Always as I am in club english men buy drinks; they are very nice. Polish men are not nice:( Why ? My english ist...słaby:( I hope that you understand me:)
hm... chyba mnie nie rozumiecie. Nie wiedziałam jak opisać to po angielsku. Może przeczyta ten post ktoś kto zna polski. Chodziło mi o to, że zawsze jak jestem na jakiś imprezach, w clubach jest dużo ANGLIKÓW, którzy są na prawdę mili bez podtekstów, tylko porozmawiają, są uprzejmi, kulturalni, zawsze są uśmiechnięci, otwierają drzwi kobietą. Polscy mężczyźni nie są tacy i zwykle na imprezach myślą tylko o jednym... Osobiście nigdy nie przyjmuję drinków od nieznajomych, natomiast zauważyłam, że angielscy chłopcy często kupują je dziewczyną a te z chęcią je przyjmują. Stąd moje pytanie dlaczego tak jest; może Polki podobają się bardziej niż angielki? mnie zastanawia. W Anglii też są wszyscy tacy mili?
Jeśli ktoś może to proszę o przetłumaczenie na angielski:)
It's quite common for English blokes to buy a round or two of drinks, even for people they have just met. We're really quite friendly in that respect. It helps that drinks are cheaper in Poland (apart from some of outrageously expensive places in Warsaw). If they are buying drinks for local girls I guess there is another motive! I don't know why the Polish men would not buy drinks. Money? They are not on holiday or working abroad?
Well.. the thing is.. you don't know if it's "bez podtekstow"
As for opening the doors & such for a lady.. there's a convo in another thread where the opposite is said, that English blokes don't do that but Polish do.. it's all about how the guy was brought up & gently/friendly he is ;)
I'm unlucky because me husband is in England. I'm siengel (sama):( I'm often drink beer, smoking cigaretes and go to clubs, tylko tyle mi pozostało....samotność:(
I think many Polish girls like guys from different countries simply because they want to be special and cool to their friends back home and they have a negative approach to their own countries. Some are so blind and think the english language is so cool so they get a Boyfriend easily , and then get hurt later ...
What i mean is , most Polish ladies parents wnat them to marry the ideal Polish guy, so out of anger and just to rebel against her parents she will marry a different colour guy or some non - polish guy , iv seen it many times and later they break up and divorce.
I'm unlucky because me husband is in England. I'm siengel (sama):( I'm often drink beer, smoking cigaretes and go to clubs, tylko tyle mi pozostało....samotność:(
Quoting: southern Maybe you would like to meet?Mogesz dat e-mail adressu?
Now why would you want to do sth so wrong? Don't you see she's married? Where are your manners southern?
Didn't u notice that he/she has chosen "male" as gender on the profile. this could be a troll account.