Yeah, I totally agree with Wroclaw Boy. Polish women are a lot prettier than German women. German women are one of the ugliest nations of women in Europe. Eastern European are definitely the prettiest.
but fcuk me have you seen them when they get older?
And about Polish women aging, I think it's not actually how they age, like PJ said, but it's how they take care of themselves. There IS a lack of class going on. No offense to anyone here.
Oh yeah, and before I forget, Podolski is a skurwysyn.
And about the original question, if Polish or German men are hotter, I'd say DEFINITELY Polish men! Yeah, I don't think everyone is giving enough credit to them. I have had a Polish boyfriend and he was extremely great. Not to mention the SEXYNESS of his accent, which is the best accent anyone could have. I have liked two Polish guys besides him, and one of them is the freaking love of my life. And all Polish men that I know are EXTREMELY hott! There's enough hotness that if they had an ugly girlfriend, they would become hot too!