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Is Sex Legal In Poland?

Arien 2 | 710  
26 Oct 2009 /  #1
Alright, here's my story..

I've asked this girl if she wanted sex with me, because she was clearly interested. I mean, she even looked at me! She pretended to be all agitated when I asked her, and she even told me to piss off! At first she was playing hard to get and she was good at it, and she just kept teasing me! A few hours later she yelled at me that she would call the cops if I wouldn't go away! Such passion this girl had! I pretended to be a reporter at first, and ofcourse she liked me, otherwise she wouldn't pose for me like she did?

Polish Girl

Here, you can clearly see how she was flirting with me! No shame! Straight fire! Anyway, to keep a long story short, the cops came and they arrested me! (Now why would they want to do that for!?) I asked them what was wrong and why they were taking me away, but I couldn't understand a word of what they were saying! Next thing I know, they threw me in a cell and kept me there for days! Such funny guys! On the third day, they brought me to the airport and I got on the plane.. It was all good, nice Stewards, nice Stewardesses! So after a Wódka or two I decided it was time for some fun and revealed my Superman outfit which I was wearing underneath my three piece suit, and flew right out of the cargo hold to take a picture of the airplane:

LOT Airplane

So after I returned as swift as I went for some fresh air, I asked this lady who looked like a Stewardess if she wanted to have sex with me on the toilet, and she laughed real hard, and gave me all sorts of funny looks. I told her every girl wants to do it with Superman, and I asked her what was wrong with her. She also played hard to get and threatened to call the Stewards, to throw me out of the airplane if I didn't start to behave myself immediately! A woman with spirit! I like that! Anyway, I just know she wanted me, but I guess it had to do something with those funny cops who took me away earlier? I guess she didn't want me to end up in jail again, such a sweet thing she was..

Hot Blonde LOT Stewardess!

This is me asking the Stewardess if she wanted sex with me. I took this picture of myself while in Supermode. (Yes, I know it sounds unbelievable, but I can move faster than the speed of light when I have to!) So there you have it..

So now I want to know if all Polish women are aware of the fact that it's illegal to have sex in Poland. (It just has to be! Why on earth would a woman want to refuse a shag with Superman?) Law enforcing bastards! ;)
pgtx 29 | 3115  
26 Oct 2009 /  #2
what a great story-teller you are Arien... :)
wildrover 98 | 4431  
26 Oct 2009 /  #3
You don,t have all this trouble with a fish.....!
frd 7 | 1385  
26 Oct 2009 /  #4
hmm it sounds kind of far-fetched.. but naaah it can't, I agree, it confirms all of our assumptions..
CacyUlcia 2 | 46  
26 Oct 2009 /  #5
Alright, here's my story..

The good news is that there are people of the opposite sex who think like you, Arien, and fall for geeky hairballs. For instance take a look at Madonna... isn't she classy? and he's so cheesy... It seems as if the less in common they have, the more attracted they are to each other.
ShawnH 8 | 1488  
26 Oct 2009 /  #6
Arien, have you been drinking from southern's Special ouzo bottle?
RubasznyRumcajs 5 | 495  
26 Oct 2009 /  #7
and i though that 'do poles have big noses?' is the stupidiest topic here... well, i've been wrong
wildrover 98 | 4431  
26 Oct 2009 /  #8
Is Sex Legal In Poland?

Its legal...but don,t be doing any of it....all that grunting and leaping about , its not good for you...stay at home with a good book , keep away from women , especially Polish ones...spawn of the devil they are......
beckski 12 | 1609  
26 Oct 2009 /  #9
Is Sex Legal In Poland?

By all means the answer is no. The only acceptable method of conception, is via artificial insemination! Lol
southern 73 | 7059  
26 Oct 2009 /  #10
Be afraid of the sex police.
nomaderol 5 | 726  
26 Oct 2009 /  #11
Arien, it seems that you didn't know you offered sex to darlings of stewardess and cops.

Funny story.

Btw, if i missed to kiss this miss in red, 3 days in jail wouldn't be enough for me.
OP Arien 2 | 710  
26 Oct 2009 /  #12
By all means the answer is no. The only acceptable method of conception, is via artificial insemination! Lol

See? I knew it!


Don't you just hate it when I'm right?

Arien, have you been drinking from southern's Special ouzo bottle?

I hope not!

The good news is that there are people of the opposite sex who think like you, Arien, and fall for geeky hairballs.

Where? How late? What boxers do you want me to wear? Do you hate white socks? Or should I go Commando? Which Aftershave? Do you want me to shave? I've heard some girls don't like hair, and wel, in that case..


I'd say we've got ourselves a little problem?


For instance take a look at Madonna...

*looks at Madonna*


Btw, if i missed to kiss this miss in red, 3 days in jail wouldn't be enough for me.

I didn't really miss her to be honest, and I still don't!


and i though that 'do poles have big noses?' is the stupidiest topic here... well, i've been wrong

Oh, but this is not a stupid thread! It's been very entertaining and extremely informative so far! (Haven't you heard about the sex police before?)

Be afraid of the sex police.

See? Now you have!

A-J (All about factual information and educational entertainment!)

MareGaea 29 | 2751  
26 Oct 2009 /  #13

I think you need professional help, son. I worry about you.



M-G (but it's ok, I understand)
Seanus 15 | 19668  
26 Oct 2009 /  #14
I wonder how often Polish women initiate sex. I had a couple of short episodes before I met my wife where they couldn't get their panties off quick enough but I just get the impression that this isn't common and mind games are.

As the French baker said in a Scottish accent, a meringue? (am I wrong?)
southern 73 | 7059  
26 Oct 2009 /  #15
I wonder how often Polish women initiate sex.

They usually appear in front of you under just a towel or in hot underwear.All this happens of course by chance.
Seanus 15 | 19668  
27 Oct 2009 /  #16
What what? It's by chance that they shower? ;) ;)

Nothing like a top pair of knockers. I'm treated to the best pair I have seen every night.

Sorry, I just thought I'd share that. Sharing is good, you know?! ;)
wildrover 98 | 4431  
27 Oct 2009 /  #17
Sharing is good, you know?!

lets ave a look then.....
CacyUlcia 2 | 46  
27 Oct 2009 /  #18
What boxers do you want me to wear?

Maybe this? do you wear silk? Silk in Poland

Admit that you've been watching too much **** lately (I wouldn't believe if you disagreed anyways).

I wonder how often Polish women initiate sex... but I just get the impression that this isn't common and mind games are.

Really? b/c all Polish women I know are not digging games very well, maybe because they are too mature for it? But don't listen to me, find out for your self...

OP Arien 2 | 710  
27 Oct 2009 /  #19
Maybe this? do you wear silk?

I'm wearing fur.



Oh, and I could make a tent for myself out of those boxers you know!
CacyUlcia 2 | 46  
27 Oct 2009 /  #20
I'm wearing fur.

didn't you ask something about what haircut to get, or if you should shave?
Seanus 15 | 19668  
27 Oct 2009 /  #21
Porn? Nah, why watch when you can have the real thing? Also, I don't want to leave traces on my computer. I can't be bothered deleting the browsing history :) ;)
nomaderol 5 | 726  
28 Oct 2009 /  #22
No, I'm definitely not going to show you.

I don't need you to show me. Am already showing myself. Everywhere.

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