European capitol that has one metro line?

and assets in excess of any other city in Europe!

We are the richest city in Europe?! A new factoid from Harry.
Crow  154 | 9541  
27 Aug 2009 /  #35
And don't give me that tired old crap about Poland not being able to pay

its not crap. Planty of reasons for Poland not to be able to pay

For example, how could be Poland able to pay when Israel with its Islamic and German partners attacking Polish interests on Balkan.

Why don`t you just f*** off and let Poland progress and profit on her traditional zones of influence, you greedy monsters!!!

only money, money, money.... only grab, grab, grab. Freaks
27 Aug 2009 /  #36
Besides, you don't seem to understand that Jewish organizations are trying to get money for heirless property as if one Jew's property belongs to all Jews.

I understand it and I think it is completely and utterly wrong. In no way, shape or form do I in the slightest suppport such claims.

Jews, just like Poles, can go to court and recover property. My father did. It took six years and a chunk of his life.

I didn't realise that your father was Jewish. Anyway, his experience is clearly rather different to that of many pre-war property owners. Ask sjam for details.

Have you been to any European capitol that has one metro line?

No. But I have been to European capitols which have no metro. And the Warsaw tram network is far better than that found in London, Paris, etc.

We are the richest city in Europe?! A new factoid from Harry.

Name another city in Europe where 98%+ of the city centre is owned by the city. The city of Warsaw owns that much and it owns very nearly half of all the individual apartments in the city too!

how could be Poland able to pay when Israel with its Islamic and German partners attacking Polish interests on Balkan.

As noted before, put down the crack pipe and step away.
Salomon  2 | 436  
27 Aug 2009 /  #37
Excuse me, but why have those properties not been returned to their rightful owners? If it is known that there are descendents of the pre-war owners, those people should immediately get their property back or have compensation paid to them by the people who took it (in this case that is the City of Warsaw). And don't give me that tired old crap about Poland not being able to pay: the City of Warsaw has got so much money it doesn't know what to do with it and assets in excess of any other city in Europe!

Warsaw after the war :

95% of the city was destroyed by the Germans.

Jewish properties were confiscated by the Germans durring WWII - nextly destroyed by Germans. The Germans are side in this debate. You forgot the fact that it was Germans who after invasion confiscated all Jewish property in Poland ... later destroyed most of it...

Anny - in other cases which happened after WWII anny international organisation can not be the side all Plish citzens are treaten equaly.
27 Aug 2009 /  #38
Warsaw after the war :

a) That is ghetto (I can't tell you exactly where, due to only one street name being legible, but all of what is now Anielewicz was in the ghetto) which was far more heavily damaged than any other part of Warsaw.

b) It is almost certain that the people who owned that property would have died during the war, along with all their heirs. In such case the property does and should go to the state.

c) You will note that I said "property", not buildings. Do you have any idea how much the land in that photo is worth right now? In fact, given the limited supply of building land in that area, it's probably worth more in the condition that it is in your photo than it is in its present condition!
Salomon  2 | 436  
27 Aug 2009 /  #39
b) It is almost certain that the people who owned that property would have died during the war, along with all their heirs. In such case the property does and should go to the state.

It should be clear.

c) You will note that I said "property", not buildings. Do you have any idea how much the land in that photo is worth right now? In fact, given the limited supply of building land in that area, it's probably worth more in the condition that it is in your photo than it is in its present condition!

There is one problem. It is the Germans who durring the war confiscated all Jewish properties. So the Germans bear resposnibility in the court. What is more most of prepetrties didn't have paid-off mortgages - and this mortgages have never been paid off ...

So former owners of this properties should go to the court aganisnt the German state. And should pay off mortgages with interests for Polish state.

What is more:
Poland lost on the war and haven't earned annything.
27 Aug 2009 /  #40
It should be clear.

It is crystal clear to me.

It is the Germans who durring the war confiscated all Jewish properties. So the Germans bear resposnibility in the court.

a) I wasn't talking only about Jewish-owned properties.
b) No it is not Germany which is liable. If you have stolen goods in your possession, the owner can legally take them from you. Your claim for loss is with the theif who sold them to you.

What is more most of prepetrties didn't have paid-off mortgages - and this mortgages have never been paid off ...

Superb news. The former owners can get their properties back, then pay off the mortgages and then banks will have money to lend to people again. Everybody wins! That is of course assuming that the banks holding the debts still exist, which is more than a little unlikely.

Poland lost on the war and haven't earned annything.

That is something Poland needs to take up with Russia. They are the ones who stole your reperations.
Salomon  2 | 436  
27 Aug 2009 /  #41
That is something Poland needs to take up with Russia. They are the ones who stole your reperations.

It is the Germans who payd compensations for wrong country.

Poland was sold by allies for Soviets after the war it is simple fact.

b) No it is not Germany which is liable.

Polish state didn't exist durring conofiscation. It is the Germans who cnofiscated it and devasted it.

Superb news. The former owners can get their properties back, then pay off the mortgages and then banks will have money to lend to people again. Everybody wins! That is of course assuming that the banks holding the debts still exist, which is more than a little unlikely.

Banks were nationalizated by Polish state after the war... so mortgages should be payed for Polish state with almost 70 years interests.
Crow  154 | 9541  
27 Aug 2009 /  #42
As noted before, put down the crack pipe and step away.

only available crack here is from Kosovo so i don`t use it.

You know, Kosovo is that new Muslim state on Serbian ground that monstruous Israel created with its mujaheedine, Franch, German, British and USA friends.

But never mind, with such a friends Israel would get real sex, sooner or later
27 Aug 2009 /  #43
Israel created with its mujaheedine, Franch, German, British and USA friends.

The fact that you think Israel has any mujaheedine friends shows how much crack you must have smoked today!
Crow  154 | 9541  
27 Aug 2009 /  #44
fact that i speak about combined Israely-muajheedines-German opperations on Balkan means that i am well informed (on terain) and just look at me... i informing Poles.

Its not nice that Israel (Jews) demand some tributes from Poland while in the same time stubbing Poland in the back, while cooperates even with muajheediens in order to togather with Germany secure weakenings of Slavic element on Balkan.

Are you aware, Harrymane what is the level of lost profit for Poland, only for being prevented to exploit capacieties of market in Serbia (just for example but its same in all countries in the region)???!!!

how i see things, Poland is last when comes to profit but, first when cannon fodders are needed. Poland is somehow eternal young parter... and, not only that... Poland always paying for something and needs (!) to pay

Now, don`t compalint when Serb Gavrilo happens to some of your leaders. Not to mention Serb Ratko- great fu*** of YOUR EVIL AXIS

Indeed. You are obviously very well informed about where to buy the finest crack and have obviously been smoking vast amounts of it today!

no, no, you don`t listen. I have my personal boycot of all Islamo-Jewish-German products. I already mentioned that here.

After all, crack isn`t something what i need. You probably needs it more then me. Only deep cracked dreams bringing you peace... while dreaming about vast resources of Slavija and how Israel controls it and just little of it share with its muja and German friends

for now, for some more time, you and people like you can sell some BS to Poles. To me, to any Serbian, you can`t sell anything, nor your products, nor fog, nor your mercy. You can just fu** with all those mujas that you transported on Serbian lands to serve your greedy and sick necesities.
1jola  14 | 1875  
27 Aug 2009 /  #45
I didn't realise that your father was Jewish. Anyway, his experience is clearly rather different to that of many pre-war property owners. Ask sjam for details.

So you must think that only Jews owned property in Warsaw. It's about your speed.

the Warsaw tram network is far better than that found in London, Paris, etc.

What a joke! You obviously have not been to London or Paris.

Name another city in Europe where 98%+ of the city centre is owned by the city. The city of Warsaw owns that much and it owns very nearly half of all the individual apartments in the city too!

I was born in Śródmieście. Don't make me laugh. Just pay your rent and leave property owners alone. I guess we and all our friends were the non-communist elite.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
27 Aug 2009 /  #46
Let them get their money $$$$$$$ from Bernie Madoff.
OP JulietEcho  3 | 100  
27 Aug 2009 /  #47
As to who owns the city of Warsaw, you're obviously OK with the Commies stealing everything. I'm not. But then again, it wasn't me who abandoned Poland to the Commies, it was who?

- Don't also forget that after Germans left there was not much to steal...
So, the commies (or I call them survivors) had to rebuilt everything collectively, if you research somewhat a lot of those people worked on it free of charge - just food and place to sleep (including my grandfather). Now, zionists like yourselves would like come in with its attitude of: " get the $%^$ of here, it all belongs to us..." and to return everything free of charge to whomever holds an Israeli passport.
Crow  154 | 9541  
27 Aug 2009 /  #48
As to who owns the city of Warsaw

every single Slavic child on this Earth owns the city of Warsaw. Every single our child, from Poland to the Ukraine, from Lusatia to the Russia, from Serbia to the Slovenia, etc, etc,...

Poland and Warsaw are Slavija. So, if Jews or any other foreigner wants to own some peace of Warsaw, to share it with Polish children and Polish people, to share it with all our Slavic children, if respect rights of our children on independant future.... then,...

Do you respect Slavs, Harrymane????
28 Aug 2009 /  #49
you are crazy Harrymane meta barone, if you think that Polish-mujaheedine-German alliance sponsored by USA, France, Saudi Arabia, Britain, Iran and Turkey, could work on the long run.

You're right of course. There is no way that it could work. We'd be getting too much pressure from the remaining 181 countries of the world to join the grand coalition against Serbia!
Crow  154 | 9541  
31 Aug 2009 /  #50
to end this disscusion


then, just f*** off

hahah hahah hahahaha ahahaha hhahah

ahahaha hahah hahah hahah hahahahahh

what i know, Poljaci aren`t that crazy

ahahahah hahaha hahha hahahah hahah

ahah hahah hahha hahah hahah hahahh
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
31 Aug 2009 /  #51
One more thing: No powerful Slavic lobbies in the US...Serbs are demonized, Poles are conservative, play it close to the vest...Any Slav lobbying is opposed by Khazar money/lobbies...However, Albanian mafia makes money in the US...Back on topic, Polish government is independent and shouldn't succumb to any lobby pressure from America...Lastly, Slavs need to work together on matters of mutual interest...Many more Slavs in the world than Germans, French, Italians or Khazars...Slavic revival and pride will lead to a renewal of European culture.
Crow  154 | 9541  
31 Aug 2009 /  #52
Slavic revival and pride will lead to a renewal of European culture.

THIS. This is the wise sentence

Thank you
Ksysia  25 | 428  
9 Sep 2009 /  #53
Poland has to do reprivatization

Sadly - not possible.
I would like to get back the folwark in Grodno area, too. But 70 years had passed. Draw a thick line on this. You haven't bought insurance covering the war, and neither have I.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
9 Sep 2009 /  #54
..Many more Slavs in the world than Germans, French, Italians or Khazars...Slavic revival and pride will lead to a renewal of European culture.

Are you sure???


...now if you take out Russia....hmmm...much of european culture IS germanic anyhow.
Crow  154 | 9541  
9 Sep 2009 /  #55
...now if you take out Russia....hmmm...much of european culture IS germanic anyhow.

when you include Russia, you know that on the end of balade... Germany would be dissoluted. Then, Poland and Russia would bring democracy, freedom and human rights to local germanized Slavs
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
9 Sep 2009 /  #56
Germany would be dissoluted

democracy, freedom and human rights

Interesting view of freedom and human rights...

But Poles and others are not about to count Russians in anyhow, aren't they! ;)
Crow  154 | 9541  
9 Sep 2009 /  #57
But Poles and others are not about to count Russians in anyhow, aren't they! ;)

you as a German count on that. Don`t you?

i mean, you count on divide and conquer approach to Slavs. Its your only chance
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
9 Sep 2009 /  #58
i mean, you count on divide and conquer approach to Slavs. Its your only chance

It's not my decision Crowie...;)
Ksysia  25 | 428  
10 Sep 2009 /  #59
Poles and others are not about to count Russians in anyhow

Not for the time being - Russia is far too paranoid. They would start killing again. The perfect example is the 'Polish-German' alliance, and Ułans with Samurai to attack Russia'.

It boils down to the religion problem. Russia thinks that we want to force them to become Catholic. From our point of standing - it would be far easier for us if they accepted the Union church. That would bring unification to the orthodox world first time after the fall of Constantinople. True. But converting by force is not the desired option. The Polonisation usually takes place by request, not demand.

Taking a common front with them is possible, just like in the Eastern Bloc, provided that we are not the satellite states, or colonies, of the mighty Russian aparatchiki.

The way to do it is to extend the Polish Eastern Politics, until we are enough alliances for Russia to think they are better off on our side than against us.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
10 Sep 2009 /  #60
Religion shouldn't play such an important part in relationships anymore anyhow....we are past the fundamental Taliban-stage (I hope)!

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