ukinpoland 5 | 338
8 Jul 2007 / #31
So i go back downstairs to meet Kamila again and she gives me evil looks and turns her back " Omg how Rude" So i said to her What have i Done!? She said I saw u dancin with some other girl!! Im like why u getting Jelous? it was just a dance, i dont feel nothing for her.. I like u .. I wish u wud tell me how u feel so we can move in the right direction..
It looks like your ex really scared her and she was frightened to start something.
Honestly mate when a women thinks you like her and she likes you as well, they arent going to be happy when you are dancing with someone else. Polish women especially, they expect you to be just for them(but then again so does anyman or women) and I think maybe she feels like you dont respect her or something now.