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What is Sexy to men and women in Poland?

Macduff 9 | 69  
28 Dec 2007 /  #1
Just to reverse the what is not sexy subject.

I think this will be more fun and helpfull :)
shewolf 5 | 1077  
28 Dec 2007 /  #2
all men are sexy in my eyes.
Grzegorz_ 51 | 6139  
28 Dec 2007 /  #3
Sexy... Cool avatar, wolf :)
shewolf 5 | 1077  
28 Dec 2007 /  #4
Cool avatar, wolf :)

Yours, too G.
plk123 8 | 4129  
28 Dec 2007 /  #5
g.. bestiality is illegal in many countries including USA.. may want to watch that. lol
cubic 2 | 63  
28 Dec 2007 /  #6
all men are sexy in my eyes.

Even this guy...?

  • Drunk
shewolf 5 | 1077  
28 Dec 2007 /  #7
ha ha. You're so bad.
28 Dec 2007 /  #8
Even this guy

He is rather stylish.
southern 73 | 7059  
28 Dec 2007 /  #9
A great bottom is sexy to both sexes.
OP Macduff 9 | 69  
28 Dec 2007 /  #10
Yes the figure is the starter but I think the girls with the come to bed eyes does it for moi

OK last try.
Women out there here is your last chance to help the guys out there! what is sexy about men in your eyes?
Polish or British
z_darius 14 | 3960  
29 Dec 2007 /  #11
Polish or British

probably a polished Brit, or a British pole.
tygrys 2 | 290  
29 Dec 2007 /  #12
what is sexy about men in your eyes?

Personality and da smile and da teeth. Don't like Polish guys coz they don't smile enough and if they do, they only show their bottom teeth, or if they show their teeth they are either brown or yellow coz they drink too much tea and stuff or their teeth are missing.
z_darius 14 | 3960  
29 Dec 2007 /  #13
they are either brown or yellow coz they drink too much tea and stuff or their teeth are missing.

At least missing teeth can't be brown or yellow :))
beckski 12 | 1609  
29 Dec 2007 /  #14
Do these teeth pass the test? Lol!!!

Lady in red  
29 Dec 2007 /  #15
beckski..........that's revolting ..........makes me feel quite sick.........ugh !!!

29 Dec 2007 /  #16
At least he's happy...or in pain, I can't decide which looks most likely from that expression.
Lady in red  
29 Dec 2007 /  #17
I reckon he's had a bottle or two of whisky and is out of it........

it's still making me sick to look at it grrrrrrrrr lol.

I think pain !!!
z_darius 14 | 3960  
29 Dec 2007 /  #18
Do these teeth pass the test? Lol!!!

The missing ones surely do :)
But I thought tis was "Polish love relationship..." thread. Why are you pursuing other ethnicities ;)
Lady in red  
29 Dec 2007 /  #19
It says 'Polish Love and Relationships' so I guess that's ok then hahaha !

They do say beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I bet that guy has a lovely wife (she could even be Polish too )

shewolf 5 | 1077  
29 Dec 2007 /  #20
OK last try.
Women out there here is your last chance to help the guys out there! what is sexy about men in your eyes?
Polish or British

Men have the potential to induce great pleasure.
The warmth of their bodies.
The strength of their bodies.
The deepness of their voice.
They think different than a woman, more logical.
They handle situations different than a woman, wanting to fix things.
They are a need, not just a want.
all very sexy.
29 Dec 2007 /  #21
-I find it sexy when a guy can make me laugh without trying...just in the natural things he does. One guy I work with...gets to me every time. Everything he does.. is just .. :)
PolskaDoll 27 | 1599  
29 Dec 2007 /  #22
Men have the potential to induce great pleasure.
The warmth of their bodies.
The strength of their bodies.
The deepness of their voice.
They think different than a woman, more logical.
They handle situations different than a woman, wanting to fix things.
They are a need, not just a want.
all very sexy

I'm with you there :)

-I find it sexy when a guy can make me laugh without trying...just in the natural things he does. One guy I work with...gets to me every time. Everything he does.. is just .. :)

Oooh Sofi... :D
Daisy 3 | 1215  
29 Dec 2007 /  #23
Fat wallet
29 Dec 2007 /  #24
Joe is sexy.
29 Dec 2007 /  #25
Right back atcha :)
29 Dec 2007 /  #26
Stupid! Of course im more than you are. But no worries, you do well. And now i really want to lay on the floor! :P

edit: of course this floor isn't so nice without you anymore.. ;)
southern 73 | 7059  
29 Dec 2007 /  #27
Men have the potential to induce great pleasure.
The warmth of their bodies.
The strength of their bodies.
The deepness of their voice.
They think different than a woman, more logical.
They handle situations different than a woman, wanting to fix things.
They are a need, not just a want.
all very sexy.

Women have the potential to induce great pleasure.
The warmth of their bodies.
The weakness of their bodies.
The feminity of voice.
They think different than a man,emotional.
They handle situations different than a man wanting to communicate things.
They are a want and a need.
all a headache.
Seanus 15 | 19668  
29 Dec 2007 /  #28
ROFL, all a headache. Nothing like a bit of light-hearted fun. Accent seems to be a big turn on to some women. Esp Scottish and Irish ones
29 Dec 2007 /  #29
Accent seems to be a big turn on to some women

Hmm, I think it depends on the voice that goes with it for me (I etc).
Seanus 15 | 19668  
29 Dec 2007 /  #30
For sure but generally the accent is the first thing you hear and can be taken in by

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