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Polish Election Poll (according to PolishForums)

Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
12 Oct 2007 /  #61
For someone politically neutral Tusk probably gave better impression but that's what It is - impression, only.

It's more a show than a real value for the voters

hello  22 | 891  
12 Oct 2007 /  #62
One thing I was a little negatively surprised. The debate was too short! In the US elections the candidates would debate 2-3 hours at one time, not an hour or so...
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
12 Oct 2007 /  #63
Who won debate :)

first pools

67% Tusk
33% Kaczynski
Polson  5 | 1767  
12 Oct 2007 /  #64
It was meant to be ;) LoL
one who knows  
12 Oct 2007 /  #65
Difference between three main parties, explained in short.

Consider a barrel of honey with a spoonful of s-h-i-t . Poland, now.

Law and Justice (PiS):

Let us remove this s-h-i-t with care. The rest is honey nonetheless.

Civic Platform (PO):

No, let us take a spoon and stir to mix both ingredients.

the Left and Democrats (LiD):

Yes, let us mix, but use an electric mixer instead of a simple spoon.

No doubt, s-h-i-t eaters are likely to vote Civic Platform (PO) or the Left and Democrats (LiD).
I am not a s-h-i-t eater.

Polson  5 | 1767  
12 Oct 2007 /  #66
I am not a s-h-i-t eater

No just a s-h-i-t maker ;D
13 Oct 2007 /  #67
Today we had the debate TUSK-KACZYNSKI

Kaczynski is sad old prick
he cant even talk properly polish. hes making some embarrasing mistakes all the time ('wyscie', mysmy' etc)
made me feel ashamed cuz of my country, plus he looks like a fat gay. It is important to look good hey! isnt it? Lets choose Wysp :P

im gonna vote first time in my life and i know that his part wont be my winner
hes so fu*cking proud cuz of his money and happy childhood. he said he lived in elitary part of Warsaw. So what? who cares about that? When Tusk was asked about that he answered that he was poor and had to work hard before he turned into politician. At least he isnt a bourgeois.
porta  18 | 225  
13 Oct 2007 /  #68
Doesnt Kaczynski live with his mother?
13 Oct 2007 /  #69
i dont know and it isnt so important either
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
13 Oct 2007 /  #70
Doesnt Kaczynski live with his mother?

yes he does ... but in Poland private life of candidates isnt important, Jarosla Kaczysnki is old single ;) his twin brother Lech (president) has family. Tusk after years of being in civil mariage decided to take it in church, and no body really cares about that ...
porta  18 | 225  
13 Oct 2007 /  #71
But should not a good leader have good life experience? He should have some idea how it is to have a family and things like this.
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
13 Oct 2007 /  #72
I m supporting PO and Tusk, but I dont think we should carre so much about things you mentioned, yes the difference betwen Jarek and his brother Lech is noticable. All in all we had a lot of "good" Poles ;) whose privae life wasnt casual catholic life ...

..there is a lot of jokes about his privat life but when peole decide who do they chose they rather dont carre about it

as to yesterday debate

the intersting fact is that in this capaing we dont have irrational discussion about Germans (I agree that we have some problems to solve, but we have to do it in other atmosphere), and Kaczynski realised that 80% of our society is pro Euproean and stoped talking his Euro stepthical slogans.

Tusk declared that he dont understand what we are doing in Iraq, accused Kaczynski who pretends to be taff player in foregin affairs of being subimissive in realtions with USA.

I think that Kaczynski was smashed durring first part of debate about economy ...
Polson  5 | 1767  
13 Oct 2007 /  #73
Tusk declared that he dont understand what we are doing in Iraq

taff player in foregin affairs of being subimissive in realtions with USA

I think that Kaczynski was smashed durring first part of debate about economy

All that seems so good ! Go and vote Polish people, be smart, don't waste your vote on Kaczki ! ;P LoL
johan123  1 | 227  
13 Oct 2007 /  #74
I think that Kaczynski was smashed durring first part of debate about economy ...

The election is over Lukasz, it is only a question of margin! PiS is set to pull 40-42 % at this moment in time. I suspect that as the situation developes in the coming weeks PiS will increase this margin even further.
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
13 Oct 2007 /  #75
you dont stick to reallity (as your lider) opinion pool before debate gave victoey for PO
Polson  5 | 1767  
13 Oct 2007 /  #76
Yep, things are changing, and that's perfect :P
johan123  1 | 227  
13 Oct 2007 /  #77
you dont stick to reallity (as your lider) opinion pool before debate gave victoey for PO

Bookmakers deal in reality as do market trader! There's no money on PO!
Polson  5 | 1767  
13 Oct 2007 /  #78
If they (bookmakers) were always right, then we all be rich !...
johan123  1 | 227  
13 Oct 2007 /  #79
What do you mean? I think you had something different in mind.
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
13 Oct 2007 /  #80
I have noticed that bookmachers change their rates ... so we will see
Polson  5 | 1767  
13 Oct 2007 /  #81
We'll see, yeah ;) 8 days from now and we'll see ;)
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
13 Oct 2007 /  #82
:) after the debate

"what is wrong with this duck ? "

poland duck
Polson  5 | 1767  
13 Oct 2007 /  #83
Aha !!! ;P Go Donald, Out Duck ;)
Crow  154 | 9556  
13 Oct 2007 /  #84
I think that Kaczynski was smashed durring first part of debate about economy ...

Its good that Kacz was smashed. He spit on Racowie. He deserve to be smashed

Down with Kacz!
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
13 Oct 2007 /  #85
He spit on Racowie.

On what ?
johan123  1 | 227  
13 Oct 2007 /  #86
Hearing rumours of a massive political scandal within LiD! Concerns information L.Miller has on Aleksander Kwaśniewski. Source has mentioned it's absolutely massive!
saddened  - | 63  
13 Oct 2007 /  #87
go:Lukasz. you are it man go for it.

god i hate politics

if you registere lukasz. i would vote vote for you.
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
14 Oct 2007 /  #88
go:Lukasz. you are it man go for it.

LOL ;) thak you

PO has taken leadership in pools so maybe situation will be better. (so hopefuly I will do other things for my country ;) )

PO 46%
PiS 32%
LiD 11%
PSL 7%

Today we have last debate

Tusk PO - Kwasniewski LiD

I think it will be inportant as well
15 Oct 2007 /  #89
My vote for UPR candidate from LPR list
Crow  154 | 9556  
17 Oct 2007 /  #90
Quoting: Crow
He spit on Racowie.

On what ?

I know what I speak

Racowie = Serbs

See >>>

Encyklopedia- Wirtualna Polska


racowie, lekka najemna jazda złożona z Serbów, znana na Węgrzech od XIV w.; w Polsce w końcu XV–pocz. XVI w. służyli w obronie potocznej.

Gear at Grunwald


"The hussar originated in Serbia towards the end of the 14th century.
There are references to hussars in Poland in treasury returns of 1500,
though they were probably in Polish service before this date.
These early formations were foreign mercenaries, first known as
Racowie from the term Rascia, 'Serbia', from the original centre of
the Serbian state, Ras
. The term 'hussar' probably originates not -
as has been widely published - from any connections with the Hungarian
husz meaning 'twenty', but from gusar, a Slavonic word meaning

So, if Kaczynski support creation of Greater Albanian caliphate (as I already underlined) he spit on Serbs (work against) - in other words. He should explain to Polish voters that Serbs has problems with Vatican and with Croatian Catholics but that there is nothing anti-Catholic in Serbian tradition, that Serbs were always brothers when Poland (and other Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox Slavs and, many other progressive nations/people) needed them— on Grunwald and during Kosciusko uprising (we would do even more if we didn’t had our own troubles), in WWI, in WWII, against Stalin. In middle age, from Ras, from center of Serbian Orthodoxy and statehood, Serbs (which were remembered as Racowie) came to fight for freedom of Poland and our nobility closely cooperated and intermarried. Serbs didn’t allow that division of Christianity divides us- Why would politicians of Poland accept that.

Serbs are proud to consider themselves as brothers to Poles and to Russians, in the same time. Kaczynski is against Balkan Serbs, with that anti-Lusatian Serbs, with that anti-Polish. We must recognize him as pro-German and we must ask- Where Kaczynski lead Poland?

Poland backs 'free and independent' Kosovo: Albanian president

kosovareport.blogspot.com/2006/11/poland-backs-free-and-independent.ht ml

Poland backs a "free and independent" Kosovo, Albanian President Albert Moisiu said Tuesday following a meeting with his Polish opposite number Lech Kaczynski."I was pleased to hear that President Kaczynski, Poland and the Polish nation are ready...`.

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