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Conversation starters / boosters to date a Polish au-pair?

30 Aug 2006 /  #1
I have been getting along really well with my polish friend for a good 3 months now...she is here as an au pair. We both understand how we feel for each other - we like each other very much. We also both accept that at times, talking to one another can become awkward or hard..she says its her fault, but how can it be? its her first time to a new country and she is vunerable. She is quite a shy girl, and other thatn me all the other people she knows are mere aqquaintences. I would just liek to know how i could try to make a conversation with her more often...i love talking with her and spending time with her.

As you may have guessed, this message could have been posted on any forum about any person as its not totally specific to a polish forum, but maybe you guys could help anyways. Thanks,

krysia  23 | 3058  
30 Aug 2006 /  #2
You can tell her that you want to learn Polish. She would be the perfect teacher for you and it would be a good excuse to spend more time with her.

I used to be shy too, it just takes time to get used to everything and gain confidence. Make her feel very special. Get her flowers. A small gift. Be happy with each other and laugh a lot.
OP chrisbeckett2004  
31 Aug 2006 /  #3
Conversation starters / boosters to date a Polish au-pair?

I have been getting along really well with my polish friend for a good 3 months now...she is here as an au pair. We both understand how we feel for each other - we like each other very much. We also both accept that at times, talking to one another can become awkward or hard..she says its her fault, but how can it be? its her first time to a new country and she is vunerable. She is quite a shy girl, and other thatn me all the other people she knows are mere aqquaintences. I would just liek to know how i could try to make a conversation with her more often...i love talking with her and spending time with her.

As you may have guessed, this message could have been posted on any forum about any person as its not totally specific to a polish forum, but maybe you guys could help anyways. Thanks,

31 Aug 2006 /  #4
Hmm - I think you should start with simple words and phrases. Maybe you could ask her to teach you some simple Polish words? In return, you'll teach her some English words -- and it could be fun for both of you I think... :)
OP chrisbeckett2004  
31 Aug 2006 /  #5
It can be hard for me because she is almost fluent..i have taught her adorable and ladybird - thats all. In return she has taught me..well...some things..maybe you cant say haha
31 Aug 2006 /  #6
If she is shy... you need to find ways not to make her shy.. Don't know how though.
FISZ  24 | 2116  
31 Aug 2006 /  #7
Make her feel confident. Also, remind her of her beauty:)
OP chrisbeckett2004  
31 Aug 2006 /  #8
Oh..i have..she knows she beautiful :)
FISZ  24 | 2116  
31 Aug 2006 /  #9
she knows she beautiful

Sounds like she just want's you to think she's shy :)
OP chrisbeckett2004  
31 Aug 2006 /  #10
Oh no she is...she won't speak to anybody else other than me....
krysia  23 | 3058  
31 Aug 2006 /  #11
That's because she knows she call tell you s^t and you'll believe her.
OP chrisbeckett2004  
31 Aug 2006 /  #12
Yeh...you trying to make me feel even worse haha
FISZ  24 | 2116  
31 Aug 2006 /  #13
you may be under a PL woman spell :) apparantly there are myths and legends about these strange beautiful PL women.
OP chrisbeckett2004  
31 Aug 2006 /  #14
Mmmmmm i like it. But really, i do think she is an amazing girl...im falling in love haha
27 Sep 2007 /  #15
I started meeting a Polish girl who had said she'd help me learn Polish. Within weeks I had fallen in love with her. I think she only liked me. That's right about Polish girls and spells. She has to be the most caring, sensitive girl I have met. She is so appreciative of the smallest gestures of kindness- an absolute angel. However, I once accidentally called her a bad name after drinking heavily. Since then she has not accepted my apology and is reluctant to see me again. How can one make amends? Flowers and chocolates? I have even written a letter to which she hasn't replied. Are all Polish girls so fragile? I fail to understand such an extreme reaction which I never expected from her.
marek s  - | 269  
30 Sep 2007 /  #16
move on, you tried and she wants no part of you
nextweek  1 | 4  
25 Jul 2009 /  #17
Yeah, it a shocker.. a uk girl would probably take a bit of insult, slap and a tickle at 3am on a saturday morning as part of the normal courtship, but the poles just dont get as wasted as we do so regularly...

Its all part of her 'rules'.. Imagine british courtship in the 1920's... to get her back, you are going to have to woo her pants off.. it doesnt have to cost loads of money, try to think up something a little funny that is really special to her, maybe building on a private joke you two have.. or something you find adorable about her.. lalala.. Polish love some practicle gift..

If after this she isnt interested, give up, becuase you are highly likely to insult her again next saturday night so unless she can accept it occasionally your not going to work out anyway..
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
25 Jul 2009 /  #18
wow i've heard of a late reply but that really is late, nearly three years, it was actually a good post as well :)
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
2 Aug 2009 /  #19
Hehe... would be nice to hear what happened.

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