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Discussion about Polish Men's Tempers

OP Blingin  5 | 52  
23 Apr 2007 /  #61
but forget the abuse, he is a decent guy.

what i meant was, if you take away his bad behaviour, he is not so bad

just curious

huh? tell me what you wanna say, please
Hueg  - | 319  
23 Apr 2007 /  #62
i cant and wont find a good guy here

i know there is someone in the USA

im with him for the wrong reasons

thats why im with him.

forget the abuse, he is a decent guy.

So just to recap the salient points.

You are with him because he's a decent guy who hits you, but you don't want to be with him and really want to find someone else in america or on the polish forums, but you can't so you're staying with him instead.

Anyone else suddenly feel like they're on Trisha (Oprah for you of an american persuasion)

Hmm. Good luck, I have a feeling you'll need it.
witek  1 | 587  
23 Apr 2007 /  #63
life is too short to waste living in a state of fear and abuse be it mental or physical.

if he hit you once then he will hit you again.
OP Blingin  5 | 52  
23 Apr 2007 /  #64
Anyone else suddenly feel like they're on Trisha

your making fun of me arent you? yeah, when you feel like nobody wants you and you dont feel like theres away out because no -one opens there arms to you, you would kind of understand. its not easy. you dont get it, i feel like this is it.
Hueg  - | 319  
23 Apr 2007 /  #65
Ever heard about the boy that cried wolf?

You decided to tell us you were being hit etc. We all poured out our collective indignation, massaged your ego and said don't go back with him, he'll do it again.

You did your own thing anyway.

He's hit you again.

Now you say you want to leave but also you don't as he's decent blah blah


Good luck to you.
shewolf  5 | 1077  
23 Apr 2007 /  #66
he has again hit me since this post, but i hit him back, i kicked him in the face. he hasnt hit me since, and where getting on much better.

Even though this situation is abusive, I think you showed him that you won't just take being hit. This will either make him hit you worse, to overpower you, or he'll back off. I hope he backs off.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
24 Apr 2007 /  #67
when you feel like nobody wants you and you dont feel like theres away out because no -one opens there arms to you, you would kind of understand. its not easy. you dont get it, i feel like this is it.

you dont need abuse to feel loved. you didnt grow up that way did you?

and you dont need another man to take you away, you need to get away now.
pack and move back home, or to a friends, get your self back together. get
your life back.

my brother said something once. and its true.

A man who hits a woman is a man who cant hit another man.
and there is a song Alice cooper sang, alot of meaning behind it.
if you ever get a chance to hear it the name of the song is " only women bleed"

listen carefully to the words.

I hope only the best for you.
shopgirl  6 | 928  
16 Jun 2007 /  #68
Oh dear.
Do Polish men have bad tempers?
(I'm thinking of you Witek, with your lawn mower, and Greg at the moment ;) )
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
17 Jun 2007 /  #69
i know there is someone in the USA, but im in stupid UK.

Sorry honey, but thats cr*p plenty of nice English guys out there, maybe you just attract scum who see an easy target! And if the UK is so stupid, f*ck off to somewhere else!

I have no sympathy for women that stay in abusive relationships in this day and age! You dont have any kids to him you're not married to him, its not like you've been with each other for years....And most of all as Mr H has stated you dont listen to advice given.
izanami  - | 8  
17 Jun 2007 /  #70
i was engaged to an english farmer about two or three years ago and he hit me a few times and when i was younger my mum was in two very abusive relationships .lying awake at night hearing some ****** punching my mum was not nice not nice at all and they dont stop either. yeah you may have got your own back the second time round but it doesnt mean **** im sorry to say. the fact that there was a second time too!! so soon after the first...i have had times where ive felt so lonely and scared to be alone but i would rather be single for a million years than stay in an abusive relationship see i have something called RESPECT for myself . this man has hit you twice now DUH!!! its gonna happen again and then what you wake up in years to come wondering why you wasted your life with someone who obviously doesn't really love you and what if you have children?? have u stopped to think about what would happen if u had kids with this guy?? my mum's second husband ended up assaulting my sister when she was only 15 because of his temper and we had to go to court too. think things thru do you want this to be your life? of course you can find someone else you found him didn't you?????????

being single isn't a bad thing at all it gives you more time to go out with your girlfriends and get high because im pretty sure they woint hit you when your all high....
17 Jun 2007 /  #71
You both need help
17 Jun 2007 /  #72
Quote . Mar 17, 07, 19:38 . #1

my bf is of course polish. he told me his dad used to beat his mom, but hasnt for ten years now. now the other night, we had weed together and i started laughing and acting silly, but my bf didnt like it and started to punch me.

i am still with him as he said he wouldnt do it again and that it was beacuse of he weed.

he said before he would never hit me and he did. its weird because i love him and he loves me. did i do the right thing by sticking by him, cuz he is gunna get help?

the real question. do most polish men have bad tempers, also towards women?

They have a caveman mentality, they look dumb, and generally have low IQ, hence why they do manual labour work...!! If you are a polish girl, you can do a lot better than having a dumb looking ogre!!
witek  1 | 587  
17 Jun 2007 /  #73
Do Polish men have bad tempers?
(I'm thinking of you Witek, with your lawn mower, and Greg at the moment ;) )

i am usually a very nice guy however sometimes i explode and yell at somebody or wreck something.
pennyroyal999  1 | 15  
17 Jun 2007 /  #74
my bf is of course polish. he told me his dad used to beat his mom, but hasnt for ten years now. now the other night, we had weed together and i started laughing and acting silly, but my bf didnt like it and started to punch me.

i am still with him as he said he wouldnt do it again and that it was beacuse of he weed.

he said before he would never hit me and he did. its weird because i love him and he loves me. did i do the right thing by sticking by him, cuz he is gunna get help?

the real question. do most polish men have bad tempers, also towards women?

No you should leave him and leave him NOW. in my polish family this type of behavior from a man is looked down upon and considered very cowardly. Generally men like that end up alone miserable drunks in the Polish culture.
witek  1 | 587  
17 Jun 2007 /  #75
but my bf didnt like it and started to punch me.

i might sometimes yell or break something but i would never lay a hand on a woman.

a real man would never hit a girl
17 Jun 2007 /  #76
Shes not going to take our advice guys like Hueg said, crywolf..
kie  13 | 42  
20 Jun 2007 /  #77
They have a caveman mentality, they look dumb, and generally have low IQ, hence why they do manual labour work...!! If you are a polish girl, you can do a lot better than having a dumb looking ogre!!

Is this c**t being banned from this site?
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
20 Jun 2007 /  #78
i am usually a very nice guy however sometimes i explode and yell at somebody or wreck something.

u bad boy.. lol

Witek, I can not picture you flippin out.. of course when pushed, I think everyone
including women explode. I guess it depends on the situation, what your exploding
about or yelling at.. :)

a real man would never hit a girl

u r so right!! I now have more respect for you witek..
witek  1 | 587  
20 Jun 2007 /  #79
including women explode.

you talking about the G spot?
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
20 Jun 2007 /  #80
* shakes head at witek*

U sir need to go out and get some so your mind is clearer!!
LATINA  3 | 73  
3 Jan 2008 /  #81
I have no sympathy for women that stay in abusive relationships in this day and age! You dont have any kids to him you're not married to him, its not like you've been with each other for years

This is probably the best post in this thread, I was thinking the same thing. The saying goes:

THERE ARE NO VICTIMS, only volunteers.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
3 Jan 2008 /  #82
THERE ARE NO VICTIMS, only volunteers.


If you know you're in a place where a fight is brewing then either fight or leave. If you don't leave...well then it may appear to the casual observer that you thrive on this kind of crap, unless you leave of course.
anja_rose  3 | 37  
8 Jan 2008 /  #83
These are post by people with absolutely no knowledge of the amount of manipulation, power, control and lso love which exists in relationships where domestic violence occurs.

Usually the victim (yes this word does exist look in the dictionary, def not the same as volunteer) has been made to feel very loved valued and most of all needed by her partner before the manipulation and power struggles begin creeping into the r/ship.

True, there are often warning signs at this point before any physical occurs where a woman could find the strength to leave, there will be increasing jealousy, possessiveness, and also increased affection which confuses and disarms the victim.

I have frst hand experience of the heart wrenching impact of domestic violence and advise people to think carefully about how much they know- or more importantly have experince of this horrendus abuse, before they made ridiculous comments such as the ones posted above.

I only hope to God you never experience the ultimate betyrayal of being, emotionally absued, ridliculed, spat at, sexually assaulted, force fed, burnedand of course physically beaten by soemeone you have loved, trusted and repeatedly tells you they love you, you are meant to be toether, crys when you say they are leaving, someone who has been accepted into your family and you to theirs, who you have built your dreams around.

The women who manage to escape alive (many are eventually killed) should be commnded for their heart and bravery and offered nothing but kindness and respect.
walkinalex  - | 1  
30 Dec 2008 /  #84
Lets just say I have experience with domestic assault cases. It has nothing to do with nationality but everything to do with the man. I don't want to insult you but 8 years as a LE officer has taught me that they do not stop it continues to get worse. I know thats not what you want to hear but it is the truth. I have never met somebody who stops abuse. Its just the way it is. Good luck and be safe.
scott usa  - | 63  
4 Jan 2009 /  #85
Why would u date a guy who hit u.If a guy hit my sister i be in jail becuase he be dead.Thats how it starts he say it never happen again then one day ur family will be at ur funeral.
alsilver  - | 1  
17 Feb 2009 /  #86
I am a Southern American girl and just started talking to this Polish guy I met in Florida. He seems nice and also seems to make a good living and have a good head on his shoulders but in general, do Polish men like submissive women? Reason I am asking is that I don't even want to waste my time on this guy if that's how Polish men are? Also, do they tend to have bad tempers, etc, etc. I guess no one knows someone totally but I was just wondering if there is any general info someone can give me about Polish men, it would be greatly appreciated. He is very good looking so I am a little concerned he may be a playboy but doesn't really act that way. Please help!
pawian  226 | 27587  
17 Feb 2009 /  #87
As a Pole, I have my tempers. I go mad when women try to be too dominating and pretend they are males. Then I can be really nasty.

But on most occasions I am able to control myself. :):):)
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
17 Feb 2009 /  #88
Why do i have a weird feeling some old time users are having fun making all these threads :)
santosh  - | 11  
17 Feb 2009 /  #89
should i stick with him to make him seek help for his anger and violent outbursts?

Better alone and alive ....than be with him and dead...
regarding hitting...one time is an oversight..two times is a mistake..three times is a habit...
This relationship wont work.

do Polish men like submissive women?

correction...all men like submissive women...haha
it also depends on how you define submissive...
getting him a cup of tea,cooking healthy meals for the kids etc etc..may be submission in many women's eyes...but in other women's eyes its duty towards family which they enjoy and are proud of...

it really depends on what your definition of submission is...

Actually, scratch that. everyones right, i have no self esteem, im stupid and dont want to be lonely. i cant and wont find a good guy here. thats why im with him. i know there is someone in the USA, but im in stupid UK. im with him for the wrong reasons, but im just weak. no-one is going to help me become stronger. but forget the abuse, he is a decent guy.

I think I understand you...when in an abusive relationship its easy to 1. feel sympathy to the partner 2. have low self esteem 3. feel that once you let go you wont be able to enjoy the special bond that you had with anyone else 4. Feel that you are better off with an abusive man who loves than be alone

I think only time will heal you...if you have kids or are married ...god help you...if you 2 arent that stage yet....there is hope...its unchartered personal territory that you will traverse ...heres hoping you a good journey...
Ciemnosc  1 | 1  
19 Feb 2009 /  #90
My husband has a very bad temper. It has been getting better over time where he has learned not to vent his anger and frustration out at me but in the beginning it was terrible! I don't know if it is because he is Polish or if he is just a man with a very bad temper lol.

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