One can perhaps understand that the primtive monosyllabic gruntings of bird-brained US slum-dwellers who don't know who their father was might appeal to those who live in rat-infested slums because they don't know any better. But what do some young Poles see in that ignorant cacaphony? It is alien to them musically (if you can call it music in the first place?!), ideologically (appeals to rape, kill, destroy) and culturally (most Poles know how to read and write and were not born out-of-wedlock).
It must be a take-off on Hitler's big lie. if you repeat it often enough, people will believe it. The DJs keep playing rap crap over and over until it infects the brains of people who have nothing in common with the underbelly cultture that produced it. And to think some are complaining about disco-polo!?
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It must be a take-off on Hitler's big lie. if you repeat it often enough, people will believe it. The DJs keep playing rap crap over and over until it infects the brains of people who have nothing in common with the underbelly cultture that produced it. And to think some are complaining about disco-polo!?
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