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When does flirting get out of control?

beckski 12 | 1609  
27 Oct 2007 /  #1
Last year I was on an elegant dinner date in Laguna Beach. I noticed our waitress kept eyeballing my very handsome date. Every time she'd walk by our table, she was smiling directly at him.

Apparently she was a gold digger too. He had dropped his car keys on the floor, which had a Porsche emblem. She picked the keys up and asked him, "Oh what kind of Porsche do you have?" She even had the nerve to ask him what his profession is. The little floozy did all this right in front on me, as though I was invisible.

While we were leaving the restaurant she asked him, "Are you going to come back and visit us sometime?" By then I was ready to show her what my middle finger looked like.

The nerve of her. For all she knew, he and I could have been a married couple, dining there for dinner.
osiol 55 | 3921  
27 Oct 2007 /  #2
That's not flirting - that's just being desperate and out of control and lacking in social skills.
Wroclaw 44 | 5359  
27 Oct 2007 /  #3

Do you want comments on your experience or flirting in general ?
27 Oct 2007 /  #4
Ah you should have trailed her!! [j/k obv.] but seriously the cheek!

I'm sure it only highlighted even more how classy you were :) She showed herself up!

I agree with Osiol, that's not flirting! Flirting is too fun to get out of control - I love it :)
OP beckski 12 | 1609  
27 Oct 2007 /  #5
or flirting in general ?

I think I'd like to hear about similar situations, that others may have experienced in general. In addition, any advice one can offer for others, on how to handle these type of circumstances.
osiol 55 | 3921  
27 Oct 2007 /  #6

... flirting is innocent fun.

3rd edit:

nice edit.

A bit too slow though. It got noticed. Twice at least.
jnowiski 2 | 121  
27 Oct 2007 /  #7
lol, nice edit.
plk123 8 | 4129  
27 Oct 2007 /  #8
I think I'd like to hear about similar situations, that others may have experienced in general. In addition, any advice one can offer for others, on how to handle these type of circumstances.

i normally let my dates take care of it.. women know how to tell a guy off.. if the situation is like donk's then you also lern a lot.

A bit too slow though. It got noticed.

yup. hopefully beckski aslo go to see it. :)
OP beckski 12 | 1609  
27 Oct 2007 /  #9
hopefully beckski aslo go to see it.

I was taking the dog outside. What did I miss out on???
PolskaDoll 27 | 1599  
27 Oct 2007 /  #10
A bit too slow though. It got noticed. Twice at least.

Thrice at least :)
osiol 55 | 3921  
27 Oct 2007 /  #11
What did I miss out on???


Alright, I shall summarise.

Imagine that the woman in your story actually successfully nicked your date off you.
OP beckski 12 | 1609  
27 Oct 2007 /  #12

Right!!! I'll pay someone a dollar to tell me what he's hiding!

Imagine that the woman in your story actually successfully nicked your date off you.

That'd be okay, since we were never in a serious relationship. Anyway, I know I'm much more attractive and more educated than her. The list goes on...
osiol 55 | 3921  
27 Oct 2007 /  #13
That'd be okay

Who are you kidding?
plk123 8 | 4129  
27 Oct 2007 /  #14
Imagine that the woman in your story actually successfully nicked your date off you.

it was the date's choice.

Who are you kidding?

lol.. not the way she sounds in the original post, is it?
OP beckski 12 | 1609  
27 Oct 2007 /  #15
Who are you kidding?

He lives out of state. It was just a casual date.

He wasn't interested in her at all. She was very average-looking and extremely skinny. She couldn't have weighed more than 100 pounds, while wet!
27 Oct 2007 /  #16
That'd be okay,

So you'd be happy if your date dumped you in the restaurant and hiked it home with the waitress???

I don't think so!

lol.. not the way she sounds in the original post, is it?

Nope. Change of melody.
plk123 8 | 4129  
27 Oct 2007 /  #17
while wet!

and she must've been. ;) :D
osiol 55 | 3921  
27 Oct 2007 /  #18
It was just a casual date.

You were still annoyed enough with her to start with.
If your date had left with her and not with you, I imagine I might have heard you from this side of the Atlantic.
OP beckski 12 | 1609  
27 Oct 2007 /  #19
So you'd be happy if your date dumped you in the restaurant and hiked it home with

I always carry my cell phone for emergency. There's taxi cabs too. If a man is a dog, then he's not worthwhile. He didn't happen to act like a dog, like some men. He never once flirted back with the unclassy waitress; he was interested in me.

You were still annoyed enough with her to start with.

Indeed I was annoyed by her very unprofessional, disgusting behavior. He and I were there together on an elegant dinner date.
Firestorm 6 | 400  
27 Oct 2007 /  #20
If a man is a dog, then he's not worthwhile

A Dog is for Life...
Not just friday nights..........
27 Oct 2007 /  #21
Unfortunately, according to your story, this guy did nothing to dissuade her, therefore, part of him must have been interested. You know, he might have said "sorry I'm with this lady".

This happened last year and it's almost November of this year so enough happened that night to leave it festering within you...
OP beckski 12 | 1609  
27 Oct 2007 /  #22
This happened last year and it's almost November of this year so enough happened that night ot leave it festering within you...

Yes, it happened last year. As I stated to Wroclaw, I'm interested in hearing if other people have encountered similar situations, and how they've dealt with the circumstances. The type of scenario doesn't matter if it happened over 100 years ago.
27 Oct 2007 /  #23
He and I were there together on an elegant dinner date.

Obviously not so elegant a place if the waitresses were allowed to flirt. Upper class places don't really allow that...
OP beckski 12 | 1609  
27 Oct 2007 /  #24
Upper class places don't really allow that...

I agree. Unfortunately snakes work in many different job professions.
BubbaWoo 33 | 3503  
27 Oct 2007 /  #25
He had dropped his car keys on the floor, which had a Porsche emblem.


they just fell out of his hand as she was walking by huh...?
27 Oct 2007 /  #26
and landed just in her path...
BubbaWoo 33 | 3503  
27 Oct 2007 /  #27
dont blame the fish for gettin caught...
osiol 55 | 3921  
27 Oct 2007 /  #28
a fish that's already taken one bait?
27 Oct 2007 /  #29
dont blame the fish for gettin caught...


a fish that's already taken one bait?

think Bubba was onto something different but a fish that doesn't find the first bait tasty enough moves onto the next...
osiol 55 | 3921  
27 Oct 2007 /  #30
think Bubba was onto something different

I realise now. I hadn't read the last couple of posts.

* Donkey drops key to bicycle lock on floor *

This thread is not about flirting getting out of control.
No-one has actually flirted.

Archives - 2005-2009 / Love / When does flirting get out of control?Archived