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friendhship with polish girl

11 Nov 2007 /  #1
polish girl is probably the worst girl you could choose to have relationship or friendship (and no offense to any poles here) poland is a poorer country than the uk so when theese girls see a rich guy they are more persuaded by money and less by feelings and true acts of love or friendship

i like a polish girl who share same house with me. She came to england with only £100 so i helped her financially, cook food for too, found a very good fulltime job in coffee shop ( £8 + tips) and allowed her to use lots of my expensive stuff. I helped her without reason. I really never wanted anything in return from her as i only consider her as friend. But i see her nowdays coming very late at night with different guys. I feel sad that the girl whom i cared a lot as friend is completely different person. She don't have time to even reply my sms or say HI to me. Are all polish girl like her?
urszula  1 | 253  
11 Nov 2007 /  #2
This goes for Polish guys also who come to the United States. I knew such a guy, I have helped with everything and bent over backwards for him and yet he was unable to appreciate anything I've done for him, wanted even more and accused me of things I've never done.

The lesson here: When you do too much for someone and they take advantage of you, end the relationship.
I did.
And next time don't spread yourself so thin.
osiol  55 | 3921  
11 Nov 2007 /  #3
Don't let anyone take you for a ride. It could have been anyone from anywhere.
sausage  19 | 775  
11 Nov 2007 /  #4
never have a female house/flatmate nothing good can come of it. they are going to bring men home and you will get jealous! that is my advice. like osiol says the nationality is irrelevant.
OP sadguy  
11 Nov 2007 /  #5
Don't let anyone take you for a ride. It could have been anyone from anywhere

But it's not always easy to understand mind of a female
sausage  19 | 775  
11 Nov 2007 /  #6
people can be selfish and ungrateful, unfortunately it's not just females or Polish females guilty of that.
osiol  55 | 3921  
11 Nov 2007 /  #7
But it's not always easy to understand mind of a female

slick77  - | 127  
11 Nov 2007 /  #8
Are all polish girl like her?


people can be selfish and ungrateful, unfortunately it's not just females or Polish females guilty of that.

11 Nov 2007 /  #9
So you meet one Polish girl and think she is typical of all Polish girls.........for god's sake grow up.

And what's wrong with staying out late............it's called having a life.

I have no idea why she doesn't reply to your sms, but there are always to sides to every storey.........maybe she saw through your thin veneer of respectability and realised that deep down you are just a racist w***er

Trust me Polish girls have more decency in their little fingers than most British girls will ever have. I suggest you visit the country and experience the wonderful culture and hospitality before making any further ignorant comments.

marek s  - | 269  
11 Nov 2007 /  #10
Are all polish girl like her?

no there are not.
simply put, shes not into to you and wants nothing to do with you.
you are allowing her to use you.
irishdeano  5 | 304  
11 Nov 2007 /  #11
i cant say there all bad. when 1 of them is the best girl in the world i love her :) :)
OP sadguy  
11 Nov 2007 /  #12
realised that deep down you are just a racist w***er

no way... the way i cared about her is more then my own girl friend. I paid her rent when she was new, found a very good for her, cooked food and allowed her to use lots expensive stuff. If i was racist wouldn't do that

She asked me 2/3 times if there anything she can do for me but i said to her no
i don't want anything from you...

i helped her because she was new and first time outside her country, no one here to help her, saw her crying because financial difficulties back home..
shewolf  5 | 1077  
11 Nov 2007 /  #13
She asked me 2/3 times if there anything she can do for me but i said to her no
i don't want anything from you...

it sounds like she believed you. That's what she's doing, not giving you anything in return.
krysia  23 | 3058  
11 Nov 2007 /  #14
But it's not always easy to understand mind of a female

It's not always easy to understand the mind of a male
beckski  12 | 1609  
11 Nov 2007 /  #15
you are allowing her to use you.

Lucynda  4 | 70  
11 Nov 2007 /  #16

I don't see what the problem is. You said you wanted nothing in return and she took you at your word. The fact is, you fell a little bit in love with her.

Unconditional love is giving something for nothing. This girl was poor -- well, you gave to the poor. So stop wanting something back.

She probably is suspicious that you gave her money -- she suspects you wanted sex in return -- and she probably feels your mopey vibes, and is sick of them. I know I would be. And you say you cared about her more than your own girlfriend -- I wonder how your girlfriend feels about that.

If you really care about people, you would have let her give you something back. Then you wouldn't have to play the part of the "big guy" helping the "poor helpless girl". You would have treated her like a person instead of being so f***ing conscending.

People in Poland have had life so much harder than us. So get off your pity pot!
Avalon  4 | 1063  
12 Nov 2007 /  #17
If you give and expect nothing in return, you will never be dissapointed. You help because you want to do this, not to make the other person feel obligated to you.
OP sadguy  
12 Nov 2007 /  #18
This girl was poor -- well, you gave to the poor. So stop wanting something back.

imagine for one month you go out, eat together, talk for hours face to face but now not even hi to me.

don't see what the problem is. You said you wanted nothing in return and she took you at your word. The fact is, you fell a little bit in love with her

Yes i loved her but as a friend only. We are still living in the same house but she don't have time even to say hi to me as a friend . when girls like her see a rich guy they are more persuaded by money and less by feelings and true acts of love or friendship. I saw her coming out of car late night with different guys but they don't come inside the house.

She probably is suspicious that you gave her money -- she suspects you wanted sex in return --

No i only conder her as friend so why should i ask sex in return. I'm not cheap...
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
12 Nov 2007 /  #19
Trust me Polish girls have more decency in their little fingers than most British girls will ever have.

Jambo  2 | 106  
12 Nov 2007 /  #20
I have some sympathy for you as I had a simliar situation. I suggest you ask her to leave your house. You helped her that help is now over. She is moving forward in her life which is good so she should also move out your house as you are clearly uncomfortable with her being there.
finT  12 | 167  
12 Nov 2007 /  #21
I had a similar situation where I helped a Polish guy find work in the UK, I also found him free accomodation, helped him set up a bank account, transfer money, got him a nat ins number, translated for him etc. We worked together for the best part of a year and then he well and truly shafted me. Learnt my lesson and will never attempt to help a Pole again. As the old story goes, the worst person a Pole can meet abroad is another Pole!
krysia  23 | 3058  
12 Nov 2007 /  #22
Unconditional love is giving something for nothing. This girl was poor -- well, you gave to the poor. So stop wanting something back.

True, but you want to feel appreciated for what you did not taken for granted, and wanting more and using you. The person receiving such help should be grateful for it, in this case she wasn't and took advantage of the situation, which hurts.
12 Nov 2007 /  #23
Trust me Polish girls have more decency in their little fingers than most British girls will ever have. I suggest you visit the country and experience the wonderful culture and hospitality before making any further ignorant comments.

a food for thoght yet absolutaly true :)

If you give and expect nothing in return, you will never be dissapointed. You help because you want to do this, not to make the other person feel obligated to you.

Exactly what Islam Says Seek You Reward whith the Good Lord.
dont even expect a thanks from the person
you lusted over this woman than she walked all over you
get over it dude she has

its called survival
Kronx1970  - | 8  
12 Nov 2007 /  #24
Taking someone for granted is universal and isn't specific to one natiionality (Although Americans do it so well, we've got TV shows dedicated to shallowness and these shows have a HUGE fanbase!).

However, I don't think this woman took advantage of you. She didn't manipulate anything out of you -- you've admitted you did it all out of kindness. But you've admitted you 'love' her, you've cared more about her than your girlfriend. That's a big red flag to me, and it sounds pretty obvious the one here who isn't being honest is YOU. You're not being honest with yourself, with her, and the reality of the situation.

You're saying you weren't expecting anything in return, but everything else you say seems to imply otherwise.
marek s  - | 269  
12 Nov 2007 /  #25
Yes i loved her but as a friend only. We are still living in the same house but she don't have time even to say hi to me as a friend . when girls like her see a rich guy they are more persuaded by money and less by feelings and true acts of love or friendship. I saw her coming out of car late night with different guys but they don't come inside the house.

boot her out, problem solved.

you say you love her like a friend, B.S! you wont more, just wont admit to it.
sledz  23 | 2247  
12 Nov 2007 /  #26
polish girl is probably the worst girl you could choose to have relationship or friendship (and no offense to any poles here) poland is a poorer country than the uk so when theese girls see a rich guy they are more persuaded by money and less by feelings and true acts of love or friendship

Such a stereotype, Youre so full of B.S.
OP sadguy  
12 Nov 2007 /  #27
You're saying you weren't expecting anything in return

Guys i want a simple heloo but, she is soooooooo busy with her new guys

boot her out, problem solved.

She don't talk to me but still i consider her as friend. I'm not selfish
I hope one day she understand that[

quote=Kronx1970] But you've admitted you 'love' her, you've cared more about her than your girlfriend. [/quote]

Because she was in poor condition, crying all day and someone who genuinly need emotional and financial help.

Exactly what Islam Says Seek You Reward whith the Good Lord.

what religion have to do in here? this is relationship topic

The person receiving such help should be grateful for it, in this case she wasn't and took advantage of the situation, which hurts.

true krysia i really wish she understand that
shewolf  5 | 1077  
12 Nov 2007 /  #28
imagine for one month you go out, eat together, talk for hours face to face but now not even hi to me.

That's strange. Is she mad at you? Have you asked her?
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
12 Nov 2007 /  #29
the worst person a Pole can meet abroad is another Pole!

that is so true! Polak Polakowi wilkiem. i had a terrible experience living with a bunch of Polish people for the first 9 months since i came to England, and i heard many stories from other Polish people i met over here.

Sadguy im really sorry to hear how your lady friend is treating you. I think you should get her to sit with you and have a chat, tell her how uncomfortable the situation has become and that you miss being friends like you used to be. Maybe because her life has changed so much and now she can afford to go out (and meet new men), she forgot to appreciate you. I know what i was like as soon as i got settled here, i was a proper party animal and i didnt care what anybody else thought about it... Dont wait untill she comes to you, go to her. Thats what i think...
Kronx1970  - | 8  
12 Nov 2007 /  #30
My instincts tell me there is a reason she wont give you a simple hello anymore. A reason that I have a feeling you're aware of, but won't mention due to it possibly painting a different picture of the situation that you've described here.

The person receiving such help should be grateful for it, in this case she wasn't and took advantage of the situation

He said she asked a few times if there was anything she could do to repay him and said no. That seems to indicate she was grateful to some degree.

He's expressed he loves her. There is an undertone of pain when he mentions these 'other guys'. Surely all of this she has seen at some point.

Now put yourself in her situation, and imagine how it would be if you were initially made to believe all of this was done out of kindness, but down the road find out he's got stronger feelings for you. And if you don't have those sort of feelings for him, how uncomfortable will that be? What would you try to do? I think the first instinct is to put distance there. Sounds to me like that's what's happening here.

But that's just the vibe I'm feeling.

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