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WHATS THE CURRENT PRICE PER LITRE.. for diesal and benzine..?

wildrover  98 | 4430  
13 Nov 2009 /  #1
How much are you paying for a liter of fuel where you live...????

I am trying to get an idea of prices for cities as opposed to out in the sticks....
dnz  17 | 710  
13 Nov 2009 /  #2
4.19 for 95 petrol

not sure about diesel as its the fuel of the devil but i think its about 3.85.
OP wildrover  98 | 4430  
13 Nov 2009 /  #3
diesel as its the fuel of the devil

Ha...i must confess , i am a petrol head too , but i have a diesal for the times when i can,t afford to fuel the 7.5 litre V8 in my old Rangerover...reckon that does about 14 to the gallon on a run , and i dare not think what it consumes off road....

Incidentaly , how is the Maluch project going.... got some great pics of bike powered Maluchs to send you...?
dnz  17 | 710  
13 Nov 2009 /  #4
I want to get it finished but funds seem to be low at the moment and had a few problems with the engine, Need to decide what to do with it really, Ideally I would love to throw a couple of grand at it in order to make the ultimate bike engined street weapon but things are on hold at the moment, Busy with work too :(.

7.5 litre range rover that sounds epic :) is it similar to a bowler wildcat or something?
gumishu  15 | 6228  
13 Nov 2009 /  #5
wildrover if you own a farm (I don't know if you do- you just mention an old house) and pay the KRUS insurance (instead of ZUS) (if you pay any at the moment) - then you probably are entitled to buy and run on the tax-less farmer's gas/diesel - at least you can try it for your offroad (not sure about the legality of it for regular cars) - if you own some agricultural land but still do not go as a farmer officially in Poland try to go for a farmer's status - well give it a think anyway

about how many people use the 'red' gas in Poland I don't know and have no idea if police controls are frequent (they don't do the gas checking every time they stop you) and possible fines - I know it's pretty risky in England and the fines are huge (one grand)

oops that's not that easy now that I've read a bit - and only the tax you have payed for the diesel can only be returned - you have to go to local offices with the receipts to get the tax back and them it may not be the whole tax return (definitely not this year)
Wroclaw Boy  
13 Nov 2009 /  #6
4.19 for 95 petrol

I paid 4.31 for 95 at Tesco's today.
OP wildrover  98 | 4430  
13 Nov 2009 /  #7
7.5 litre range rover that sounds epic :) is it similar to a bowler wildcat or something?

No , just looks like a normal Rangie...but growls a bit better...got a chevvy lump in it...but i think i might revert back to the old 3.9 V8 ....I don,t do much serious off roading now so a 2.5 diesal Jeep is good enough for what i need...

Yes i do have a farm , but don,t do any actual farming here , its just my home....I doubt anyone would check what fuel i have in my Jeep...if i could get some cheap diesal i would probably chuck it in there....It runs quite well on cooking oil ,but i don,t know if thats any cheaper than actual diesal fuel....
gumishu  15 | 6228  
13 Nov 2009 /  #8
.It runs quite well on cooking oil ,but i don,t know if thats any cheaper than actual diesal fuel....

the cheaper varieties are cheaper than the diesel (not really much but still)

as for cheaper diesel farmers don't get any cheaper diesel here (unlike Britain) they just get the tax back 2 times a year and to a certain limit per hectare of their farm(crops?) after they apply for it and present receipts for the fuel (it is after some reading on the internet - I was pretty sure they do have coloured fuel like in Britain
dnz  17 | 710  
13 Nov 2009 /  #9
cooking oil from makro used to be cheaper than diesel, I used to run my old peugeot on 100% veg oil and it worked a treat but was a bit of a bastard to start in the winter, I suspect at -20 you would have no chance.
OP wildrover  98 | 4430  
13 Nov 2009 /  #10
I suspect at -20 you would have no chance.

Probably not...might take a bit of easy start to get it fired into life....I have heard that cooking oil can bugger up the seals and o rings in some diesal pumps...Seems the older and less refined diesal engines run the best on cooking oil...
gumishu  15 | 6228  
13 Nov 2009 /  #11
still it is illegal to run on the vegetable oil - you can get a fine when the police discover it - i think the fumes can give it away - they are much brighter like cigarette fumes (or rather thicker) - not to mention the smell ;)
dnz  17 | 710  
13 Nov 2009 /  #12
Probably not...might take a bit of easy start to get it fired into life....I have heard that cooking oil can bugger up the seals and o rings in some diesal pumps...Seems the older and less refined diesal engines run the best on cooking oil...

Oh definately my friend gets allsorts of idiots who've put it in a common rail engine all the time, Ends up with them having to have all the injectors and the pump replaced.

Older stuff is fine though, early 90's PSA engines and the older VAG stuff seems to cope quite well.

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