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Should I Be Nervous About Going to Poland? Black female dating a Pole.

McCoy  27 | 1268  
15 Apr 2009 /  #61
it's better to judge from personality and behavior instead of race or skin color.

damn i knew it. it sucks :( hey guys, lests still judge from race and skin color, please.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
15 Apr 2009 /  #62
We have co-existed in harmony for over a hundred years.. They are not the problem.. But I will give you a guess as to which cause the most trouble?

The latino and black slums are so harmonious. Your money or you life nigga, you want a cap in ya ass?
lukimp80  1 | 74  
15 Apr 2009 /  #63
LOL! Sounds familiar. If you Europeans could only see what they did to our proud cities. The homes are boarded up. Gangs roam the streets searching for victims. The white neighborhoods have been abandoned.. It is like No mans land.

One good thing is that now that all of the white people have fled, they are now killing each other
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
15 Apr 2009 /  #64
One good thing is that now that all of the white people have fled, they are now killing each other

Sounds like parts of London ;0)
lukimp80  1 | 74  
15 Apr 2009 /  #65
Actually Shelley, London is in worse shape then we are. You have the Africans as well as the muslims. It is only a matter of time that London will just be a momory. It is like a cancer it just keeps spreading.
OP PurpleLeo  2 | 47  
15 Apr 2009 /  #66

Don't know what everyone's talking about anymore. heh!

Someone said I'm likely to get killed. Should I be worried?
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
15 Apr 2009 /  #67
Someone said I'm likely to get killed. Should I be worried?

Only if you cant dodge bullets.
MrBubbles  10 | 613  
15 Apr 2009 /  #68
Someone said I'm likely to get killed. Should I be worried?

Seriously no. Really. the worst you'll get is loads of people staring at you. You might have some drunken idiot showing off to his friends by using the n-word in front of you but that's still rare. You have as much chance as anyone at being killed.

Only if you cant dodge bullets.

OP PurpleLeo  2 | 47  
15 Apr 2009 /  #69
Ok thanks MrBubbles (ur name makes me laugh)

Sokrates are you trying to be funny or something?
MrBubbles  10 | 613  
15 Apr 2009 /  #70
Ok thanks MrBubbles (ur name makes me laugh)

Thanks. Don't worry about Sokrates. He spends most of the daylight hours in the cellar and his parents only let him out to play on the computer when social services visits.
Ironside  50 | 12946  
15 Apr 2009 /  #71
Someone said I'm likely to get killed. Should I be worried?

No you should not .....why are you keep asking the some question over and over again?
You are from europe at last living here long .... Poland in that aspect is the same.
jwojcie  2 | 762  
15 Apr 2009 /  #72
Should I Be Nervous About Going to Poland?

Well, yes... but keep in mind:
1. 99% of people in Poland are white
2. Poles don't used to smile to strangers

If we stare at you it is mostly because we are curious. Of course some people do that because they are racist. Problem is that you cann't tell the difference because (point 2.) Poles don't smile when they stare at you... Sorry, no good advice here...

In general as a black in Poland you would have some tough time (especially in smaller towns), as a black woman you should be veeery careful (because for some morons you would be kind of delicacy)...

Older people, the easiest part: those you don't care about, ignore. Those you care, could be easily transformed from "oh, these black people" to "oh, these black people, but you are really nice my dear" (of course only if you are really nice to them...)
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
15 Apr 2009 /  #73
If we stare at you it is mostly because we are curious.

Or because we want to beat you up but thats relatively rare.

1. 99% of people in Poland are white

Which means EVERYWHERE you go you will stand out and be stared upon but hey dont be nervous, we're just curious.

In general as a black in Poland you would have some tough time

A lot of it actually.

as a black woman you should be veeery careful (because for some morons you would be kind of delicacy)...

Loads of drunks and chavs are curious how is it with black chicks and will want to rape you the moment they dont beat you up or mug you or stare at you.

(of course only if you are really nice to them...)

Basically you have to suck up to ancient crones so they treat you like they treat everyone who's white.

There's one group that will be incredibly helpfull actually, you will recognize them easily, they're bald young men in army boots and puffed jackets, if you see them make sure to walk up to them and say hi.

If you avoid streets, people, his family, going out alone, you should be ok, there's no reason to be nervous.
lukimp80  1 | 74  
15 Apr 2009 /  #74
If you avoid streets, people, his family, going out alone, you should be ok, there's no reason to be nervous.

She can always impress them with her GANGSTA RAP.

Will she be noticed? Like a fly on a white wall.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
15 Apr 2009 /  #75
Why dont you shut u trap? m***

Because you're selling hippy trash, she definitely should be nervous, Poland is a very unpleasant place if you're black.
jwojcie  2 | 762  
15 Apr 2009 /  #76
If we stare at you it is mostly because we are curious.

Or because we want to beat you up but thats relatively rare.

Basically you have to suck up to ancient crones so they treat you like they treat everyone who's white.

Sokrates, why are you so excited? It looks like you want to scare her... Are you racists or something ? :-)

Because you're selling hippy trash, she definitely should be nervous, Poland is a very unpleasant place if you're black.

Well, yes but if she must go to Poland, then she souldn't act as a frightened mouse... She needs simple facts not some lament...
Wroclaw Boy  
15 Apr 2009 /  #77
Poland is a very unpleasant place if you're black.

Correction Poland is a very unpleasant place if youre not Polish end even then it sucks pretty badly.
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
15 Apr 2009 /  #78
In general as a black in Poland you would have some tough time (especially in smaller towns), as a black woman you should be veeery careful (because for some morons you would be kind of delicacy)...

Are you saying she would be popular with Polish men because she is black?
jwojcie  2 | 762  
15 Apr 2009 /  #79
In general as a black in Poland you would have some tough time (especially in smaller towns), as a black woman you should be veeery careful (because for some morons you would be kind of delicacy)...

Are you saying she would be popular with Polish men because she is black?

Popularity for black women here could be dangerous. "Do not go alone after dark in not safe districts". That is what I mean. Of course this is good advice for everyone. I just think that black woman is preferable for bandits:

- she is black (rarity here)
- she obviously is stranger (nobody will help, nobody will take revenge).

I know it is obvious but should be said
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
15 Apr 2009 /  #80
Are you racists or something ? :-)

Not too much i dont mind foreigners coming to live here, i mind if they come in numbers though, i've been to UK and i see "cultural diversity" as flushing your national heritage down a toilet in favor of foreign minorites.

This said yeah i'm trying to scare her and its fun too.

Correction Poland is a very unpleasant place if youre not Polish end even then it sucks pretty badly.

I've quite a few foreign friends here in Wroclaw, the white ones dont complain (that much).
McCoy  27 | 1268  
15 Apr 2009 /  #81
(nobody will help, nobody will take revenge

how do you know?

come on guys dont you have anything better to do than making up this bollocks? there are sun, pubs and real people outside the window. cut your bulshit and live the real life.

and you black girl. come to PL with open mind and stop reading this gabage. good luck and have fun.
Wroclaw Boy  
15 Apr 2009 /  #82
I've quite a few foreign friends here in Wroclaw, the white ones dont complain (that much).

Ohh you wont here me complaining when im in a rynek bar on a sunny afternoon, thats awesome.
15 Apr 2009 /  #83
Not too much i dont mind foreigners coming to live here, i mind if they come in numbers though, i've been to UK and i see "cultural diversity" as flushing your national heritage down a toilet in favor of foreign minorites.

Oh yes, I'd nearly forgotten about that! Didn't a big bad black man scratch your car? You poor little child.

This said yeah i'm trying to scare her and its fun too.

It's fun because you are a pathetic contemptable excuse for a human being who has no life at all in the real world and so instead attempts to gain an iota of self-worth by frightening people who are no threat to you and who know no better.

To PurpleLeo: yes there are racists in Poland. Quite a lot of them. But as the Polish racist in this thread has shown, almost all Polish racists are cowards: they'll be brave when there are 100 of them and one of you but if it's just you and them, they wait until you're well out of earshot before even saying a word. Sokrates is a prime example: he's repeatedly called for Jewish babies to be murdered and when I pointed out that if he doesn't like what I say he's welcome to come discuss it in person with me as he knows my name and where I drink, he replied that he'd never punch me but instead threatened me with a gang of thugs attacking me down a dark alley. Basically he's the kind of person who makes the eventual and inevitable extinction of the white man so attractive.
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
15 Apr 2009 /  #84
Well, I got to say this to the poster of this thread...anytime anyone goes someplace that is mostly made up of one ethnic group or race, it would be a different experience. Me, for instance, am caucasian, I'll be honest I am nervous when I am in an all black area. It's because I know I stand out. It's the same with other ethnic groups, like if I go into an asian restraurant and everyone eating and working there is Asian, I do feel sorta strange, especially if they are all speaking in a language I don't know.

I suspect if I were black going to an all white area I would feel the same. It's because you know you have to work harder to fit in and they instantly know at first glance you are different.

So yeah, I would say it's normal to be nervous in that situation. Typical reaction.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
15 Apr 2009 /  #85
Oh yes, I'd nearly forgotten about that! Didn't a big bad black man scratch your car? You poor little child.

Not sure if he was big black or bad but it happened in a black neighbourhood so yeah probably :)

It flatters me that you hate me so much twat :))))
jwojcie  2 | 762  
15 Apr 2009 /  #86
(nobody will help, nobody will take revenge)

how do you know?

I was trying to reconstruct typical way of thinking for simple bandits... Not like they have a lot of brain, but one thing they try to avoid is to assault on someone who can be somehow connected to others people in their area.. Black skin is simple hint to them...

So, maybe someone will help, but it is better to avoid this type of accidents, isn't it?
lukimp80  1 | 74  
15 Apr 2009 /  #87
I'll be honest I am nervous when I am in an all black area. It's because I know I stand out

Like a white moth on a black wall.
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
15 Apr 2009 /  #88
Does anyone want to be the only one? I don't mind being in an area that has many races all together but I don't want to live in an area that is just one race unless I am the same race unless I know for a fact the people aren't insane and most of the time they are.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
15 Apr 2009 /  #89
This is getting rediculous, she's going for a couple of weeks on holiday....she's going to be with her boyfriend all the time...I'm sure she will have a lovely time.
lukimp80  1 | 74  
15 Apr 2009 /  #90
Does anyone want to be the only one? I don't mind being in an area that has many races all together but I don't want to live in an area that is just one race unless I am the same race unless I know for a fact the people aren't insane and most of the time they are.

Doesn't your statement say it all.?

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