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Should we change the rules to let Poles join the British Army?

ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
17 Sep 2008 /  #91
Shouldnt this be true for the Brits living and working in Poland,should they too be able to speak fluent Polish??

Most English don't work in professions that requires them to have a high level proficiency of Polish (yet) - I'm sure that a vast majority of jobs (professional) do require Polish.

The point both myself and the other poster were making is that we both feel that excellent fluent English should be required to join the armed forces. It's not a slur on Polish people.

But he was allowed to enlist in the American Army in 1917..

One of my GGG uncles enlisted in that war - he forged documents - he was only 14 - I don't think they were too fussy in 1914 and war is so much more technical these day.
Kilkline  1 | 682  
17 Sep 2008 /  #92
If they are living and citizens of the country why are they still referred to as only Polish?

The number of Poles who are British citizens is tiny. I've never met a Pole here who would refer to themselves as British just because they've lived here for a few years.

One question, can they vote?

If they are citizens, yes. If not no. The same as the US I imagine.

Lets face it if they have lived there since 1950 what are the chances they can go back to Poland now? Most have homes and established their lives over 58 years.

We definitely dont allow people in their 60's to join the army in Britain.

If the UK is so demanding, Why not Poland.

I think you'll find that Poland is far, far more demanding especially regarding citizenship.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
17 Sep 2008 /  #94
Poles don't want to be British soldiers

I've already made that point :)

In my personal opinion, I don't think that Poles should be able to join the British army, why the hell would they want to anyway?

Lukasz  49 | 1746  
17 Sep 2008 /  #95
OP celinski  31 | 1258  
17 Sep 2008 /  #96
We definitely dont allow people in their 60's to join the army in Britain

I was thinking of their children and even grandchildren. Are they still considered Polish?

I'm actually amazed at the stupidity of that comment. It's quite aparent you've never actually worked in a job where people depend on good lines of communication to keep them alive!

Was it not the Polish that broke a code in WW2.
Crow  154 | 9561  
17 Sep 2008 /  #97
Should we change the rules to let Poles join the British Army?

why?! To use Poles to killing more Serbians?!

Look what happened on Kosovo-Metohija!!! That poor creature that was used as sniper-shooter on Serbs is now on rehabilitation in mental institution. He said `he can`t live with fact that he killed Serb on a Serbian ground`- he wanted to commit suicide few times. Down there where Zawisha Charny died for Serbs to liberate them from Islam, that poor creature take part in creation of Greater Albania. There is no future for that man and all money that he got can`t make him happy. i feel sorry for him, honestly

also, in chaos that occured Ukrainian soldier was killed and now Ukrainians blame Poles for that and Franch UNMIK/NATO. So, UKPOLABAT (Ukrainian-Polish battalion) fall in crisis and its future becomes questionable. WHY??? becouse of money???!!!

all what anti-Slavs want is to isolate Slavs from each others and to force us to exterminate each others
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
17 Sep 2008 /  #98
anti-Slavs want is to isolate Slavs

You only beat drums I think. Sometimes its seems you are confused yourself on your agenda.

szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
17 Sep 2008 /  #99
Scottish/Polish/Ukrainian troops joint exercise. If anyone is interested..

Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
17 Sep 2008 /  #100
If anyone is interested..

Whats the use of ppl in here being interested in an army joint excercise?
szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
17 Sep 2008 /  #101
The relationship between the different armies is already strong so having Polish people in the British army or visa versa is no big deal.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
17 Sep 2008 /  #102
so having Polish people in the British army or visa versa is no big deal.

I have no problem.

But.. its Europe... and its a strange world. Some such people exist who love to creat problems...and also descriminate. Often they are devoid of logic, but still hailed!

Now... if unfortunately a situation occurs... and the Polish personel in the UK army has to choose between Poland and Uk... what will he do?... and how will that justify UK? or Poland?...

Or maybe... we all might join the EU army... or better....the UN army. It might look better.

But if you are talking about British Poles... like British Indians or British Germans... or etc... then it makes more sense.
Crow  154 | 9561  
17 Sep 2008 /  #103
Scottish/Polish/Ukrainian troops joint exercise. If anyone is interested..


Now, continue to killing Ukrainian soldiers. That would make happy their NATO cooperative president

let Poles join the British Army

Poles, don`t do that

in a first opportunity, Serbians would eliminate a lot of British soldiers. You don`t want to be with them when they face their end
Franek  8 | 271  
17 Sep 2008 /  #104
Was it not the Polish that broke a code in WW2.

Good shot Carol.
Was it not the Poles that retrieved a German V1 rocket that went astray.. They dismantled it and sent it to England.

Actually who in their right mind would want to join the British Army? Their chow sucks.
szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
17 Sep 2008 /  #105
Crow - I am all for patriotism but one thing that Scotland has learnt to her advantage is that you do not get stronger by blaming other people - you need to get over it and build strength from within yourself.
Crow  154 | 9561  
17 Sep 2008 /  #106
British troops are occupational forces and would be forced to retreat

Serbs never lost any war. We can wait. Britain shell pay for everything
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
17 Sep 2008 /  #107
Was it not the Polish that broke a code in WW2.

Carol this has been discussed to death - the codes changed and certain other aspects were hard for the Polish - IT WAS A JOINT EFFORT:



British troops are occupational forces and would be forced to retreat

And you can shut the fcuk up as well! ya week prik!

You know what, sometimes I wish the British had just not bothered and left the Polish to die! Because we get no thanks whatsoever!
Arise_St_George  9 | 419  
17 Sep 2008 /  #108
When they were attacked last time ? Except WW2... Weren't vast majority of British wars fought away from home ?

To protect British interests! We're talking about muslims' interests here!
Crow  154 | 9561  
17 Sep 2008 /  #109
You know what, sometimes I wish the British had just not bothered and left the Polish to die! Because we get no thanks whatsoever!

a a a a don`t worry

Poland repaying her debt to you. Look how Polish soldiers serve you well on Kosovo and creating Greater Albania. Official Poland is so loyal to debt to Britain and France that Racowie-Polish relations looks like little insignificant joke

And you can shut the fcuk up as well! ya week prik!

i will, i will, just don`t dream about sleeping with me
Franek  8 | 271  
17 Sep 2008 /  #110
You know what, sometimes I wish the British had just not bothered and left the Polish to die!

Shelley, Shelley, LOL! You have me in hysterics. Sometimes you can get soooo, cute.. Have you been drinking?
McCoy  27 | 1268  
17 Sep 2008 /  #111
You know what, sometimes I wish the British had just not bothered and left the Polish to die! Because we get no thanks whatsoever!

what do you want us to thank you for? sorry girl but youre talking bulshit.
OP celinski  31 | 1258  
17 Sep 2008 /  #113
Right, now where would Poland be without your thoughts of helping. In the US we have a saying "kiss off Beach". You are one mean drunk.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
17 Sep 2008 /  #114
I think Shelley means that Poland is pretty rebellious in Europe and that they don't thank us for our efforts over the years. That'd be my guess. Churchill once he didn't want to help the Poles because they were so selfish and ungrateful.

That's just one position, the other is that the Allies sold Poland down the river. They concluded Yalta, a reiteration of Tehran, and let Poland descend into communism and the world of deadly secret agents. America, through Roosevelt, was complicit too. That surprises me as, not long later, America waged war with communism.

Poland shouldn't feel that they owe anybody anything. They have been pushed around once too often. They are good fighters.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
17 Sep 2008 /  #115
They are good fighters.

Yes...they smashed the Germans 14hundredsomething! :)
Bartolome  2 | 1083  
17 Sep 2008 /  #116
You bet ! :)
We were busy with the Turks, Swedes, pirates and ninjas afterward :)
Bartolome  2 | 1083  
17 Sep 2008 /  #118
Yeah - sharpened poles for deep anal probing :

Robert A  1 | 102  
17 Sep 2008 /  #119
yes the gurkhas were truly great soldiers

Just a minor correction Torny: ". . the gurkhas are truly great soldiers . . " The Gurkha Regiment is still in existence today and serving both in Iraq & Afghanistan.

and another minor correction

If i'm right in thinking the Gurkhas were more of an extension rather than part of the British army

Sorry, but The Gurkha Regiment has been a part of the British Army for nearly 200 years. Moreover, as a regiment, they have won more VCs than any other regiment within the British Army.

As for the Polish contribution during WW II: I was based at RAF Northolt for a few years and can confirm that their contribution is acknowledged in the form of a memorial at the south- east corner of the base adjacent to the A40.

In principle, I have nothing against Polish nationals joining the British forces. As very few Gurkhas can actually speak English - they rely on senior NCOs & Officers to translate instructions - I don't see the inability to speak English as an impediment to joining-up

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