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Polish/Croatian Relations

randompal  7 | 306  
5 Jun 2008 /  #61
What would you recommend in Zadar? May be going there soon....looking for great places to do some swimming and some great food...
el Croata  1 | 34  
5 Jun 2008 /  #62
Across Zadar you have great arhipelag(cluster) of islands with pitoresgue villages.

On shore side near Zadar you have Petrèane,Nin, Zaton, Sukošan.
Especially nice is Nin.
southern  73 | 7059  
5 Jun 2008 /  #63
If you want family vacation, Makarska is on.

If this is the place for family vaccation,I can imagine what the party places look like.

el Croata  1 | 34  
5 Jun 2008 /  #64
Heaven on the Earth, Brijuni (Istria, Croatia).
Crow  154 | 9463  
29 Dec 2008 /  #65
Poles listen,

this is how Croatia manipulate with Catholic Church and generate crisis on Balkan. Behind all that performance isn`t Catholic-Orthodox antaginism but simple German expansionism. Catholich Church here is victim same as Orthodox Church, same as all true Slavs in the region who oppose to germanization

Zagreb: Puppet-Nazi leader honored in mass

b92.net/eng/news/region-article.php?yyyy=2008&mm=12&dd=29&n av_id=56062

29 December 2008 | 09:48 | Source: Tanjug

ZAGREB -- A church service in the Croatian capital on Sunday night commemorated Ustasha criminal Ante Pavelić on the 49th anniversary of his death.

i call Catholic Poles to monitor situation on Balkan and to avoid to be manipulated by anti-Serbian propaganda. Its not problem for Croats are Catholics (as, if) but problem is that they hide behind Catholicism whenever commit crimes on Orthodox Serbs. On the other side, Catholic Serbs never had chance to defend against Catholic Croatia. It is because Croatia managed to present itself as protector of Catholicism in the region, while in fact they are German player here. In any case, Vatican didn`t prevent, nor stop croatization of Catholic Serbs. Croatia got all Austro-German help in assimilation and cultural violance on Catholic Serbs and support in genocide on Orthodox Serbs.
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
29 Dec 2008 /  #66
If this forum is any indication, Poland isn't allied with anyone.
Crow  154 | 9463  
29 Dec 2008 /  #67
i agree with you, at least partly... It is true that Catholic Poles deflect from taking any side in Balkan conflict but, on the other side exactly that is the problem

What i mean?..... if Catholic Poles failed to support Catholic Serbs that they survive as Serbs, if Catholic Poles failed to condemn Catholic Croats over Croatian violance over Catholic and Orthodox Serbs, we easely can say that Catholic Poles failed on questions of- Slavic, Christian and even Catholic solidarity.

Maybe, just maybe some of my Polish brothers and sisters can say- `what Poland has with Catholic Serbs?` on that i can only answer... Then don`t BS about Poland as influental Catholic country

and, if some of my Polish sisters and brothers eventualy ask `what Poland has with Orthodox Serbs?`... i can only say... then, don`t BS about Poland as important country.

simple, if you don`t affect things, if you aren`t aware of situation, if you refuse to face facts, if anybody don`t consult you about anything, if you don`t know anything, if your brothers and friends can`t count on you... what is your influence or real importance?

some facts >>>

Croatian Nazis - The Worst Monsters The World Had Known

The Worst Killers In History/ Croatian Nazis - Ustasha 2/2

The story of Jasenovac

while in WWII Catholic Church in Poland was oppresed by German occupators, situation was completely different on Balkan. In Croatia, in their torturings of Orthodox Serbs, pro-German ustashe used even members of Catholic clergy.

if for anything then, at least for one reason this story should be interesting to Poles. These Orthodox Serbs that were victims of Croatian genocide in WWII, represent exactly childen/inheritors of those Orthodox Serbs that were known as Racowie in mediaval Poland. Those are children of those Serbs that served to Sobieski, Zawisha Czarny, Jagielo, Warnenzcyk. Those are Serbs from which ones originates Polish Jadwiga. That is how Europe rewarded best cavalry riders that history of this world ever sow and this is how Sarmatians from the southern borders were sloughtered >>> just to give you idea how is created Croatian nation >>>

Catholic Inquisition in Jasenovac

NOTE: most members of medieval Serbian cavalry scuadrons that served in Poland against Teutons and Turks in middle age was later populated in Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine and Russia. Part of them was settled among other Serbs in that what was known of Austro-Hungarian `military frontier` [most of it was Serbian Krajina] on the border between Austo-Hungaria and Ottoman Empire. There, those Serbs continued their strugle against Turks as eternal defenders of Europe from Ottoman invasion.

i dedicate this reply to those martyrs. So, that Poles get information

just remember.... problem isn`t Catholic Church but German imperialism and hegemonism and, covertly and perfid anti-Slavic policy of Britain and France that support Germany when it comes to chance to deal with Slavs, especialy thru policy- divide and conquer.

So, on the surface, while Slavs deals with antagonisms betwen Catholic and Orthodox Churches in reality, masters from so called west control everything and manipulate even with Churches.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
5 Oct 2009 /  #68
As for relations, i think poles enjoy vacationing along the dalmation coast:)

Yep and thats all there is to say about our relations, we like to go there on holidays, apart from that no one really give a damn.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
6 Oct 2009 /  #69
All together that three nations had killed almost 100 axis soldier in all WWII.

That was just sooo deeply provocative! ;(
Crow  154 | 9463  
7 Oct 2009 /  #70
The chief of yougoslaw partisans was Croat, Josip Broz Tito.

Josip Broz Tito by his origin was half Slovenian, half Croat but he considered himself as Yugoslavian. He was leader of communist party and later after WWII he becomes dictator.

Josip Broz Tito escaped from Croatia to Serbia in order to initiate large scale rebbelion against German occupation of Yugoslavia. When he arrived in Serbia from Croatia, he founded that in Serbia already exist anti-German resistance movement- Yugoslav/Serbian chetniks under command of general Draza Mihailovic.

Considering that chetniks were roayalists and wanted to restore parliament monarchy in Yugoslavia after WWII is finished, Tito- as true communist, attacked chetniks and innitiated civil war inside of Serbia and Yugoslavia. So, during his struggle against Germans, Tito started battle for so called `communist revolution` in Yugoslavia.

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