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Jews use American congress to pressure Polish government to PAY

JulietEcho  3 | 100  
4 Sep 2008 /  #1
Anyone still believes that holocaust is not a business?
Israel Singer - the president of international congress of jews, request 60 billions of dollars form Poland paid be paid ASAP.... This time they used American congress to vote a legal resolution requesting the money from Poland... This is the tone of voice coming from "our" military ally after the the f-16 and the promised offset circus, after president kartofel destroyed the Polish-Russian relations in the name of US support and finally after pretty much Poland signed the missile warhead contract in the exact shape American wanted?
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
4 Sep 2008 /  #2
Anyone still believes that holocaust is not a business?

No... ?
JohnP  - | 210  
4 Sep 2008 /  #3
I wouldn't take it too much to heart. Most of us in the US don't have a very high opinion of our own Congress at the moment, regardless of how we vote. It seems this latest session is full of some of the most petty, senseless stuff I've ever seen, and that would just be one more example. They also think Congress is needed to regulate baseball. So a Jewish group saw opportunity to increase its coffers by getting Congress to send a letter for them, and Congress said "sure we'll do it".

Simply tell them "no" and be done with it, otherwise they would be armed with something more serious than a request. Congress won't be offended even if the Jewish group is. Otherwise what's next-asking other Jews for money, because Jews did some of the operations within the camps? It has to end somewhere, and unfortunately most of the guilty parties are already dead. It makes no sense punishing future generations who had nothing to do with it, and creating a new wrong, in my opinion.

Just my thoughts.

John P.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
4 Sep 2008 /  #4
and unfortunately most of the guilty parties are already dead.

All said though, John P. makes a very good recommendation- just say no. If Polish politicians go and give in to this demand then how could you blame americans for that if it did occur?
JohnP  - | 210  
4 Sep 2008 /  #5
"unfortunately" simply because, were they alive, we'd know exactly who to forward these nonstop requests to. Most of the people getting the money weren't even born during the holocaust, anyway.

And yes. Reply to Congress' nice little letter and say "No.". They need to hear it from someone.

John P.
Crow  154 | 9535  
4 Sep 2008 /  #6
Israel Singer - the president of international congress of jews, request 60 billions of dollars form Poland

somebody said that EU and USA invest on Poland? Now, we see why. They like Poland

ha ha ha ha mauha muaha mauahahahah

mauaha muaha muah kah kah khhhhhhhah
JohnP  - | 210  
4 Sep 2008 /  #7
Careful Crow, don't laugh too much...there's no doubt some money grubbing outfit just waiting in the wings watching to see if Poland pays this latest group of whiners, to send THEIR request on behalf of Muslims in Kosovo or something, to Serbia.

It's all greed, IMHO. Groups trying to get money from something that didn't actually happen to them. There are still some people here in the US that think every white person here owes them personally because 150 years ago people had slaves. Regardless of if the white person's family only got here 60 years ago.

As long as people pay, more will line up to ask.

John P.
Crow  154 | 9535  
4 Sep 2008 /  #8
Careful Crow, don't laugh too much...there's no doubt some money grubbing outfit just waiting in the wings watching to see if Poland pays this latest group of whiners, to send THEIR request on behalf of Muslims in Kosovo or something, to Serbia.

when you mentioned...

Sikorski 9 miesięcy temu: Kosowo za wahhabickie pieniądze

i found that Polish media giving more and more attention to situation on Balkan, former Yugoslavia and Serbian question. It`s just the matter of time when would Polish public become aware that destruction of Yugoslavia didn`t come from inside but from outside, that here we deal with new/old `drang nach osten`.
OP JulietEcho  3 | 100  
4 Sep 2008 /  #9

Unfortunately even if the parties were sill alive they dont deserve a square $@#4. What about the properties that were ruined by nazis and rebuilt by Polish citizens collectively after the war? Maintained for so long? Remodeled? Paid taxes for?

Next there are the Prussians with Erika S. demanding money...
Frankly I think they should be suing: USA, Germany or Russia, Polish had nothing to say about the war, Ribbenthrop and Molotov pact, occupation and lastly about the "new" world order that fell in place after the 1945 thanks to Yalta…

Sadly I have a strange feeling that jews will get their money, thanks to lame polish politicians.
Easy_Terran  3 | 311  
4 Sep 2008 /  #10
thanks to lame polish politicians

Who proved already not once, not twice, they do NOT serve Polish public. I am pretty sure Poland will pay this first time..... and an avalanche of OTHER whining reqeusts from Jews and others will follow very, VERY soon after.
Crow  154 | 9535  
4 Sep 2008 /  #11
very, VERY soon after

well, that`s the idea

You know, it just started with Yugoslavia, which was one of most prospearious states in Europe. But problem with Yugoslavia was that it was country based on Slavic heritage and needed to be dissoluted. It was `Yugoslav principle` or `EU principle`

so, payment is guaranteed
Warsaw8  4 | 126  
4 Sep 2008 /  #12
What else is new. I hope Poland tells the u.s. government and Jews worldwide, to GET BENT!

And I think the missle base is BS!
Seanus  15 | 19666  
4 Sep 2008 /  #13
Aha, so the Poles should pay for the holocaust? That's one of the most absurd things I've ever heard!!!
Crow  154 | 9535  
4 Sep 2008 /  #14
did you notice?

one can hardly say what`s the difference between Germans, English and Jews and other Semitics today. THEY are finaly togather in EU, in their beloved Eurabia
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
4 Sep 2008 /  #15
As long as people pay, more will line up to ask.

so simple, yet so true. We may disagree on some things but i have a feeling that when it comes to social welfare we probably agree quite a bit.

Aha, so the Poles should pay for the holocaust? That's one of the most absurd things I've ever heard!!!

That deserves to be inscribed onto two stone tablets 5x per tablet and dropped leaflet style on the Knesset
Seanus  15 | 19666  
4 Sep 2008 /  #16
The Knesset have their take and I have mine. They'll never accept that the Holocaust was just one big mistake and we shouldn't point fingers. To do so now, so late in the day, would cause international havoc. It would give rise to spurious claims and burden courts and governments.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
4 Sep 2008 /  #17
Holocaust translates into "burnt offering" in Hebrew does it not? (if not then which language is it, i'm pretty sure the term pops up in the old testement).

so what was the offering and what was the reward?
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
4 Sep 2008 /  #18
Israel Singer - the president of international congress of jews, request 60 billions of dollars form Poland paid be paid ASAP

This Singer is old news...He was booted as president of the 'World Jewish Congress' by his bosses, the gangster Bronfman family, in 2007...The Bronfmans in addition to controlling the North American liquor business to a large extent, are famous for their shakedown of a number of Swiss banks for billions of what was called 'Jewish' money that was supposedly confiscated by Nazis and deposited in Swiss banks...the Swiss banks caved in to the tune of $1-2 billion, and money was supposed to go to 'Holocaust survivors'...the money went into Bronfman bank accounts...As I said, Singer is old news and 'small potatoes'...but here is a thread I posted on 'General Discussions' that might have more relevance to contemporary Poles and where they put their money:URL...This was announced in the Warsaw Voice the week after Poland agreed to renew the cold war with Russia by agreeing to the missile shield (although it was in the planning stage for awhile).
Warsaw8  4 | 126  
4 Sep 2008 /  #19
Holocaust translates into "burnt offering" in Hebrew does it not? (if not then which language is it, i'm pretty sure the term pops up in the old testement).

so what was the offering and what was the reward?

I think its actually "burnt hole".

Hitlers offer was, leave Germany, then the rest of europe, or...........Well the jews were pretty cocky and thats what happend.

Does anyone know what launced the holocaust? ......
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
6 Sep 2008 /  #20
Does anyone know what launced the holocaust? ......

The Bolshevik Revolution, and the extreme surrender terms placed on Germany after WWI...The Rothschilds, and the Jewish banker syndicate centerred in Frankfort had a big hand behind the scenes in the negotiations an the Versaille Peace Conference...Also, the Zionist movement wanted a state in Israel, and was willing to sacrifice large numbers of Eastern Jews to achieve this...of course, from the National Socialist side, the Nuremberg racial laws, and their consequent enforcement and abuse by the Nazi regime was a more direct starting point...but, more directly, the Devil was the mastermind, using human beings as his puppets.
Crow  154 | 9535  
6 Sep 2008 /  #21
Does anyone know what launced the holocaust?

holocaust on Jews was `colateral damage` of Nazi ideology. Jews were not first target. Slavs were

True reason for Nazi movement was old German (western Europe) desire for resources in Slavic world. When occured competition on so called west for control of enormous Slavic resources, Jews with their connections in Eastern Europe were in advantage. But, Nazis wanted absolute control and pladge to extreminated them.

Jews and Nazis sometimes even cooperated, when it was suitable to their interests.... when coordinated to split zones of control in Slavic world
Warsaw8  4 | 126  
6 Sep 2008 /  #22
The Bolshevik Revolution, and the extreme surrender terms placed on Germany after WWI...The Rothschilds, and the Jewish banker syndicate centerred in Frankfort had a big hand behind the scenes in the negotiations an the Versaille Peace Conference...Also, the Zionist movement wanted a state in Israel, and was willing to sacrifice large numbers of Eastern Jews to achieve this...

I know that these were all the reasons leading to the event, but I was referring to "Kristalnacht"-Night of broken glass, it was started when a rebellious Jew shot and killed an SS officer. That was enough to p*** off the leaders and go over the top.
Salomon  2 | 436  
25 Aug 2009 /  #23
Here is offical annucment of Polish Jews who reject fianacial claims of American Jews.


So Poland has support for Jews living in Poland and doesn't need to pay single penny for some international organisations (for houses left without heirs) ...

What is more - anny international or foreign organisations have no right to talk in name of polish Jews or try to represent their business.
Ksysia  25 | 428  
25 Aug 2009 /  #24
anny international or foreign organisations have no right to talk in name of polish Jews or try to represent their business.

Wow. I have waited all my youth to hear that. I agree both hands and legs.
Marek11111  9 | 807  
26 Aug 2009 /  #25
I live in U.S. and the congress here is in my mind a mindless well payed and payed off by corporations to do anything to stay in power and they will not rock the boat so they vote with money, but as U.S. is sinking I can see the similar events here as in Poland before it lost independence in 1798. As "szlachta" ( special interest ) sold Poland for personal gain as U.S.

politicians are selling American citizens to corporations.
My prediction is U.S. will fall and be third word country it might even come to revolution against political system
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
26 Aug 2009 /  #26
Lame or not, no Polish goverment will ever agree to pay, it would mean permanent political death to every single member of the leading party/president and anyone who'd support it, the public would never forgive it.

Our politicians may be wh0ring for votes but thats exactly why those greedy Jews aint getting a penny, an outrageous claim too.
Crow  154 | 9535  
26 Aug 2009 /  #27
Jews use American congress to pressure Polish government to PAY

or to SELL

to SELL Polish territory,... national interests, people, souls,...
Salomon  2 | 436  
26 Aug 2009 /  #28
Wow. I have waited all my youth to hear that. I agree both hands and legs.

Well it is not surprise that Polish Jews don't want Poland to pay single penny for American Jewish organisations. Just listen what they sometimes tell about American Jews stance durring WWII - they could help a lot for Polish jews but were at least pasive.

What is more some people say that Ameican Jews didn't like Polish Jews before WWII because they had much different views on some religous issues... American Jews were happy that Polish Jews died. were murdered.

Now they would like to make business on Polish Jews tragedy.

"New York - American Jews Did Little To Help Their Brethren During The Holocaust But Why?"


Well its American Jews point of view ...

Polish Jews have much different vision of American Jews betrayal... The funnest thing is that now they want to make money on this stab in the back.

Anny way stance of Polish Jews is understable...
Ksysia  25 | 428  
26 Aug 2009 /  #29
American Jews were happy that Polish Jews died.

It may explain a lot.

Why is then a rabbinic school in Warsaw operated by the Americans not drawing any criticism (at least in public?)

But you know, I am reassured. a lot of Americans of Polish-Jewish roots seem to me resentful towards the old country, and I couldn't help but to think 'why?'. People lived in poverty in the 30s everywhere, in the US, in Germany etc. Why is it a crime of ours? They seemed to me as traitors, simply speaking. On the other hand, I am from £ódź, and my friends did not seem resentful at all. I really had a mixed impression.

I just need to say one thing. This reaction of Polish Jews is priceless, because the public mood in Poland is offended and generally turning to the negative opinion, given what the American Jews are saying about Poland and doing in public fora. there are complaints about what the Jews are doing. Please reiterate your opinion VERY STRONGLY.

We need help.

Just a thought.
Salomon  2 | 436  
26 Aug 2009 /  #30
Why is then a rabbinic school in Warsaw operated by the Americans not drawing any criticism (at least in public?)

Why should it draw anny crticism ?

This reaction of Polish Jews is priceless, because the public mood in Poland is offended and generally turning to the negative opinion, given what the American Jews are saying about Poland and doing in public fora. there are complaints about what the Jews are doing. Please reiterate your opinion VERY STRONGLY. We need help.Just a thought.

How to say it Jews aren't monolith and not all Jews think in the same way...

Spot on this Jew with roots in Poland :


Finkelstein has written of his parents' experiences during World War II. His mother, Maryla Husyt Finkelstein, grew up in Warsaw, Poland, and survived the Warsaw Ghetto and the Majdanek concentration camp, as well as two slave labor camps.

The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering was published in 2000. Here, Finkelstein argues that Elie Wiesel and others exploit the memory of the Holocaust as an "ideological weapon." This is so the state of Israel, "one of the world's most formidable military powers, with a horrendous human rights record, [can] cast itself as a victim state" in order to garner "immunity to criticism."[16] He also alleges what he calls a "double shakedown" by "a repellent gang of plutocrats, hoodlums and hucksters" seeking enormous legal damages and financial settlements from Germany and Switzerland, moneys which then go to the lawyers and institutional actors involved in procuring them, rather than actual Holocaust survivors

Secondly - reacion of Polish Jews (from Poland) isn't made to satisfy Polish public opinion and for sure not yours - it is argument with American Jews, who betrayed european Jews and now want to earn money on this tragedy.

Poland has to do reprivatization but for sure some international or foreign organisatons (for sure not American) are not going to participate in it.

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