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Tranquilizers (A Polish led band)

Stevedons 1 | 2  
16 Oct 2007 /  #1
Tranquilizers are a new London based band led by one of London's first Polish rock/pop musicians - Jed Dmochowski. Jed had a successful band in the 1980s called The VIPs.

Tranquilizers aren't a Polish language band but the songs are all written by a Pole and their first single will be released on a label called Buzi Buzi.

Their myspace site is if anyone is interested in seeing them play live. All are welcome and introduce yourselves to Jed if you do come.
osiol 55 | 3921  
16 Oct 2007 /  #3
Jed Dmochowski

Note for fans of obscure 1980s indie bands:
He sang on The Blue Aeroplanes' song 'Tolerance' circa 1986.
Wojtek Dmochowski (his brother, I think) danced on stage with the aforementioned band for many a year.
OP Stevedons 1 | 2  
17 Oct 2007 /  #4
Wojtek is indeed his brother. I hope people don't mind me pushing this here but Jed and his brother have genuinely been the most important Polish indie artists around for many years.

I'm married to a Polish woman myself and have a daughter being bought up as Polish (which is why I'm calling my record label Buzi Buzi).
osiol 55 | 3921  
17 Oct 2007 /  #5

I don't know if he's still with the Blue Aeroplanes. I know it can sound a bit weird - someone in a band, but only as a dancer, but there was always something that made their shows exciting - a man leaping around the stage between the countless guitarists they always had, at 100 mph. Unlike other dancers with bands, he didn't need a pair of maraccas (like The Happy Mondays' Bez did) to hide behind.
OP Stevedons 1 | 2  
17 Oct 2007 /  #6
As far as I know he is still in touch with the BAs but not dancing so much. He does go to see his brother's band of course.

Archives - 2005-2009 / Life / Tranquilizers (A Polish led band)Archived