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How to gain the attention of a Polish man?

Wroclaw Boy  
25 Aug 2009 /  #31
Just ask him what hes doing one evening? His answer will tell you everything you need to know.
LukeXX  4 | 75  
25 Aug 2009 /  #32
Just talk to him when you see him again, and then in the end, you ask if he wants to go out and have a beer after work or something like that. Don't make it too advanced, and try to relax.

You are unreal SzwedwPolsce. I wonder if your brain has been cloned from Dolly the sheep.

What are you talking about? That's just the perfect recipe for a girl to be done and dumped.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
25 Aug 2009 /  #33
If he says no to something like that he's either not interested or he's got someone else. At least that way she can find out for sure right away instead of thinking about him all the time, obsessing on him, mentally planning their wedding and then finding out.
OP Lennoxthecat  1 | 23  
25 Aug 2009 /  #34
So if i said in Polish - a compliment of sorts at a convieniently placed time - that would be liked? does that impress guys - i have never really made this kind of oeffort in courting but for some reason i really want to has to be something in it - i cant get shot down too dramatically as my back piece is a 25 hour job and im 2-3 hours down so far!

also upon looking at th ephoto he posed for with me i have noticed there is no wedding band - could mean nothing seeing as he works with his hands
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
25 Aug 2009 /  #35
There's all kinds of ways to handle this. Be really interested in him and get him to talk about himself and show that you are interested in his life and everything. There's no way he can miss you are interested in him if you make an effort to be around him a lot and go out of your way to talk to him. If he has someone else, he will still be flattered by this and will want to be around you if you make him feel good about himself.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
25 Aug 2009 /  #36

Just deal with him the same as you would with an English bloke...he's not from mars!

As for the wedding band...he's in a different country...you cant take anything for granted..
OP Lennoxthecat  1 | 23  
25 Aug 2009 /  #37
i know but i feel like i have no chance this is why...
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
25 Aug 2009 /  #38
Then dont act on it then...generally first feelings are the right ones.
OP Lennoxthecat  1 | 23  
25 Aug 2009 /  #39
i think you are right ;-(

i might try and be adorable and see if he likes it...
beckski  12 | 1609  
25 Aug 2009 /  #40
im blonde have big boobs

Usually works for me, unless the guy's married or gay.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
25 Aug 2009 /  #41
The man can have a different view. A different taste. A different aspect he might be searching in a women!... Why do you say that if a man is not giving you attention (because of your big boob and blonde hair) he must either be married or gay. I think he can very well be unmarried and straight ... but just you might not be his type :). Its not to offend, but just simple fact.
OP Lennoxthecat  1 | 23  
25 Aug 2009 /  #42
Exactly so they would be two reasons i wouldnt want him to like me (just for them) as that is so not all im about but they can help get the heads up first some times when you have to derobe infront of someone in this situation - when he said take your top off i should have worked it a little better lol but i had a matching set on at least and it was lime green - plus what i did to embaress myself he said he would never forget!
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
25 Aug 2009 /  #43
i know but i feel like i have no chance this is why...

You don't know for sure until you do a bit more investigating but if the guy is super gorgeous and is really nice to people and well liked you can assume he is either taken or is going to have a lot of temptation. They make okay friends but unless they say to you they are in love and cannot live without you chances are you are going to have a hard time getting one to "commit" in a gf/bf sort of way unless you are incredibly gorgeous or rich or have something they find attractive. That's the way life works. If you like being with him while he is in this tattoo parlor that's better than nothing. While you are there you can find out other things about him, like, ask if he has a gf or wants to go do something after work.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
25 Aug 2009 /  #44
when he said take your top off i should have worked it a little better lol

Ya dirty slappa ;0)

plus what i did to embaress myself he said he would never forget!

Just exactly what did you do?
OP Lennoxthecat  1 | 23  
25 Aug 2009 /  #45
you really dont want to know - i cant bring myself to repeat it ! this could be an on going saga - i will def have more opportunity for talk as we will be alone but it is hard to be seductive shouting over the machine - i shall try hard but not seem like im trying - i might say have you ever tattooed your gf?
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
25 Aug 2009 /  #46
This sounds like it could be on that show L.A. Ink.
OP Lennoxthecat  1 | 23  
25 Aug 2009 /  #47

You guys are really helping and im aware im being quite pathetic but i really am appreciating the advice - I have never liked someone that im paying to do something for me lol!!!
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
26 Aug 2009 /  #48
Lennoxthecat, if you don't try you will never knew. Maybe it'll be success, maybe it'll be a failure.

I wonder if your brain has been cloned from Dolly the sheep.

No, my brain was cloned for Dolly. :) That's how I made it into medical school.
beckski  12 | 1609  
26 Aug 2009 /  #49
but just you might not be his type :). Its not to offend, but just simple fact.

Your comments don't offend me. Of course there are men, who aren't interested or attracted to me. Just like I'm certainly not attracted to every guy I meet either. Everyone's personal taste and preference, is different as a rule. I'm sure that are females who wouldn't consider you their cup of tea either.

However, I usually don't have much trouble attracting someone of the opposite sex, that I may be personally interested in, or physically attracted to.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
26 Aug 2009 /  #50
consider you their cup of tea either

I am not a cup of tea :). A very strange proverb for a man of dignity i think.

I usually don't have much trouble attracting someone of the opposite sex

Ah...congratulations and felicitations! :)
polestole  1 | 4  
26 Aug 2009 /  #51
Show him your bank account or any Monies or property deeds you may have, a Pole can sniff out anything with monetary value.

Before you open up ask about pinky Luca another pole.
OP Lennoxthecat  1 | 23  
26 Aug 2009 /  #52
Lol well im looking forward to friday and i shall try my most subtle digging!!!
mvefa  5 | 591  
26 Aug 2009 /  #53
When he is tatooing you you can scream: Ouch, that was too hard, you arms are too strong...

hehe he will love that...
OP Lennoxthecat  1 | 23  
26 Aug 2009 /  #54
That is awesome noted! he is so gorgeous i wish i knew how to say that in Polish!
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
26 Aug 2009 /  #55
You should ask a guy on here to help you. One of them might they seem nice.
OP Lennoxthecat  1 | 23  
26 Aug 2009 /  #56
Can anyone show me how to say something that will catch his attention?
Vincent  8 | 800  
26 Aug 2009 /  #57
Maybe you might find something here
OP Lennoxthecat  1 | 23  
26 Aug 2009 /  #58
How do you pronounce


Vincent  8 | 800  
26 Aug 2009 /  #59
How do you pronounce


pshi-stoy-ni is quite close ;)
OP Lennoxthecat  1 | 23  
26 Aug 2009 /  #60
Thank you

I am trying to say

Jestes Bardzo przystojny...


I do not understanhd the the 'pshi' sound?

Archives - 2005-2009 / Love / How to gain the attention of a Polish man?Archived