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5 ways to intimidate/ turn off a Polish or non-Polish men;)

oliver twist - | 121  
21 Apr 2008 /  #61
I hope you realise I was joking :/

Damn it was just getting interesting:) I hate dirty jokes:):)
sapphire 22 | 1241  
22 Apr 2008 /  #62
is it normal for polish men not to take a bath or shower when they have the flu, or just a bad cold? Apparantly this advice is handed out by Polish mothers.
OP miranda  
22 Apr 2008 /  #63
yep, I have heard about it.
sapphire 22 | 1241  
22 Apr 2008 /  #64
Really? It seems totally bizarre to me.. and not that pleasant to live with either :)
OP miranda  
22 Apr 2008 /  #65
and not that pleasant to live with either :)

I guess not:). My father doesn't take a bath when he is sick because he says that it interferes with him getting better and one could get worst from taking a bath when having a cold. Probably an urban legend but as you can see, very much alive:). Could be a male thing;)
JustysiaS 13 | 2238  
22 Apr 2008 /  #66
i guess that's because you have to sweat the bug out and if you shower or take a bath you will stop sweating for a while. or is it?? it is a bit minging, to lay in bed for a few days without washing...
tornado2007 11 | 2270  
22 Apr 2008 /  #67

you can tell you live in scotland :)
Seanus 15 | 19668  
22 Apr 2008 /  #68
That's rich coming from an Englishman ;)
JustysiaS 13 | 2238  
22 Apr 2008 /  #69
you can tell you live in scotland :)

i live in southern england actually
Seanus 15 | 19668  
22 Apr 2008 /  #70
tornado2007 11 | 2270  
22 Apr 2008 /  #71
i live in southern england actually

you've got to be pulling my leg that is such a scottish word!!!!

AHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Oops tornado!!

well everybody is wrong sometimes, even me :)


i'm not up on my internet type, what the heck does it mean, lol ???
sapphire 22 | 1241  
22 Apr 2008 /  #72
Could be a male thing;)

well we all know that 'man flu' is the worst illness ever. Strange, when I had the flu a couple of weeks ago it didnt appear to be such a big deal. I was still able to go to work, cook dinner etc..

And 'minging' is not only said in Scotland.. Its common in London and the Midlands too.
Seanus 15 | 19668  
22 Apr 2008 /  #73
ROTFL means roll on the floor laughing, sth which leaves u needing to stitch up ur sides
OP miranda  
22 Apr 2008 /  #74
well we all know that 'man flu' is the worst illness ever.

yes and it should be taken very seriously. I just keep my face straight and then lock myself in the washroom and laught my head off:)
Kev A 2 | 64  
22 Apr 2008 /  #75
Nah girls you've got it wrong, it's an allowence made for men to compensate for the lack of excuses for bad humor like, pmt, pms, The right to change your mind without rhyme or reason, Going to the Bathroom in twos, saying no when you mean yes, saying yes when you mean no, Expecting dishonesty when you ask does my Ass look big in this. etc.

Kev :o)

Only joking, I have 5 Sisters!!!
solalice 1 | 10  
22 Apr 2008 /  #76
What do 40+ year polish man look for ? What would make a good impression but not scare him? Everything looks pretty structured to me so not sure about making a move…
JustysiaS 13 | 2238  
23 Apr 2008 /  #77
you can tell you live in scotland :)

you've got to be pulling my leg that is such a scottish word!!!!

lol i beg to differ, minging is not a typically scottish word, my english mates use that and minger all the time, thats where i picked it up. my bloke is scottish but i dont think i've ever heard him say 'minging'!

compensate for the lack of excuses for bad humor like, pmt, pms, The right to change your mind without rhyme or reason, Going to the Bathroom in twos, saying no when you mean yes, saying yes when you mean no, Expecting dishonesty when you ask does my Ass look big in this. etc.

Only joking, I have 5 Sisters!!!

i can tell you've been brought up around many women, you sure know a lot about them haha
Arise_St_George 9 | 419  
23 Apr 2008 /  #78
you can tell you live in scotland :)

The word minging is also an English word. I use it alot myself
PolskaDoll 27 | 1599  
23 Apr 2008 /  #79
I have heard it used by Liverpudlians, which surprised me at the time as I thought it was a Scottish word.
IronsE11 2 | 441  
23 Apr 2008 /  #80
Not at all. It is used all over the UK. Usually by teenagers though.
PolskaDoll 27 | 1599  
23 Apr 2008 /  #81
Interesting. Yes, it's mostly teenagers here in Scotland that use the word. It's not a word I use though. Then again, I'm not a teenager ;)
Arise_St_George 9 | 419  
23 Apr 2008 /  #82
I don't hear it here in Preston/Blackpool that much but I picked it up from Nottingham which is the East Midlands.

"She's a right minger"
"That's f-ing minging"
"Ewww that mings" < I don't use that one.

The word "rancid" is also a commonly used word which means the same as minging.
Lilu 3 | 32  
24 Apr 2008 /  #83
Don't shave your legs and arms pits, talk down to them like they are children.
Definately know about cars and motorcycles bc they are very obsesive of those things and the more you know the more you can go up to a guy with a bike and be like dude you totally screwed up your **** by adding gold wheels or something along the line. hit on the guy that is standing next to the guy hiting on you. just ignore then and walk away . there is jsut alot of this that can irritate guys or anyone .... high ptch laughter like the nanny. Say that you want to get married soon right after the first date. being flatulent at the gym on a machine lol thats jsut funny.
OP miranda  
29 Apr 2008 /  #84
Nah girls you've got it wrong, it's an allowence made for men to compensate for the lack of excuses for bad humor like, pmt, pms, The right to change your mind without rhyme or reason, Going to the Bathroom in twos, saying no when you mean yes, saying yes when you mean no, Expecting dishonesty when you ask does my Ass look big in this. etc.

good point, i guess it is OK to have a man's flu after all. All the crazy thing men have to put up with when dealing with female kind. Those poor sods deserve a break:)
southern 73 | 7059  
29 Apr 2008 /  #85
Tell him that you are growing a beard.
Kev A 2 | 64  
29 Apr 2008 /  #86
good point, i guess it is OK to have a man's flu after all. All the crazy thing men have to put up with when dealing with female kind. Those poor sods deserve a break:)

Enjoyin your neck of the woods at the moment Miranda , really enjoying it.

OP miranda  
29 Apr 2008 /  #87
why not. I had a stressfull life:)
Kev A 2 | 64  
29 Apr 2008 /  #88
Sorry Miranda, I meant I was in Canada at the moment.

OP miranda  
29 Apr 2008 /  #89
ha, ha. I was not sure if that what you were saying;) Where abouts?

more irish have landed in Canuck land, yehh...
Kev A 2 | 64  
30 Apr 2008 /  #90
more irish have landed in Canuck land, yehh...

Hey Miranda,

Cambridge Ont. Been here many times, contemplating moving later. Nice, friendly people perfect climate. Where abouts are you? I leave on sat to go home but have had fun. Was disappointed on first visit, never got to see a Moose!!! what u gonna do eh? lol


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