That's as maybe, but other than two of the Warner Brothers, all are Polish born, and as our German 'friend' stated many times, that is was defines your nationality and whether the Polish get to claim that person (or whether the Germans get to steal them)
Can you think of any famous Polish personalities?
Anna German
Boguslaw Linda
Maryla Rodowic
Boguslaw Linda
Maryla Rodowic's not me who is hiding behind this war!
The question is who is trying to hide the war?
It's not me who uses another people still as a scapegoat for all problems Poles have.
But it's you who thinks it is necessary to underline the achievements of Germans in the thread about famous Poles. How much more confused can you be. If Germans are such over achievers and geniuses then your roots are certainly not German.
It's not me who uses another people still as a scapegoat for all problems Poles have.
It is you, however, who thinks it is necessary to come to a Polish forum to bash Poles. Could it be that you see yourself personally as inferior and need reassurance once in a while?
If a Pole decides to be German he must have grown up with german culture
German culture? Could you be more specific which "German culture" you mean. I hope you don;t mean the one shown by one professor, Obersturmbannführer SS Bruno Müller, in Cracow on November 6, 1939.
If he is a representative of the German intellect then I can only consider myself lucky my roots are not German.
Special gift form Israel
Polish Mexicans:
The Paleta family:
There are more, but I can't be bothered to find them at the moment.
The Paleta family:
There are more, but I can't be bothered to find them at the moment.
Leszek Balcerowicz
When I was little, I had a couple of pop-up books by Jan Pieńkowski.
Right now, I'm listening to the Blue Aeroplanes, a band from Bristol (that's in the great U of K, by the way). One of their number goes by the name of Wojtek Dmochowski.
Right now, I'm listening to the Blue Aeroplanes, a band from Bristol (that's in the great U of K, by the way). One of their number goes by the name of Wojtek Dmochowski.
a list of Polish people with Polish ancestry (most aren't 100%, but still, they have to count for something):
Jane Kaczmarek (the mother in "Malcolm In The Middle")
The fat lady from the "Drew Carey Show"....I believe her name was Mimi on the show
outintheyard 27 | 517
31 Mar 2008 / #130
Pope John Paul and of course MEEEEE!
Henryk Gorecki, Krzysztof Penderecki
Harry Morris (Hirsch/Moses), Albert (Abraham, not Aaron) and Samuel Louis (Schmuel) Warner were all born in the Russian Empire (in the "Russian Pale," now Poland). Eichelbaum was their mother's maiden name. I don't know why it would be said that Harry and Albert were Eichelbaums, even as a middle name. More on the early history of the Warners can be found at
This corrects long held beliefs about who in the family came over from Russia/Poland and when.
This corrects long held beliefs about who in the family came over from Russia/Poland and when.
What on earth is Copernikus doing on that list, he's German ;)
Where's the map, £uki?
Where's the map, £uki?
And I am Swede (sic!)
You are certainly a neep, that's for sure ;) Swede you are :)
Richard Kuklinski
23 Nov 2008 / #138
Dorota Rabczewska-Majdan
(AKA Doda Elektroda)
(AKA Doda Elektroda)
Zawisza Czarny
Karen O.. half Polish, completely insane..

Is Zbigniew Zamachowski popular in Poland? I just viewed Zmruż Ochy, and it was a great film. and didn't he work with Kieślowski in Dekalog? The Polish film schools seem to have made some great aktors....any Polish people know what he is working at now?
Is Zbigniew Zamachowski popular in Poland?
Yes, he rather is.
didn't he work with Kieślowski in Dekalog?
Only in the 10th episode. But he was also starring in Kieślowski's Three Colors: White.
After that he made some commercials (probably not even used in Poland) for a Belgian beer company, so he had his "five minutes of fame", but I'm not sure if he's recognized outside of Poland anymore.
And one of my favorite films with Zamachowski is Pułkownik Kwiatkowski (with the leading part of Marek Kondrat).
any Polish people know what he is working at now?
Well, I usually check projects being in production at this site:
EraAtlantia 2 | 106
24 Nov 2008 / #143
olis adebi, spelled phoneticaly of course
well, I have seen Zurek, and the one about 'making a grandson'? Zróbmy sobie wnuke. And of course, White. I don't know Pułkownik Kwiatkowski, how is that translated? I am just fascinated with the guy, he's an 'everyman', I think.
And, can anyone translate for me polkrople, cwierckrople? I tried Polish translation online, to no avail.
And, can anyone translate for me polkrople, cwierckrople? I tried Polish translation online, to no avail.
outintheyard 27 | 517
25 Nov 2008 / #145
ME ! I have been called a famous person for many things
Famous or infamous?
outintheyard 27 | 517
25 Nov 2008 / #147
At times both I would say