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Polish men vs German men: Who is hotter?

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
19 Aug 2009 /  #481
Helmets make sexy!
Everybody should have one...
mvefa  5 | 591  
19 Aug 2009 /  #482
Bratwurst Boy

U serious? haha.
Sasha  2 | 1083  
19 Aug 2009 /  #483
Never ending story...
Russians are the hotest!
pls, close the thread. :)))
Alx123  - | 180  
19 Aug 2009 /  #484
what do you mean?

I think I know what he means. The average Polish guy seems to be a bit on the soft side when it comes to dating. Typical examples of this behaviour are: letting the girlfriend lead him everywhere when they are out, getting jealous and angry very easily, incapable of seeing fault in his girlfriend when she flirts with other men (and getting angry at those men instead)....basically kissing up to his gf all the time

These traits are not attractive to Western women. Many Polish girls seem to like it though. Of course, I'm not including every Polish guy in this category, and there are also macho types and 'tough guys' who may not exhibit at least a few of these 'wuss like' insecure behaviour patterns. So I'd agree with Luke on this one.
mvefa  5 | 591  
19 Aug 2009 /  #485
Russians are the hotest!

Yeah but they stink to vodka the whole time :P hehehe kidding
hnpotter  - | 2  
21 Aug 2009 /  #486
I am both German and Polish... and I'ld soo have to say the Polish men hah.
LAGirl  9 | 496  
22 Aug 2009 /  #487
Yup the Polish men are the greatest.

How many times are you going to repeat this ?
OP southern  73 | 7059  
22 Aug 2009 /  #488
The average Polish guy seems to be a bit on the soft side when it comes to dating.

I find polish guys laid back and really getting along with girls quite well.Very natural and smooth.
LukeXX  4 | 75  
22 Aug 2009 /  #489
Come on. Have you sold out to the "I love all and everything Polish" story line as well?

That may be true only when they are in their comfort zone, e.g. hanging around with their group of friends in a place they know in Poland etc.

What I find disturbing is that it is exactly this KISS UP ATTITUDE (kissing up to girls, group, authority, church ... add anything here) that Polish girls find attractive, at least in their men.

Western girls are instead more attracted to the rebel, original, single minded, type of guy.
And I thank the Lord for this!

p.s. Shame on you SzwedwPolsce for going down so low and behaving like a Polish guy to get it.
niejestemcapita  2 | 561  
22 Aug 2009 /  #490
Yeah but they stink to vodka the whole time :P hehehe kidding

not kidding mvefa it's true I arrived at Poznan airport the other day and all I could smell in the arrivals hall was stinky vodka breath.......
OP southern  73 | 7059  
22 Aug 2009 /  #491
What I find disturbing is that it is exactly this KISS UP ATTITUDE (kissing up to girls, group, authority, church ... add anything here)

What I find disturbing is that western guys adore women so much that they get extreme value and their nose stands high.In western countries you see commonly women accompanied by men who are not their boyfriends sth that seldom happens in slavic countries.

Some western men even pay for dinner and presents only to be accompanied by beauties who they do not sleep with at all.And this possesive attitude of the men in West has done disaster.Much better the collective sharing aka Slavs.

How many Poles have you seen whistling when a beautiful provocatively dressed girl passes by?I guess noone.And in CR is far more uninteresting.One czech girl told me she wore her tanga and bra only and rode bicycle in the center of town without anyone paying attention to her.How possible would that be in western countries?
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
22 Aug 2009 /  #492
Polish men vs German men: Who is hotter?

Finally out of the closet, I see.
Good for you.

You only came to Poland once and it was a short trip, you said.
It is amazing how creative you are.
OP southern  73 | 7059  
22 Aug 2009 /  #493

What is your problem?We touch important foundations of civilization?
Luke,Alx and me wrote about the reality and it is annoyning?
Wroclaw Boy  
22 Aug 2009 /  #494
ahh more philosophy.
LukeXX  4 | 75  
22 Aug 2009 /  #495
How many Poles have you seen whistling when a beautiful provocatively dressed girl passes by?I guess noone.And in CR is far more uninteresting.One czech girl told me she wore her tanga and bra only and rode bicycle in the center of town without anyone paying attention to her.How possible would that be in western countries?

That is because back home they try to keep a low profile.

Abroad it's a different story. I heard many Polish girls in London complaining of getting a lot of harassed from Polish guys, e.g. "come here babe" .. "fajna du**" etc.

I'd put CZ guys higher up on the food chain. They do manage to look uninterested and not to give away too much value to girls.
OP southern  73 | 7059  
22 Aug 2009 /  #496
CZ guys higher up on the food chain.

CZ guys are essentially the same as polish guys the difference being that polish girls behave more slutty.In CR they do not wear so often big dekoltes,micro mini skirts or so much make up and olour as polish girls.They also stay more indoors unlike polish girls who like dancing and frequent clubs.So polish guys had to somehow adjust,they cannot be so reserved and uninteresting like czech guys when polish girls shake frantically next to them.

I think the best behaviour is displayed by the russian guys who keep girls expectations low,keep them horny all the time and alternate between them.

One Russian told me that in his village all men sleep with all women and he just makes some calls every night before finding a partner.
Alx123  - | 180  
22 Aug 2009 /  #497
I find polish guys laid back and really getting along with girls quite well.Very natural and smooth.

They kiss up in a different way. Sure, they don't act as horny as western guys in front of girls in clubs/on the street etc., there heads don't swivel on their necks so much, and overall they seem to pay less attention to girls.....BUT.......

WHEN they are in a relationship with a girl they often turn into soft putty. Examples of this behaviour: they let the women lead all the time, they get angry and jealous frequently,...the overall body language conveys the message "you are too good for me". I find the average guy to be insecure around his girlfriend and I see how this behaviour is exploited by girls. Those are my observations, and conversations I've had with Polish girls seem to confirm this.

For foreigners in Poland, guys like you and me, it seems to be the reverse: we tend to pay more attention to girls and may get a bit more nervous or horny around them, but when we start to sleep with the girl we become much more laid-back and relaxed.

What I find disturbing is that western guys adore women so much that they get extreme value and their nose stands high.

Yes, you have a point here. Polish guys tend to keep a lower profile. But, as I wrote above, this seems to change when they are in a relationship with the girl. Of course, some Polish guys are players and probably you have been observing that type of guy.
LukeXX  4 | 75  
22 Aug 2009 /  #498
CZ guys are essentially the same as polish guys the difference being that polish girls behave more slutty.In CR they do not wear so often big dekoltes,micro mini skirts or so much make up and olour as polish girls.They also stay more indoors unlike polish girls who like dancing and frequent clubs.

Cz girls have adjusted, but there was a time when they gave out left and right to any and all foreign guys. I have been there.

True. Polish girls love to be out and about and going to discos etc. While in other countries they only come out with the sun.

WHEN they are in a relationship with a girl they often turn into soft putty.

The typical example of this is Polish long distance relationships ... ha ha ha ha ha ha... could not help that but let me continue ...

He stays in Poland, she goes to work for the summer abroad. The guy will call, email, sms her love messages and that ..., while she has yet another mouthful of ...
Alx123  - | 180  
22 Aug 2009 /  #499
He stays in Poland, she goes to work for the summer abroad. The guy will call, email, sms her love messages and that ..., while she has yet another mouthful of ...

For all the 'faithful' Polish guys on this forum in long distance relationships...that probably includes your girlfriends too ;)
OP southern  73 | 7059  
22 Aug 2009 /  #500
He stays in Poland, she goes to work for the summer abroad. The guy will call, email, sms her love messages and that ..., while she has yet another mouthful of ...

Don't worry.The polish guy does the same home or abroad.
In general the culture was very good.I mean all this every girl has lots of boyfriends meant that that everyone could be laid without expenses for the ecosystem.The problem is that this system is vulnerable to conservative invasion from other cultures,muslim,hindu which immediately appear superior as more ''serious''.While western girls protestant upbringing drove to protestant morals which is prudism in fact and less promiscuouity thus preventing the third world invasion.

Adjustment to local environment means that you let your czech girlfriend sit on the lap of another czech guy since it means that his gf has the right to come to you as well.

A very nice way to have things done disturbed by the obnoxious western invasion and the triumph of ''consumerism'' ideal.What to consume?
Alx123  - | 180  
22 Aug 2009 /  #501
Don't worry.The polish guy does the same home or abroad.

You have to spend enough time in Poland to properly observe the male-female dynamic.

Yes, there are Polish guys who do the same, but from my observations it happens more frequently among the girls since they have more opportunities to shag when they are abroad. Not too many Polish guys get to shag western girls - that is a fact. A few do of course - a Polish guy I got to know once told me he found it easy to shag English girls in England, but he had to pretend he was from Denmark for some reason.

Look, next time you are in a night club in Poland, just observe. A Greek friend of mine was shocked to see so many guys being led everywhere by the hand of their girlfriends and looking so unconfident with them.

I remember one time in a club, a pretty girl smiled at me and I went to talk to her. We started flirting a bit, then a guy came, who turned out to be her husband, and began to pick a fight with me. The club bouncers broke us up. I saw the same girl again later, but, after quite a few more cheap Polish beers, I thought she was someone else. I chatted her up, she was friendly, and as you can imagine the husband came at me again. Later he apologized, saying "I'm sorry, she is my wife, I am very jealous" etc. So I said to him "Wtf, so give her a slap or something, not me. This is a night club. It's her problem and yours."

I say the balance of power is in the girls' favour overall....but of course there are also a few players among Polish guys.

everyone could be laid

Almost everyone has a girlfriend or boyfriend. And if they are single, they are not single for long. This is strange. Even the people you least expect to have partners. Everyone hooks up.
OP southern  73 | 7059  
22 Aug 2009 /  #502
Almost everyone has a girlfriend or boyfriend.

I explained to you why.If every girl has 5 boyfriends simultaneously,guys can get girls easily and some of them have 10-20 gfs or lovers simultaneously.
Alx123  - | 180  
22 Aug 2009 /  #503
So why do the so-called 'boyfriends' get angry, jealous, insecure, etc.? If they had so many women, they wouldn't look so insecure and unconfident with their girlfriends. They would be more relaxed. I don't believe this. I've known girls and I've heard many stories of girls with more than one boyfriend. But at least one of her men believes that he is her exclusive boyfriend and thinks he is in love, etc. Those girls usually have one guy of this type, which they call their 'boyfriend'.

I knew a girl once who used to laugh about how naive her boyfriend was. Well, he wasn't her boyfriend for long.

I also know some Polish players who shag more than most Polish guys - but they do not have that many lovers, except for one guy who has threesomes with different girls every week with his bisexual girlfriend.
OP southern  73 | 7059  
22 Aug 2009 /  #504
I've known girls and I've heard many stories of girls with more than one boyfriend.

If girls have more than one boyfriend,how can guys have only one girlfriend?It is simple mathematics.
Polish girls play with men like all slavic girls.This is no secret.
Alx123  - | 180  
22 Aug 2009 /  #505
If girls have more than one boyfriend,how can guys have only one girlfriend?It is simple mathematics.

Well, I believe that not every Polish girl has more than one boyfriend, many do, but many of those girls are abroad and shag foreign guys, and some polish guys are left out of the equation (don't have girlfriends).
OP southern  73 | 7059  
22 Aug 2009 /  #506
To me it seemed that polish girls change boyfriends like shirts,it is not a big deal.
Alx123  - | 180  
22 Aug 2009 /  #507
Many of those girls have one permanent boyfriend, who is usually in love with them, and they call him their 'boyfriend'. Meanwhile other guys may come and go, some stay longer than others, but they like the security of having this one a**-kisser who they can rely on to be waiting at home for them. I've seen it and I've heard the stories. These 'official boyfriends' might get suspicious from time to time, but they naively remain faithful and will never leave as they are too afraid of losing the girl. And girls who play this game know this full well.

Guys can play the same game of course, but I believe the mathematics works in the girls' favour, somehow.
OP southern  73 | 7059  
22 Aug 2009 /  #508
'official boyfriends'

Ha ha.What a title.''I am her official boyfriend.''A proud one.
cluening  - | 9  
23 Aug 2009 /  #509
Well, my observation is that Polish society is very matriachal, so women are not shy to show what they have and in relationsships they are they ones who decide...

Men must not talk too much, take any job for the family's living (no matter whether they are overqualified for the job) AND have to eat what their respective wifes cook. In that way, that the woman can show: Look at my husband's big belly - I surely can cook well...

You see it also in the magazines that are being sold in Poland or the commercials: Only showing family topics or style or what else is important for women. No boobs on covers (men should have no fun).

In other countries you surely have more patriarchal tendencies:
Poland < Italy < Czech < Russia / Germany < UK / USA < Greek / Turkey < arabic countries
(taken porn hits as auxiliary parameter).

So in those societies men do fight for women to posess them solely. Then they surely want to be the one deciding.
That also leads in western countries that western women are aware of their market value and keep their noses high.
Also, as everyone wants to get the best piece of cattle on the market, many people are waiting to find the perfect partner (in terms of relative value).

That is why more people in Germany, etc. stay single (in urban areas)...
scrappleton  - | 829  
23 Aug 2009 /  #510
No boobs on covers (men should have no fun).

The hell with that.. what a sick joke of a life that would be. ;- (

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