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What's God's answer TO my gf, after cheating on me after 4 years?

Ecoprincess  - | 28  
11 Aug 2008 /  #31
In another thread you said that she was a nightmare????

so, whats your problem again????
BubbaWoo  33 | 3503  
11 Aug 2008 /  #32
well mate. life has taught me that after a few pints it's much easier to release your tensions and placate your inner child. well, in theory at least. ive juts had a couple myself so i speak from experience. hic

anyway. the most important thing now is that you find the strength to reassert your masculinity. a few pints will help this. as will peeing in public. you might find that setting fire to something provides a thereputic release. this can only be a positive way forward

remember. if a woman gets the better of you then you are letting down the boys. this is obviously not a good thing and will have a serious impact on your social standing. at times like this you will need all the male company you can get. but obviously dont get overly familiar with your best mate or anything.

the best thing to do is have a few pints. this will help you see things more clearly. you will find that with a sterdy pair of beer goggles, things dont seem quite as unattractive as before. the same is true for women.

giving the local poopster a jolly good seeing-to will help you put things into perspective. it will also help you realise that quite often the grass is greener elsewhere. anyway. fruit always tastes sweeter when fresh. and there's nothing quite like a piece of fresh fruit.

peace be with you. and also with you

allahu akbar
OP GranPartita  1 | 11  
11 Aug 2008 /  #33
I havent started any other thread other than this. In the other thread you are refering to, I'm simply stating that its wiser to have a girl who gets mad at you and cools off the same day, rather than having a girl who'll plot some evil plan against you resulting from years of silence and dispair.

This goes both ways of course. Men who get mad may possibly be a better choice than one who keeps quiet and one day will just dissapear.
shewolf  5 | 1077  
11 Aug 2008 /  #34
are you having a few pints yourself right now, BubbaWoo? :)
BubbaWoo  33 | 3503  
11 Aug 2008 /  #35
ive juts had a couple myself so i speak from experience. hic


Daisy  3 | 1215  
11 Aug 2008 /  #36
When did God join the forum? I missed that

Is he using an alias?
Poor Edward  10 | 154  
11 Aug 2008 /  #37
It's very hard not to have a negative impact. She was Polish, and if it was not for some great Polish men and women of the 19th century and earlier (CHOPIN, Coppernicus, Maria Skłodowska–Curie

Dont forget Nietzsche!
ragga  - | 10  
11 Aug 2008 /  #38
ive juts had a couple myself so i speak from experience. hic

You get drunk after 2 pints you whooly woofta!!!!! :P
shewolf  5 | 1077  
11 Aug 2008 /  #39
GranPartita, besides giving your girlfriend a lot material things, how did you treat her on a daily basis? Were you affectionate with her? Did you show interest in her? Why was she searching for this in other men?
11 Aug 2008 /  #40
besides giving your girlfriend a lot material things

Were you affectionate with her?

did you pay for her ice cream or did you share one portion?
;P hehe
dtaylor  9 | 823  
11 Aug 2008 /  #41
What's God's answer TO my gf, after cheating on me after 4 years?

God's answer...or rather mine, would be, grow some balls then see what happens
BubbaWoo  33 | 3503  
11 Aug 2008 /  #42
You get drunk after 2 pints you whooly woofta!!!!! :P

im english. when we say im just nipping out for a swift half or ive only had a couple officer, honest, it doesn't necessarily paint an accurate picture of the reality
ragga  - | 10  
12 Aug 2008 /  #43
Im English as well. And i have never, ever, ever said I am going out for a swift half.

Also, if you said you just had a couple you would 'swiftly' be in the back of their car on the way to the station crying that you will lose your license :D#

edit to say:
Unless you are drinking Fosters; or you are massively tall or massively fat
lowfunk99  10 | 397  
12 Aug 2008 /  #44

Sometimes there is no answer. Maybe this is a wake up call so you can improve the relation or maybe its time to move on.

A relation takes 2 people. Ask yourself, What was my part in it? Were you doing anything that caused her to go to other men?

Maybe she didn't feel listened to. Maybe you didn't communicate what you feel.

I am not saying she is right in what she did. I am just saying that we are only responsible for out emotions and actions.
ragga  - | 10  
12 Aug 2008 /  #45
hmmm maybe you had a small...

I dont really think people are giving the OP what he was looking for. He needs cheering up and that often requires some cheekiness, laughter and sometimes nastiness.. obviously directed at the girl!! It will make it so much easier to get over her if you feel she is not worth thinking about. Don't sit there thinking oh maybe it was me, maybe it was my fault, what did i do wrong, i am a terrible person etc etc etc.

Fact is - you dont trust her. it doesnt matter why now, just forget her, move on and maybe stay single for a bit. there is no rush mate - try to enjoy your life, or your gift as you say from God, whilst you can :)

ps please stop deleting my posts. Thx xx
Siegfried  1 | 100  
12 Aug 2008 /  #46
I don't like talking about God and his answers... too many crazy people out there... some people here voices... especially when using the phone...

blah blah blah
she cheated on you ? that's her problem, dump her and find another, better one. simple, practical solution.
seyitxan  - | 2  
18 Aug 2008 /  #47
if i have a gf cheating on me thn she has no rights to live anymore.
JaeTheProducer  3 | 33  
18 Aug 2008 /  #48
I'm an atheist so i dont believe in fairy tales and dont believe anything will be struck upon her. Although i do believe she may contract some sexual disease and cry herself to sleep when she gets old and lives on her own.
bohobabe  - | 39  
18 Aug 2008 /  #49
i think you are reading too much in too things , has she actually cheated on you (had sex with another guy or any sexual relationship )

If shes confided things in someone doesnt mean she is cheating and if she has been talking to three different guys surely you asked her about it ! What was her reason for doing so ?

If theres no trust in your relationship theres nothing left so why cry like a ***** over this girl get another girl and chill out with her

like Stephen R. Covey said
Trust is the glue of life. It's the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It's the foundational principle that holds all relationships.

and you dont have trust wake up and smell the coffee its not going to work
move on
dnz  17 | 710  
18 Aug 2008 /  #50
I don't know how god comes into this as there is no proof he exists, To me it just sounds like the relationship has run its course and its time for you to move on to bigger and better things. Chill out there is no point in getting stressed out over things if somethings over then move on!
marek s  - | 269  
20 Aug 2008 /  #51
what do you all think God's answer is to this girl?

god is about as real as harry potter.
krysia  23 | 3058  
20 Aug 2008 /  #52
God is something some people believe in. Therefore through your belief you get inspired and miracles happen. But it's not because of God. It's because of YOU! You are the one who makes things happen, you are the one who makes these decissions. Believe in yourself . You are your own God!

So it's not God who makes things happen, don't blame it on something like God. Things just didn't work out with this girl, there was probably a reason for it.
marek s  - | 269  
20 Aug 2008 /  #53
You are the one who makes things happen, you are the one who makes these decissions. Believe in yourself . You are your own God!
Things just didn't work out with this girl, there was probably a reason for it.

shewolf  5 | 1077  
20 Aug 2008 /  #54
what about people who don't believe in God but they ask him for something anyway just for the fun of it and it happens. haha.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
20 Aug 2008 /  #55
God's answer, u did well to get to the 4 year point without incident
Danny  2 | 91  
20 Aug 2008 /  #57
My ex went to America to stay with her brother for a few months. I flew out there to be with her on her birthday. First night I was there she told me she'd been f*ckin' around the whole time she'd been out there. Broke my heart, took the world from under my feet and made for the single worst experience of my life.

My advice? Get the f*ck out of that relationship!!! Dos dedos, mis amigo!
Seanus  15 | 19668  
20 Aug 2008 /  #58
Honesty was not the best policy there. What a b****!!
Danny  2 | 91  
20 Aug 2008 /  #59
I know. She told me an hour after I landed, the end of my fourteen hour trip. It was truely a crappy week. Chwała Bogu for cheap cigarettes and beer! :D

I worshipped her too.
loco polaco  3 | 352  
20 Aug 2008 /  #60
I worshipped her too.

happens all the time

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