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Polish/German/Russian relations

southern  73 | 7059  
27 May 2007 /  #181
Most famous for the battle of Vienna 1683 - 70 000 Holy League soldiers

Mistake.He should let the Turks capture Vienna and invade Germany.Now Bratwurst Boy would have a moustache.
Eurola  4 | 1898  
27 May 2007 /  #182
what sick mind could dash a babies skull against a wall and feel pride at a good deed done.

That's what I saw in a documentary World War II when I was only 9 or 10, which gave me nightmares. I mentioned it in another thread.

Bratwurst Boy, was your grandpa or your parents a part to this? You should be ashamed to admit you are "this kind of German". It's not your fault that you are German, but your way of thinking is pretty sad and not worthy of a German national.

I have a good German friend. She is ashamed of Germany's past.

(P.S. Anybody can find, copy and paste stupid jokes off the INTERNET.)
mr marek  
27 May 2007 /  #183
She is ashamed of Germany's past.

it wasnt germany more like a group of people that acted 'bad', the 20th centruy was a bloody one - nationalism, fascism and communism - ideologies.... we need to humanise ourselves if act like humans then history shouldnt repeat itself
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
28 May 2007 /  #184
Bratwurst Boy, was your grandpa or your parents a part to this? You should be ashamed to admit you are "this kind of German". It's not your fault that you are German, but your way of thinking is pretty sad and not worthy of a German national.
I have a good German friend. She is ashamed of Germany's past.

A Pole tells me I should be ashamed of my countries past??? A POLE???

Girl, come out into the real world....)
(Ever heard of Jedwabne or Kielce? Killing after the war returning Jews of fear of having to give back stolen belongings....it doesn't get much more shameful than that!

Are you "this kind" of Pole???
Read the books "Neighbours" or "Fear" from Jan Tomasz Gross to be ashamed of YOUR countries past)

"....Gross builds a meticulous case. He argues that this postwar persecution is "a smoking gun," which proves that during the war Poles not only acquiesced but, in many cases, actively assisted the Nazis in their persecution of the Jews. Had they been appalled by Germany's policies toward the Jews or tried to help the victims, Poles could never have engaged in such virulent anti-Semitism in the postwar period. Gross notes that when the Germans were trying to put down the Warsaw ghetto uprising, Poles-including children-not only cheered as Jewish snipers were spotted and killed but gleefully showed the Germans where Jews were hiding...."

Clean up your own backyard first please before you tell anybody else to be ashamed.

In my family all the men fighted, some died some survived and I'm damned proud of them!
They fighted as soldiers against other soldiers....to busy with the Red Army in Russia or the western allies in Normandy than to burn Jews alive like Poles did.

PS: Apropos Jedwabne....guess who got blamed for it?

"...A stone monument blaming Nazi and Gestapo soldiers for around 1,600 deaths in the area has already been removed."

Typically Poles...
King Sobieski  2 | 714  
28 May 2007 /  #185
my name is bratwurst boy....i am polophobe.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
28 May 2007 /  #186
I admit....I need help!


But face it...without the enthusiastic help of their eastern neighbours the Einsatzgruppen would have never been able to kill as many Jews as they did.

They were after all only some thousand...often it were the natives who where glad and happy to help.
After the war of course anybody tried to forget quickly...now wanting to be on the "good" side again...not wanting to have anything to do with the "bad" Germans...becoming "Jew-lover" immdiately or resistance fighters and Anti-Nazis!

You know...it takes guts to admit a crime and to atone...In Berlin we have monuments in the middle of the town to remember. We Germans have those guts!

But you....and most other Easternes are still full of denial...not able to admit that you were guilty too...no guts at all! BAH

"...Nazis had been blamed for the 1941 Jedwabne massacre until last year when a new book published in New York indicated Poles may have been responsible for the deaths.

Now many Poles in Jedwabne are refusing to attend the unveiling ceremony as they insist it was Nazis who carried out the killings, and Jews are unhappy saying the memorial does not explicitly blame Poles for the deaths....

No official town or school delegations will attend the ceremony and the local Roman Catholic priest plans to stay at home...."

But telling ME to be ashamed! ...no guts at all....
TheKruk  3 | 308  
28 May 2007 /  #187
But telling ME to be ashamed! ...no guts at all....

One incident or a few granted of polish anti-semitism or yes murder. Not I repeat Not MILLIONS of murders and far more Poles fought and died helping jews. But as always you miss the point None of us are PROUD of these actions YOU are! god its like arguing with a wooden post, or a Nazi I guess. I repeat you disgust me. And your logic is completely suspect. I repeat my earlier words. Nothing any German or Germany has ever acomplished, or ever will accomplish will ever erase the shame and disgrace caused by the Germans of the World War Two generation. None of your hollow words or ill planned logic none. all you do is anger people and make us pity your warped sick mind go seek help, really. Dat is ein order Hitler is Kaput and Germany will never rise again. you'll always belong to an inferior race of being that are capable of the direst cruelty a lesser evolved People known in every country as "red-neck" "Buraki" "in-breed" not German but the true plague of our Earth the "racist"
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
28 May 2007 /  #188
Another denier....not one incident....one of many!

"...Germany will never rise again."


We did already you idiot! :)

"...you'll always belong to an inferior race "

Now what a Nazi-thing to say....tsk, tsk...bad Kruki!

"....Nothing any German or Germany has ever acomplished, or ever will accomplish will ever erase the shame and disgrace caused by the Germans of the World War Two generation...."

Coming from a Pole I think I won't lose sleep over that....:)
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
28 May 2007 /  #189
wurst, your master race !

One more !

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
28 May 2007 /  #190
Erm....having potatoe heads as government I really wouldn't mock to loud...really...

PS: Better ugly and respected from the world leaders than ridiculed and shunned like your ducks!

Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
28 May 2007 /  #191
Better 10 thousand times to been ruled by potatoes than to be a germanic s... :)
daboos  - | 10  
28 May 2007 /  #192
Ever heard of Jedwabne or Kielce? Killing after the war returning Jews of fear of having to give back stolen belongings....it doesn't get much more shameful than that!

I don't know exactly the history with Jedwabne, but I know quite a lot about the one in Kielce. It's true that that were the poles who killed jews, but most likeky that was a provocation of the communist gouvernment and the inhabitants of kielce had nothing in common with that. And, as you probably know, there was communism in Poland after IIWW and the communists did a lot of bad things that citizens of poland didn't have any influence on.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
28 May 2007 /  #193
It's true that that were the poles who killed jews, but most likeky that was a provocation of the communist gouvernment and the inhabitants of kielce had nothing in common with that.

Another apology which won't wash:

"...What led to this awful pogrom? Some Poles claim that this was the result of a Communist secret police "provocation." However, Gross shows that claims of alleged Jewish ritual murder of Polish children incited the crowds to anti-Jewish violence, falsehoods that originated long before in the Middle Ages. It seems that Poles were prepared to employ any pretext to murder Jewish fellow citizens, no matter how seemingly absurd.

Gross makes a convincing case that Polish society at that time allowed for the murder of Jews as an acceptable action. He argues that such murders would never have occurred after the war if Poles hadn't been murdering Jews during the war, as he documented they had in Jedwabne and other towns. He suggests that large sectors of Polish society were complicit in the Nazi extermination of Polish Jewry, that many Poles expressed approval for Nazi genocide even as they opposed other Nazi policies, and that many Poles benefited from the genocide by plundering Jewish property. In his view, returning Jewish survivors posed a threat to Poles by reminding them of what they had done to Jews during the war...."

daboos  - | 10  
28 May 2007 /  #194
Read the books "Neighbours" or "Fear" from Jan Tomasz Gross to be ashamed of YOUR countries past

do you really belive in the things written in every book??!! I hope that not all of germans have knowledge like yours.the truth is, you know NOTHING about the history of poland and please, don't speak about the things you have no idea about.

I'm sorry, but I don't believe in such kind of books... :/ and u won't convince me
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
28 May 2007 /  #195

it's always the same mantra: The poor innocent but gallant Poles!
The bad were ALWAYS somebody else!

Repeated again and again ad nauseam....and then some wonder about the bad standing Poland has internationally because everybody knows better!

But don't despair...to break your myths you now have your very own Bratwurst Boy!

TheKruk  3 | 308  
28 May 2007 /  #196
I'm American with polish ancestry

you'll always belong to an inferior race of being that are capable of the direst cruelty a lesser evolved People known in every country as "red-neck" "Buraki" "in-breed" not German but the true plague of our Earth the "racist"

I'm not sure you understood, I am saying you are inferior not all Germans only you and racists like you. Germany rose economically with incredible help from the magnanimous allies who realized not all germans were Nazi's. Would Nazi Germany have such compassion NO. Thus inferior. And if your proud of your views, and sleep well you honestly need psychological help. Plus your abhorrent avatar on a Polish forum we should have a separate thread for Germans bad taste. I can spot a German tourist from a mile away first I think they are gays until I hear them talk and then its ahh a german, even fatter than my countrymen.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
28 May 2007 /  #197
I'm sorry, but I don't believe in such kind of books... :/ and u won't convince me

Nun ja...if you don't want to believe "such kind of books" then I can't help you...nobody really can.

And I repeat, it takes guts to look into the abyss, to accept, apologize and atone...Guts your people obviously don't have!
28 May 2007 /  #198
it's always the same mantra: The poor innocent but gallant Jews!

But we don't really care about that and you... you have to lick their asses !
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
28 May 2007 /  #199
Nun ja...we have to be a bit cautios around them...historical reasons....you understand...*sighs*
28 May 2007 /  #200
historical reasons

lick their asses, no excuse.

Why ppl waste their time here, lol.
daboos  - | 10  
28 May 2007 /  #201
But don't despair...to break your myths you now have your very own Bratwurst Boy!

thanx, i don't want your help.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
28 May 2007 /  #202
Plus your abhorrent avatar on a Polish forum we should have a separate thread for Germans bad taste.


That's the IRON CROSS!

Worlds most famous award for bravery!

thanx, i don't want your help.

You THINK you don't want my help...but uncle Bratwurst knows better! :)
daboos  - | 10  
28 May 2007 /  #203
You THINK you don't want my help...but uncle Bratwurst knows better! :)

I don't think so
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
28 May 2007 /  #204
I can spot a German tourist from a mile away first I think they are gays until I hear them talk and then its ahh a german, even fatter than my countrymen.

Germans are now the fattest of all Europeans a recent survey found out!

What an achievement!!!

28 May 2007 /  #205
What an achievement!!!

lol Don't be so modest and don't forget about black leather trousers and famous German erotic movies ! And a guy who raped and ate another one.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
28 May 2007 /  #206
Black leather trousers rocks....but the other thing is not really common...
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
28 May 2007 /  #207
Quoting: ConstantineK
Union...hemm we would slaughter each other in such union. Especially living together with poleswe would make a blood bath. ;-)))))

Why? Why, realy?

Old Slavs already lived in some kind of Unity- tribal confederation (Sarmatian period and Great Moravia) and, that Unity wasn’t destroyed from inside but, due to Greek, Roman, Teuton and Hun actions. Slavic history is painful but also full of examples of mutual Slavic solidarity.

No, we will never get on with Poles, though they are definetly humans but even I whant to see how they are arranged from the inside.......

Quoting: ConstantineK
It was not an ally just burden, the same as in nato!

Why is Nato a burden Constantinek?

What will be happen if war between russia and nato would be broken?

We will strike on such weakest states as baltic, Romania, czech, italy, spain, may be france....ah yes poland....Do you whant to fight for italy? or for Baltic states? I think no!!!

(ok, Russians aren't my fav nation ;P).


Quoting: southern

Quoting: daboos
although I think they like Germans more. ;]

The Poles like Germans?

I disagree. In my opinion Poles like more Russians than Germans.

As i can observe from this chat russians are much more liked by poles than germans
Crow  154 | 9525  
28 May 2007 /  #208
In my family all the men fighted, some died some survived and I'm damned proud of them!

Proud? With what? Tell me with what you are proud in your delusion

Slavs of today`s Germany greatly resisted to Romans and to Teutonic traitors. They resisted but, foes were too strong and they failed. They graetly failed or we (other Slavs) failed to help them. In some way we all failed but, we would consolidate if God is upon us.

Only those who still exist as Slavs in today`s Germany could be proud. Other Germans live in primordial sin- it`s not that they just failed but, they were transformed into machine for further destruction (enslavement and assimilation) of their own kind.

So, don`t be proud with your new, non-European heritage which was imposed on your ancestors by Romans, via Teutons (mix of native European Slavic and new coming Semitic Roman culture).

Instead to be proud, find truth in your heart and come back to mother Slavia- you lost child and fallen angel of Gaia.

I admit....I need help!

I just told you
TheKruk  3 | 308  
28 May 2007 /  #209
That's the IRON CROSS!

FIRST USED BY THE TEUTONIC KNIGHTS WHOM AS YOU MAY RECALL HAD THEIR BUTTS KICKED OUT OF POLAND. Once again you miss my point what country issued the Iron Cross? and this is a Polish forum . You are such a lightweight I waste my intelligence on you because you never understand and can never issue a clever reply
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
28 May 2007 /  #210
I waste my intelligence on you...

Now....not much to waste...no loss....write on!

Archives - 2005-2009 / News / Polish/German/Russian relationsArchived