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Polish Election Poll (according to PolishForums)

8 Oct 2007 /  #1
This will be held over this week and the results will be displayed on Saturday.
1. Only registered members will be allowed to vote, due to a possibility of repeated voting.
That’s it really, if anyone else can think of any rules they will be considered :O)

The polish political parties for election 2007.

Only seven parties managed to register their candidates to the Sejm in the whole country.
These are:
• Law and Justice (PiS)
• Civic Platform (PO)
• Left and Democrats (LiD)
• Polish People's Party (PSL)
• League of Polish Families (LPR)
• Self-Defence of the Republic of Poland (SRP)
• Polish Labour Party (PPP)
Please use the above abbreviations.
daffy  22 | 1153  
8 Oct 2007 /  #2
PO...if i could vote.
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
8 Oct 2007 /  #3
I m Pole I live in Poland (not in USA) and I vote on PO
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
8 Oct 2007 /  #5
My pick is PO.
Polson  5 | 1767  
8 Oct 2007 /  #6
PO (if i could vote)

You forgot the Women's Party ;) LoL
Firestorm  6 | 399  
8 Oct 2007 /  #7
You forgot the Women's Party ;) LoL

Would that be the ( Wio Wio ).?
OP ukpolska  
8 Oct 2007 /  #8
You forgot the Women's Party ;) LoL

I was not going to put them all up, but what the hell :O)

A number of other parties managed to register their candidates in a few regions.
These are:
• Women's Party (PK) - seven (out of forty-one) regions;
• Patriotic Self-Defense (SOP) - two regions;
• German Minority (MN) - one region;
• National Party of Retirees and Pensioners (KPEiR) - one region.
Polson  5 | 1767  
8 Oct 2007 /  #9
Would that be the ( Wio Wio ).?

Hmm...i think it's the Partiet Kobieta so "PK"... ;p But it's a good idea that women have their own party ;)

• Women's Party (PK) - seven (out of forty-one) regions;
• Patriotic Self-Defense (SOP) - two regions;
• German Minority (MN) - one region;
• National Party of Retirees and Pensioners (KPEiR) - one region.

Didn't know that, thanks ukpolska ;)
Daisy  3 | 1211  
8 Oct 2007 /  #10
I need to see their manifestos before I make a decision
OP ukpolska  
8 Oct 2007 /  #11
Would free cat litter sway you lol :O)
Firestorm  6 | 399  
8 Oct 2007 /  #12
Mb if you threw in some Katnip.. Lol
Daisy  3 | 1211  
8 Oct 2007 /  #13
Would free cat litter sway you lol :O)

I don't take bribes ;)
Daisy  3 | 1211  
8 Oct 2007 /  #15
Daisy  3 | 1211  
8 Oct 2007 /  #17

is he holding that cat hostage?
Daisy  3 | 1211  
8 Oct 2007 /  #19
thank you

are these views without bias?
OP ukpolska  
8 Oct 2007 /  #20
are these views without bias

Yeah right, I don't think so hunny not on a forum :O)
Crow  154 | 9556  
8 Oct 2007 /  #21
Diplomatic message of that picture could be: Beware! You know what heppening with cats which are too curious. So, don`t ask

Daisy  3 | 1211  
8 Oct 2007 /  #22
The cat doesn't look happy

why is he gripping it so tightly?
Crow  154 | 9556  
8 Oct 2007 /  #23
The cat doesn't look happy

I told you. Something went wrong, cat was too curious

why is he gripping it so tightly?

Well, it could be Albanian cat (we know that Kachinskis support creation of Greater Albania)
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
8 Oct 2007 /  #24
The cat knew too much...
Ronek  1 | 261  
8 Oct 2007 /  #25
no, it's his way of getting votes!
the cat will be shot if they wont win the elections ;)

still I'm not a cat lover so I wont vote for them;)
Daisy  3 | 1211  
8 Oct 2007 /  #26
still I'm not a cat lover

:( :( :(
Ronek  1 | 261  
8 Oct 2007 /  #27
ok I'll make an exception for you.
Daisy  3 | 1211  
8 Oct 2007 /  #28
Do you think it could be at all possible for me to make an informed decision?

without coercion of kittynapping
Ronek  1 | 261  
8 Oct 2007 /  #29
you'll be fine
OP ukpolska  
9 Oct 2007 /  #30
So according to limited voting here, could this be a representation of why there will be a low turnout by Poles at the ballet boxes?

Personally speaking, I think Polish people that I spoken to over the last seven years of living here are just fed up with politics, and who can blame them when they get such cretins as Roman Giertych and Andrzej Lepper to represent them.

As for my vote, I go with PO because they represent a modern Business Poland.

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