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friendhship with polish girl

pamlarouge  3 | 56  
12 Nov 2007 /  #31
But that's just the vibe I'm feeling.

I agree with Kronx, I'm feeling the same vibe. It all sounds a bit fishy, and I think there's some jealousy that you might be feeling over these "new" guys. If she's offered to repay you a number of times for your help that's showing gratitude. If you honestly didn't want something in return, be it eternal gratitude, her feminine attention, or something else entirely, then you wouldn't be complaining about her so-called ungrateful behavior. I think there's more to the story here. And I also agree that she wouldn't just ignore you for no reason. Maybe you've offended her by mistake, or perhaps she realizes that you DO want something in return, despite your refusals in the past and she's not exactly sure what it is that you want. Imagine her situation, I'm sure she has picked up on the fact that you are not comfortable with her going out with other men, and that probably makes her uncomfortable in turn, especially if you two have been just friends up until now. I would suggest you sit down and have a long, non-confrontational talk with her rather than assuming she's just hanging you out to dry, because there's definitely more going on here than you're telling us.
marek s  - | 269  
12 Nov 2007 /  #32
what religion have to do in here

you always have the same zealots who like to push religion.
13 Nov 2007 /  #33
who pushin religion it was just a quote tho people are to thick to understand exactly like the deaf and dumb
OP sadguy  
13 Nov 2007 /  #34
aybe because her life has changed so much and now she can afford to go out (and meet new men), she forgot to appreciate you.

I really wish she atleast say HI to me. I used to trust her a lot, consider her a friend i can depend on but look now she is changed totally.

Whatever the reason i still consider her as my friend so i can't let my friend leave our house because it will hurt me..

I hope she understand that

Dont wait untill she comes to you, go to her.

what can i say to herCan you give me some idea...

I'm sure she has picked up on the fact that you are not comfortable with her going out with other men,

not true because she used to share her secret with me so i knew all about her
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
13 Nov 2007 /  #35
what can i say to herCan you give me some idea...

just tell her you are not comfortable with how she is treating you ad that you want to be her friend and it doesnt bother you she is seing other people. tell her its her life and if she doenst want to share her secrets with you like she used to then its fine as long as she doesnt isolate herself from you, because you still live in the same house and the atmosphere is getting worse and worse.
tomekcatkins  8 | 130  
13 Nov 2007 /  #36
I think she is getting a distance indeed. Point is that she feels probably that you want more then just friendship, and I think she is right with that.

I believe that you helped her because she needed some help, but I think also that you have stronger feelings for her else you wouldn't mention the guys with whom she went out.

Like some on the forum said, just try to forget her. Those type of girls are mostly so interested in their selves that they are not looking for friends but only for people who can please them 100%. No-one can please someone for 100%, so they will be alone until they change their attitude.

I wasted one year on such a girl and I hope you won't do the same. Keep in mind that a person can look sooo cute but if that person is very selfish, you cannot have a nice relation with her.

In the end you don't want yourself ending up working, cleaning, cooking, doing the kids while she is polishing her nails and watching show news. ;-)

Most people are stupid so don't put too much money and effort in them. Save your money for good friends! :-)

PS - I'm not saying that she should love you, but just some kindness is in place I think. She could ask you out, or at least answer on you sms I think. I had some girls who loved me but I didn't loved them, but once and then I went out with them just to give them a good time because I think that it is nice if you can make someone happy with just a bit of effort.


And about those other guys, you have a big chance that they have nothing more then their flash and cash. If you read some threats on the forum, girls mostly want someone who is interesting and pays attention to them and is romantic once in a while.
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
13 Nov 2007 /  #37
Save your money for good friends! :-)

or for yourself. if she doesnt wanna talk to you and carries on treating you like dirt then you gotta show her the door...
tomekcatkins  8 | 130  
13 Nov 2007 /  #38
or for yourself.

Or for a clothes buying-spree in Poland.. ;-)

PS - Who is that Siamese twin on your avatar Justysia? :o :-D
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
13 Nov 2007 /  #39
Or for a clothes buying-spree in Poland.. ;-)

i thought only girls done that! :P

PS - Who is that Siamese twin on your avatar Justysia? :o :-D

the siamese twin is really my lovely fiance Ranald :)
tomekcatkins  8 | 130  
13 Nov 2007 /  #40
i thought only girls done that! :P

We men are emancipated now, so now we do the same. And after it we don't watch football but Grey's Anatomy instead! ;-) :-D
irishdeano  5 | 304  
13 Nov 2007 /  #41
get coffie said down talk about it with her and that you would like to spend a little time together. and if you have a girlfriend .why not ask her would she and her man go out with you and your girlfriend for a meal or a few drinks or somehting like that
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
13 Nov 2007 /  #42
We men are emancipated now, so now we do the same. And after it we don't watch football but Grey's Anatomy instead! ;-) :-D

weeeell, i know some men who would call that sort of behaviour 'camp' but alright. ha ha

PS - why the sudden interest in my avatar? just curious. had to get rid of the old one cos it was attracting some weirdos and jerks...

PS2 - Sadguy let us know how you get on!
13 Nov 2007 /  #43
get coffie said down talk about it with her and that you would like to spend a little time together. and if you have a girlfriend why not ask her would she and her man go out with you and your girlfriend for a meal or a few drinks or somehting like that

very sensible idea
tomekcatkins  8 | 130  
13 Nov 2007 /  #44
weeeell, i know some men who would call that sort of behaviour 'camp' but alright. ha ha

Well I meant it ironic. Personally I fall asleep when watching GA (when watching football also btw :P).. :-)

PS - why the sudden interest in my avatar? just curious. had to get rid of the old one cos it was attracting some weirdos and jerks...

I already had such a feeling........ <:-) You know what a nl.youtube.com/watch?v=52FRvAxmsa0 Siamese twin is? :-P
marek s  - | 269  
13 Nov 2007 /  #45
sadguy, you need to give her the boot plain and simple. you gave her all the help you could and now for your own sake, she has to go.

keep dicking around with her and she will bleed you.

who pushin religion it was just a quote tho people are to thick to understand exactly like the deaf and dumb

anybody who understands anything about religion knows its full of ****.
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
13 Nov 2007 /  #46
I fall asleep when watching GA (when watching football also btw

thats why i dont watch tv! ;P

You know what a 'Siamese twin' is?

yes i do...
tomekcatkins  8 | 130  
13 Nov 2007 /  #47
thats why i dont watch tv! ;P

So you're reading books instead? :-)
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
13 Nov 2007 /  #48
sometimes ;) im on the internet a lot think that makes up for me not watching 'tele'... whats this, an interview?! ;)
tomekcatkins  8 | 130  
13 Nov 2007 /  #49
whats this, an interview?! ;)

Yes it's an interview for the Justysia Times. - Thank you for your time. :-)
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
13 Nov 2007 /  #50
Justysia times? hmmm! :P
MrBubbles  10 | 613  
13 Nov 2007 /  #51
I feel sad that the girl whom i cared a lot as friend is completely different person.

So what exactly did you expect from her? That she'd follow you around and be your special friendy or something?
pamlarouge  3 | 56  
13 Nov 2007 /  #52
That would be my question as well.
OP sadguy  
14 Nov 2007 /  #53
So what exactly did you expect from her? That she'd follow you around and be your special friendy or something?

Well at first she was so honest, used to share all her secret with me, talk for hours even till ( 4:00am).

suddently after one month she stay otside often, comes late night with different guys from pub or club.

But I still consider her as friend. So, i want to tell her that what she is doing is simply wrong.

She is still young (20 years), have her own life but i don't you think i should give her advise?

She was a student of L'art acting school in Crakow now in gap year. her ambition is to become an actress. she also acted in some TV drama while she was in high school

and her name is Karolina Bytnar..

I wasted one year on such a girl and I hope you won't do the same. Keep in mind that a person can look sooo cute but if that person is very selfish, you cannot have a nice relation with her.

i agree with you....

PS - I'm not saying that she should love you, but just some kindness is in place I think. She could ask you out, or at least answer on you sms I think

yes but she even don't say heloo to me
Jambo  2 | 106  
14 Nov 2007 /  #54
I do not understand why you think what she is doing is wrong. She is 20 there is nothing wrong with her meeting all sorts of different men. Why not she is young free and single
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
14 Nov 2007 /  #55
sadguy, you need to give her the boot plain and simple. you gave her all the help you could and now for your own sake, she has to go.
keep dicking around with her and she will bleed you.

I agree, this guy offered so much help when she arrived now not even a hello, sorry but friends dont treat friends like that - he has stated that his has a girlfriend and its not a relationship he is after - he genuinely cares about how this girl is behaving - Lets put is this way..

A young English girl lands in Poland no friends not much money and is befriended by a really nice guy who has a girlfriend - he offers her a place to stay some help with the language and finding a job and they become very good friends, he's all most like a big brother to her, the after a month or so she gets on her feet and he is no longer of use to her - but she is happy to still live in his home but wont even make the time to say hello....Not very nice is it to treat someone like that....

She is 20 there is nothing wrong with her meeting all sorts of different men. Why not she is young free and single

Maybe he's worried about her being raped or murdered....
OP sadguy  
14 Nov 2007 /  #56
She is 20 there is nothing wrong with her meeting all sorts of different men.

No problem meeting new peoples but a young girl coming late night 3/4 times a week with different guy in a car. I'm worried if something happen to her. And also her mom is grateful to me because i treated her as a good friend or sister when she was new to this country.

but she is happy to still live in his home but wont even make the time to say hello....Not very nice is it to treat someone like that....

SAD but true...
pamlarouge  3 | 56  
14 Nov 2007 /  #57
I'm sorry but I find it very hard to believe that this girl would just completely ignore you for no reason. Maybe you did something to offend her unknowingly, or maybe she sees that you disapprove of her behavior (going out, etc., which I agree with Jambo is not wrong, but I can understand why you are concerned) and she's not sure how to act around you. I know she's not saying hello to you (you've certainly emphasized this enough)-people don't just go from one extreme to the other with nothing to prompt them. Instead of complaining about it on here (although we're all happy to help and give advice of course, don't get me wrong) why don't you talk to her? If she's really your friend and you really care about her like you say you do, you'll do the right thing and give her the benefit of the doubt by talking to her. Don't assume anything, because you know what happens when you do that... :)
Jambo  2 | 106  
14 Nov 2007 /  #58
Maybe he's worried about her being raped or murdered....

He is not her protector she is old enough to make her own decisions bad or good.
marek s  - | 269  
14 Nov 2007 /  #59
No problem meeting new peoples but a young girl coming late night 3/4 times a week with different guy in a car. I'm worried if something happen to her. And also her mom is grateful to me because i treated her as a good friend or sister when she was new to this country.

heres the thing, shes not going to care about your worries. best thing for her would be to give her the boot.
Jambo  2 | 106  
14 Nov 2007 /  #60
If she's really your friend and you really care about her like you say you do, you'll do the right thing and give her the benefit of the doubt by talking to her. Don't assume anything, because you know what happens when you do that... :)

This is top advice. But if she ignores it and you feel uncomfortable with how she is leading her life you must ask her to find somewhere else to live.

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