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Do not marry Polish woman

nomaderol  5 | 726  
9 Nov 2009 /  #151

wait wait. i been trying to do a hard work, trying to prove there is love without any gift or without any money. upto now, unsuccessful. whenever i say i have zero money i find no woman around. all disappearing. please, give me an advice on what to do. when you have zero money, brain still can do anything to find a woman for love?
Arien  2 | 710  
9 Nov 2009 /  #152
I'll give you very realistic advice then, without sounding too complicated. If you're looking for love then don't look for it untill you really feel something for someone. If you're looking for love, then make sure you have what it takes to care for her. First, do these things for yourself, and have fun, and she'll be there eventually.

A woman needs and wants things like security, a future, stability and safety. Maybe she even wants children. Think about it, if you have zero money, could you offer her any of this? (Don't blame her for this, because life isn't always a fairytale, and things like work and a decent meal on the table are important!)

Unless there's a girl out there who wouldn't mind a poor guy, maybe even a rich girl or woman who doesn't need this type of security from you, and if she really likes you for who you are that much, I think you'll have to make up your mind about your priorities and take your responsibilities as a man.. (It's your own choice though, I'm not forcing anyone or dictating it as a must!)

If you're looking for a wild night, you don't always need money to take her home, atleast, you don't have to be rich or whatever. (Only humourless guys who don't really know how to talk to women need things like money!) You'll have to find out your own approach, and do what feels right for you.


brain still can do anything to find a woman for love?

Hey, having character, personality and intelligence always help, but you should remember girls are more about feelings.

nomaderol  5 | 726  
9 Nov 2009 /  #153

thanks for all advices and thoughts. but, unfortunately, no remedy, no cure in your post.

amount of money you have is something, zero money is something else completely different. with some money depending on the amount, you can do somethings by your brain at certain level by using character, personality, humour, fun, dance, entertainment, feelings, etc etc and it will work for some women who will fit the level of your money... but ... with zero money... things completely different. you'll find no woman at all.

so, from purely realistic point of view, as you also mentioned, everythings including love start with money. not only for security of woman, but, also for men. we agree on that. and no blame to any side, any woman expecting a security, a meal on table.

so, with zero money, can we say this it is impossible to find even one woman? (lets not count rich women who will take care of a man with zero money as rich women are very rare and even them will put a condition on me "work" in advance before love and this will be a conditional love that will make me feel down, hence, no love.)

as a CONCLUSION, ZERO money means NO woman at all and hence, NO love at all... now, we proved all other things useless when you have zero money... (when you have much money, you can even be stupid, humorless, etc etc.)

so, no cure, no remedy to me?

ps: i not playing any word game here.
Arien  2 | 710  
9 Nov 2009 /  #154
so, with zero money, can we say this it is impossible to find even one woman?

You could find love with no money at all, but you'll have to possess other qualities, skills and talents.. (And an adventurous attitude!) If you like some Asian women, African women, Indian women.. Amish girls, Gypsy girls or even travelling hippies, who knows you might find the love of your life?

I'm sure I haven't mentioned all of the options, but maybe you should know that there also places where people work in self-sustaining or self-relying communities. (Just trying to tell you it's possible!)

so, no cure, no remedy to me?

Yes, the cure would be to get of your butt, and work for yourself to begin with, so you can try to realize your own goals. (For some girls, it's not all about the money, but more likely about the fact that you can be there, and that they can rely on you when they need you the most!)

southern  73 | 7059  
9 Nov 2009 /  #155
You can get women for free but you need to get punched first.Seemingly you have not been punched enough.You need to join the army.This is the best school.After that women will appear to you as a nail nuisance.

Imagine how good you will become after this education.
nomaderol  5 | 726  
9 Nov 2009 /  #156
gypsies, etc? no, they too will not come to you when you with no money.

Yes, the cure would be to get of your butt, and work for yourself to begin with, so you can try to realize your own goals.

you too said it. work, make money and then, find a woman for yourself.
this doesn't have another meaning other than only this: 'buy woman' or, in other words, 'buy love.' don't blame any prostitutes then. they doing things just very visibly.

For some girls, it's not all about the money, but more likely about the fact that you can be there, and that they can rely on you when they need you the most!)

i can think of "some" girls are girls who you are probably targetting and who you expect them to be satisfied with your certain amount of money. you expect them to find amount of your money reliable enough and complimentary can be done with some feelings, humors, wisdoim, and so on. think zero money and see whatever you do won't work for them also.


so, reality perfectly defined. there is no love, no woman if you have no money at all.
so, lets bang all brains out as they are useless, humans all brainless unlike been claimed, you all have been told a lie.
southern  73 | 7059  
9 Nov 2009 /  #157
First you get the money.Then you get the power.Then you get the women.(Al Pachino in Scar face).
nomaderol  5 | 726  
9 Nov 2009 /  #158
First you get the money.Then you get the power.Then you get the women

ok, say you work at a company. they f*ck you first by saying 'do this, do that, etc' and then expect them to give you money. usually they give, but, no guarantee. whats guarantee is they f*ck you first before giving money. also, the worse is they f*ck you and they get all cakes leaving you a small pie... with that f*ck, you may not feel so manly and getting a woman wont work so well for you and for your woman.

think think.. maybe, you have a brain cell somewhere in your head.
natasia  3 | 368  
9 Nov 2009 /  #159
think think.

i think you think too much ...

remember: you can't expect women (any more than men) to escape their biological programming. women are quality-sperm-seeking missiles. however, they have intelligent technology. they assess the likely viability of the male, and the sperm, extremely quickly. eg, nicely-dressed sexy guy in beautiful car, v. uncertain wimp in bad clothes with no money - who would you pick? of course they go for the one most likely to deliver - and then support - babies. even if they don't think that is what they are doing.

a happy woman is a pregnant one with lots of sex and no bills to pay, i always say. can you provide this? ask yourself the question. if not, no, the quality women won't want you. their instincts won't allow them. tough. but important to remember: it is biology, and Nature - not the fault of women. we just obey our hormones like everybody else.

there are always desperate ones, though. or drunk ones. or ones on the pill (and therefore obeying pigs' or mares' hormones). you might get lucky.
nomaderol  5 | 726  
9 Nov 2009 /  #160
women are quality-sperm-seeking missiles. however, they have intelligent technology. they assess the likely viability of the male, and the sperm, extremely quickly. eg, nicely-dressed sexy guy in beautiful car,

you too used your brain? or not? while you think you women are quality sperm seeking missiles the real truth is that you are taking low quality sperms. maybe, not.

but, this is certain: what has to do with the sperm quality with the money? if you relate them, it is a low quality selection. a man is a man even when with zero money. when you women understand this lots of problems due to low quality selection will start to disappear.

just an example. richest man of turkey who passed away several years ago was frequently saying this: instead of having many factories, i wished i'd have my this son (spastic) would have been healthy. probably, he spent lots of money everywhere at hospitals, research centers, etc in the world, but, unsuccess. amount of money is determining factor in sperm quality? laughable. (he couldn't find a solution at science cause it is a low quality science.)
natasia  3 | 368  
9 Nov 2009 /  #161
amount of money is determining factor in sperm quality?

I think you misunderstood me, or I wasn't clear enough.

Of course having money doesn't mean you have good sperm, but being successful and sorted and capable of supporting the pregnant or lactating female are things that will, consciously or subconsciously, attract women. Being young and strapping (and therefore more likely to have good quality sperm) will also attract. Being relatively young, relatively strapping and relatively rich is probably the ideal combination. Lacking either strappingness or cash will be a disadvantage, whatever way you look at it.

My observation is that all women in time come to value money. Younger ones are less likely to value it highly, but Polish women are trained from a very young age to respect it almost above all else.

Money is required because when you are feeding a baby every two hours, you don't have time or energy to earn the mortgage as well.
nomaderol  5 | 726  
9 Nov 2009 /  #162

i did NOT say money is useless. i value it more than everybodys do.

but, now, you are relating money to success... hmm. .. long time ago, someones stole the golds under the earth that were/are belong to everybody. they married to many women and many children have been born. their grandchildren are now owning the wealth mostly. and they now have many many guardians (in all fields even in science fields, all professors working for them) who consider themselves are successfull and women are considering them those thieve and their all guardians successful, strong men, good quality sperms. then, we see mental problems all over the world who start wars here and there.

yes, money is required for women as they need to feed baby with their milk. but, women, your quality sperm man selection is long time ago before making baby. that's, you are investing to the future when selecting the father. but, money flows like time flows like river flows. then, you become losers as seen nowadays.

anyway, to give an hint, i'll say very classical saying you dont usually think much.
human is priceless... real treasure is there. (why do you sell yourself to thieves for some little money? think, even millions of euro were unable to help spastic son of that rich. he could have a hope if his father weren't true spastic, but, considered very smart by women.)
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
9 Nov 2009 /  #163
My answer to the original assertion would depend upon at what time in my marriage it was asked. In the early years it would have been along the lines of “you would be barking mad not to marry one”. In the subsequent years the answer would be very much the same, with the addition of good performance in the motherhood stakes, loyalty, understanding and good old Polish common sense. However, if you were to ask me now my advice would be to steer clear of them. The reason for this change of opinion is simple really. In my advancing years I am getting hacked off with all new acquaintances saying how pretty my daughter is! Guys, steer clear of them – they age too well.

Szar <happy as a pig in sh*t>
Barney  19 | 1733  
9 Nov 2009 /  #164
In my advancing years I am getting hacked off with all new acquaintances saying how pretty my daughter is! Guys, steer clear of them – they age too well.

Looks of the father and luck of the mother?
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
9 Nov 2009 /  #165
I haven't got a daughter;)
nomaderol  5 | 726  
9 Nov 2009 /  #166

your response probably was triggered by my this saying:

human is priceless... real treasure is there.

this is not about beauty, appearence, prettyness, etc or good character, loyalty, etc.
it's just about the humans claimed to have brains claimed to be a thing that makes different than other animals. but, when seeing problems everywhere i tend to think they dont know how to use this treasure.

just a small question may trigger somethings in your mind:
lets say you invented a thing in your mind that can be very helpful for humans, their healths. if it is marketted and sold well, it can be worth as much as billions of euro.

(you know if you sell it, only those who have enough money will be able to use it and big portion of profit will be taken by fews only.) would you sell it or not?
Barney  19 | 1733  
9 Nov 2009 /  #167
I haven't got a daughter;)

Barney (That’s what you get for being a smartarse)
nomaderol  5 | 726  
9 Nov 2009 /  #168
hey, stop bla bla. this at a serious work.

let me ask again. this is a serious case, important as it is about selection of men for women. what do women think about this? imaginary, mind game or just a blow of a man? or, a possible truth?

lets say you invented a thing in your mind that can be very helpful for humans, their healths. if it is sold, it may be worth as much as billions of euro.

(but, you know if you sell it, only those who have enough money will be able to use it and big portion of profit will be taken by fews only.) would you sell it or not?

(ps: hey, silent polish, exactly one year past today. time to answer such a question. what would you do? you know i have zero money to buy a fly ticket and wont fly anywhere. this above is about the mind marriage first which is much more important than invention or money.)
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
10 Nov 2009 /  #169
You talk utter rubbish and if i had the time i would explain why, right now though i don't, i made this comment because you are so so so so wrong, i will walk you up and down the garden path to show you how wrong you are :):) Quality sperm has nothing to do with strapping, money or uality of home etc etc!!!

Your just hiding behind your ideals and not that of women overall, you talk rubbish and probably take more than your fair share of bin bags out on a weekly basis :)
natasia  3 | 368  
10 Nov 2009 /  #170
Your just hiding behind your ideals and not that of women overall, you talk rubbish and probably take more than your fair share of bin bags out on a weekly basis :)

? don't, actually, as live with 4 men, but hey.
and doesn't anyone just express their opinions here, rather than that of their whole sex? i wouldn't presume to speak for the rest of the world.

it was a bit of a joke, tornado. not sure if you realised that.

You talk utter rubbish

and i'm the only one on here that does that, right? : )

You talk utter rubbish

i guess my mind must have been clouded by too much exceptional quality sperm ; )
(darn it, they manage to wriggle everywhere)
southern  73 | 7059  
10 Nov 2009 /  #171
Too much sperm is dangerous for the brain.
wildrover  98 | 4430  
11 Nov 2009 /  #172
Well perhaps you ought to try a relationship with a woman.....before you get any worse.....
Seanus  15 | 19666  
11 Nov 2009 /  #173
Everything in moderation, southern will get used to it.
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
12 Nov 2009 /  #174
i guess my mind must have been clouded by too much exceptional quality sperm ; )
(darn it, they manage to wriggle everywhere)

lol, i'll say, althoug those sperms tend to wriggle to their final destination at the wrong time in a lot of cases :):)
szczeciniak  4 | 92  
12 Nov 2009 /  #175
Too much sperm is dangerous for the brain

but they harmless once they released!
or thou consequence may be dire?
Nathan  18 | 1349  
12 Nov 2009 /  #176

Natasia, I have a question for you. Is intelligence encoded in DNA? If you answer "yes", what percentage (of DNA) you would apportion to it?
natasia  3 | 368  
12 Nov 2009 /  #177
Am not a geneticist and know nothing about it ... just know that intelligence, however sharp, can be dulled and circumvented by the instinct to procreate. Crazy. Nature. And thus intelligent women all over the world dress in their underwear and dance around poles/Poles ...
southern  73 | 7059  
12 Nov 2009 /  #178
Too much sperm is dangerous for the brain
but they harmless once they released!

Not harmless if you try to imitate Breton and ejaculate into the external ear canal.
nomaderol  5 | 726  
12 Nov 2009 /  #179

it is that:
i hide my money very well.. if you can find it, you are my love.

hint: have lived different versions of life: farmer, worker, scientist, businessman, somewhat rich, very poor, etc etc... up to now, nobody has been able to find where my money is.
southern  73 | 7059  
12 Nov 2009 /  #180
And thus intelligent women all over the world dress in their underwear and dance around poles/Poles ...

That's why I like intelligent women.

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