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Will he have an affair with me?

krkplantry 1 | 2  
26 Apr 2008 /  #1
I am 30 and I have relocated in Cracow for business

I have a colleague at work (married- pretty sure - 40+) that I see although not too often as we work in different branches in the city.

We went dinner, mostly talked about business but we had a great time and he walked me home.

I really like this guy- I am not looking for anything serious, just to have a good time and go out sometime.

I have no more excuses to make another move as I do not see him every day, what can I do?? As I am used to a direct approach, I am not recognizing clear signals if he is interested or not.

Shall I wait or make another move? I do not want to scare him. Thanks !
26 Apr 2008 /  #2
What are you talking about making a move? He probably walked you home from politeness. If he is married, you should leave him alone. He most likely asked you to dinner to be kind, you're new to the city. As it was, you talked about work. I think if he was interested in you he'd have talked about other things mostly.

If you are not looking for anything serious, why are you looking to have a relationship with a married man? Please, find someone unattached for your fun.
Arise_St_George 9 | 419  
26 Apr 2008 /  #3
Why can't you just ask him out? Just tell him "we should go out for a drink sometime, are you up for it?"

I wouldn't advise it though. You could create enemies.
OP krkplantry 1 | 2  
26 Apr 2008 /  #4
Please, find someone unattached for your fun.

I think that is his decision. I won't really push it, if he is up for it, great. I just need help trying to figure out polish men as they are hard to read.
26 Apr 2008 /  #5
No, it's your decision. If he's married, you shouldn't imagine he's thinking of anything more than you are a colleague. Now you say he's Polish, he's just tried to help you relax to life in Krakow, took you to dinner, welcomed you to the city, to the company etc. They aren't that hard to read.
fishstick - | 10  
3 May 2008 /  #6
If he's married... he's off limits. Dont break up happy homes..... :)
Kasia84 8 | 40  
3 May 2008 /  #7
Shall I wait or make another move? I do not want to scare him. Thanks !

Are you crazy?? Do you seriously want to "break up" someone else's marriage? I hope this isn't for real...because I would find it absurd & disgusting...

I just don't get women or even men like these...what are they thinking?? don't they think of their family? their children? (of course not; because they're only thinking of their own needs without even caring for hurting others)...please stay away...I still can't believe people would do something like this...just outrageous to even think of doing something like this...

even if you say this might be "his decision"...please use your own brain here instead...be someone smarter here & at least use your heart...as fishstick posted: "...Don't break up happy homes..."
LondonChick 31 | 1133  
3 May 2008 /  #8
If he's married... he's off limits. Dont break up happy homes..... :)

Totally agree.

Sounds like you've got a bit of a crush on this guy, and are reading things into regular things e.g. he took you out for dinner (I'd do the same for any new colleague who'd just moved to my city - male or female) and that he walked you home (this is the sort of thing that my husband would do for a female colleague - especially if she didn't really know her way around).

Get over the silly crush.
Franek 8 | 271  
3 May 2008 /  #9
I read your profile. The land of Maple syrup. Are u by any chance from New England?
LondonChick 31 | 1133  
3 May 2008 /  #10
Are u by any chance from New England?

I'd have guessed Canada....
Patrycja19 62 | 2683  
3 May 2008 /  #11
Shall I wait or make another move? I do not want to scare him. Thanks !

I think you should find your own man.. many married men are settled, but that
dont mean he will go for you if he does then you can thank yourself for tempting
him And probaly busting up a happy home.. if its business then stick with business..

stop being so lazy and find your own..
plk123 8 | 4120  
3 May 2008 /  #12
please jump. thanks.
tornado2007 11 | 2270  
3 May 2008 /  #13

first of i can't believe your even thinking about taking it any further.

I really like this guy- I am not looking for anything serious, just to have a good time and go out sometime.

ow thats just great, how do you think his wife will feel about you just having a bit of fun with her husband. They are in a serious relationship and your just looking for a bit of fun. No offense but i think you should take a raincheck on this situation and leave it alone. THEY ARE MARRIED!!!! HE IS MARRIED!!!! do you even know if he has kids??? Place yourself in the shoes of the wife, how would you feel???

I have no more excuses to make another move as I do not see him every day, what can I do??

leave it alone, find somebody else that is not married, there are many potential companions out their to have fun with, please please do not choose a married man where other people getting hurt is involved!!!!

Shall I wait or make another move? I do not want to scare him. Thanks !

forget scaring him, what about ruining his life!!!!! he may feel like a fling, i don't know, there are many reasons why married people sometimes do the dirty on their partner, most of the time its for a bit of change up. Why get yourself involved in an akward situation when their are plenty of more fish in the sea?????

Just to summarise i think you should leave the married man alone and put any ideas you have back in the bag for another time, when you meet a lovely guy, who isn't married to another woman.

I know what i've said is pretty harsh and i never want to offend women but i think it needed saying, wake up lady and smell the coffee are you serious about this situation?????



can't believe people would do something like this...just outrageous to even think of doing something like this...

even if you say this might be "his decision"...please use your own brain here instead...be someone smarter here & at least use your heart...as fishstick posted: "...Don't break up happy homes..."[/quote]

You see i'm not the only one with this view, i don't know how old you are but the two people with similar opinions are 23 and can see the light, surely you can see it too!!!!
LondonChick 31 | 1133  
3 May 2008 /  #14
first of i can't believe your even thinking about taking it any further.

The point is that there is NOTHING to take further. Her colleague simply took her out to dinner (colleagues and business contacts take me out to dinner all the time - it doesn't mean a thing). He didn't crack onto her, or give indication that he was interested in an affair. It's a silly crush that's all in her head.
tornado2007 11 | 2270  
3 May 2008 /  #15
It's a silly crush that's all in her head.

yeah thats what i mean, she has made a mountain out of a molehill!!!!
Sophia - | 99  
3 May 2008 /  #16
OP, put yourself in his wife's shoes. Your 'fun' could ruin lives.
lowfunk99 10 | 397  
3 May 2008 /  #17
Grow up!

Its the wrong thing to do and u know it.

Find someone single to have fun with.

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