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Can you think of any famous Polish personalities?

Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
24 May 2007 /  #91
do you know that cherchill suggested to castrate all germans men after WWII?

wow, talk about stopping a population. he could have beat loraina bobbit to the
FISZ  24 | 2116  
24 May 2007 /  #92
Wasn't Hitler partially castrated?
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
24 May 2007 /  #93
so loraina bobbit was in germany after all lol..
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
24 May 2007 /  #94
do you know that cherchill suggested to castrate all germans men after WWII?

Yeah...and look where the Brits are today...hasbeens stuck with lot's of Poles! :)

The same I could say... Russians suck, but Germans... as bad as It sounds they shouldn't be counted as homo sapiens...

Sub humans???


Wasn't Hitler partially castrated?

Even with only one ball he run you Poles over...what does it say about you?

You are so funny! :)
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
24 May 2007 /  #95
Sub humans???

Well, you said that, but...
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
24 May 2007 /  #96
Yeah...and look where the Brits are today...hasbeens stuck with lot's of Poles! :)

whats that got to do with being castrated? you pulling at straws now?

Sub humans???


my grandmother in law said that hitler was nuts, she talked about what happened
and because of him they lost everything, and people were scared they would
die if they didnt do what he said, and many did, so I dont have problems with those
who actually did help , but those who consider themselfs nazi should be
castrated. you cant deny bratboy that what happened was the most sickest part
of history, and hiding behind all the jokes and putdowns wont change history and
the fact that people still live with the horrors ( older generations) and it cant be

as neither can the russian part in it. but at least german govt is paying their dues.
it wont take it away though.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
24 May 2007 /  #97
Hey...it's not me who is hiding behind this war!
It's not me who is using what happened for all kinds of apologies for all what did go/does go/will further go wrong.

It's not me who uses another people still as a scapegoat for all problems Poles have.
It's not me who vote for a nutty government who uses hostility against the neighbour
as a means to cling to power.

We Germans have all reasons to be proud of what we achieved after the war and where we stand right now...rich, between the top nations, respected...we don't have to hide behind the war!
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
24 May 2007 /  #98
Hey...it's not me who is hiding behind this war!

no but your aiming your hostility at them just as much. for what?

making fun, only shows your no better and that doesnt make you more the
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
24 May 2007 /  #99
We Germans have all reasons to be proud of what we achieved after the war and where we stand right now...rich, between the top nations,

You are "rich" (rather average) only because after WW2 Yanks needed their "own Germans" against the Soviets, so they pumped the money in you.

[quote=Bratwurst Boy]respected...

LOL ! Even Woomps **** on you. Even a member of their government admitted that 2 or 3 years ago.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
24 May 2007 /  #100
Erm...compared to Poles even Woomps are more respected!

Right now whole Europe laughs about your potatoe heads...LOL
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
24 May 2007 /  #101

Dude, If you want to compare Poles and Germans in similar conditions, take East Germany after WW2, after the west Germany pumped there over a trillion EUR (and that's half the population of Poland) these areas looks little better than Poland, quite the same as the Czech Republic... Here your "superiority" ends...

I'm really not happy to say that, but you people are scum - lazy, stupid and stinking... just look at yorself... you people are simply... disgusting... most of the world knows that.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
24 May 2007 /  #102
no spitting please
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
24 May 2007 /  #103
Some facts about "being respected" just for you Greg:


Germany comes in second best world wide...can't see a trace of Poland...wonder why???

"...Anholt believes Germany will become a serious contender for the top spot in future NBIs.

He said: "Germany already has a positive international image with particular respect for its governance, economy and popular brands, such as Audi, Siemens, Braun and Volkswagen..."

Apropos East-Germany....Now Germany did it again...a second Wirtschaftswunder like after the war.

Do you know how the land around Dresden is called already? Saxony valley because of their growing number of high-tech firms!

Some eastern Länder are already ahead of some western Länder...:)

Lazy and stinking, right?

Sour grapes...so bitter and jealeous! I LOVE IT!
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
24 May 2007 /  #104
economy and popular brands, such as Audi, Siemens, Braun and Volkswagen...

So that's because of companies, which often weren't even created by Germans and often aren't run by Germans...

Let's be honest, for most of Europe both Poles and Germans suck, but we suck because we "steal their jobs", you suck because you simply are... disgusting by nature... How you even dare compare yourself to us ?? I wouldn't say that If you didn't force me but you people are simply living s*it.

a second Wirtschaftswunder

Yeah... with 1% GDP growth...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
24 May 2007 /  #105
So that's because of companies, which often were even created by Germans and often aren't run by Germans...

Yes "MADE IN GERMANY", that label alone is selling!

"Made in Poland"...hmmm....no go....sorry :)

And why did you left out this:

"...He said: "Germany already has a positive international image with particular respect for its governance, economy ...."

tsk, tsk, tsk
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
30 May 2007 /  #106
OK, so lets get back to the topic. Basically it's extremely hard for a non-westerner to be famous in the West. There are definitely many Poles worth knowing that are well known for people that are interested in a particular science, literature or music discipline, but are they known outside of this circle? I'm not sure. Have you heard about:

- Napoleon Cybulski (the discoverer of adrenalin),
-Kazimierz Funk (the discoverer of vitamins),
-Ludwik Hirszfeld (he established the foundation of knowledge of human blood types),
- Ignacy £ukasiewicz (he developed a product called “nafta” kerosene (1852); invented the petroleum lamp, established the world’s first oil “mine”, built the first refinery in Ulaszowice near Jaslo, replaced hand mining with drilling machinery and steam power),

- Julian Ochorowicz (he forecasted correctly the future technique of transmitting moving pictures so he can be said to have been one of the first to conceive the idea of television),

-Kazimierz Proszyński (he built one of the first cinema cameras in the world. This pleograph, or apparatus for taking photographs and projecting pictures, was built before the Lumiere Brothers lodged their patent. Proszynski also made the first pocket film-camera and devised a method of synchronizing sound and film tracks),

-Abraham Stern (he demonstrated the “first calculating machine in the world which could perform the four basic arithmetical processes and extract roots),
- Jan Szczepanik (he patented many important inventions which were of use in textile machinery, electric television, color photography and films, and devised a method for the optical registration of sound),

- Alexander Wolszczan ( he was the forst man to discovere an extrasolar planet),
-Ludwik £azarz Zamenhof (the creator of esperanto),
-Stefan Drzewiecki ( His disertation, “Theorie generale de l’helice” (1920), was honored by the French Academy of Science as a fundamental work in the development of modern propellers),

-Jan Śniadecki (his works on the possibilities of a theory of probability were of a pioneer nature),
-Michał Sędziwoj ( He was the first man in history of chemistry to describe oxygen – “the food of life, which exists in the air”. He advanced the theory of combustion and breathing),

-Kazimierz Siemanowicz ( he was the first to conceive the possibility of a multiple-stage rocket and of rocket batteries. May be considered a precursor of space flight),

- Stanisław Marcin Ulam ( known for his activities in Manhattan Project (1942-1947) that lead to the creation of nuclear weapons in Los Alamos)
- Paweł Włodkowic ( as early as the beginning of the 15th century he strongly supported the idea of conciliarism and pioneered the notion of peaceful coexistence among nations — a forerunner of modern theories of human rights), etc etc....

Aside from scientist there are also great Polish strategist like Hetman Koniecpolski ( the concorere of Gustavus Adolphus), Hetman Żółkiewski ( he managed something Hitler dreamed of, he set his foot In Moscow), Jan Karol Chodkiewicz ( in almost every military school the cadets are being thought about his magnificent victory over Swedes at Kircholm) or Jan III Sobieski ( the only "modern" man that has a star constellation named after him), etc...

Music? Szymanowski, Wieniawski, Paderewski, Rubinstein, etc.. Film? Wajda, Kieślowski, Jerzy Kawalerowicz - people that inspired the likes of Tarantino, Lynch or Scorsese... and many many more...

The truth is that the west was generally ignorant about the eastern part of Europe for a very long time. Would you know about Teodor Józef Konrad Korzeniowski (aka Joseph Conrad), Maria Skłodoska-Curie or Roman Polański if they would stay in Poland rather than go abroad? I doubt it.

Just because one haven’t heard about those people, doesn’t mean that they aren’t worth knowing about. There is still an enormous world of polish literature to be discovered by the westerners: Mickiewicz, Słowacki, Prus, Sienkiewicz, etc... Maybe in a few years time those names will stop being anonymous for you? I surely hope so. Maybe the computer game "The Witcher" in a short time will make Sapkowski the most known polish writer? Who know who knows...I surely hope so. :)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
12 Jun 2007 /  #107
You are right Maty....I never heard of most of them....what a shame.....

But...isn't that the reason for building such lists? Showing off your best and most famous?
International famous that is?
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
12 Jun 2007 /  #108
But...isn't that the reason for building such lists? Showing off your best and most famous?
International famous that is?

Fame is not a very grateful "creature". I would think that builder of first oil mine and first refinery deserves to be more famous than Paris Hilton, but unfortunately the truth is that only few know about Ignacy £ukasiewicz while probably even Pigmy’s a and Eskimos know about the latter. Is it right? Who cares actually? :)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
12 Jun 2007 /  #109
For me Show Biz doesn't belong into such a list at all...not even sportsmen!

But Poets, Philosophs, Scientists, Inventors, Musicians....people who moved and changed the world and still do!
Gigel  - | 23  
13 Jun 2007 /  #110
Renata Beger {} :-pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp
PolskaSila  2 | 40  
13 Jun 2007 /  #111
Mariusz Szczerski
Józef Piłsudski
Roman Dmowski
Nikolaus Kopernikus
Jan Sobieski
Mieszko :)
Andrzej Kolikowski
Marie Curie
Dariusz Michaelczewski
Crow  154 | 9561  
13 Jun 2007 /  #112
Jan Sobieski is well remembered from Balkan Serbs.

In time of your need Poles, just come among Serbs with crown of Sobieski on your battle standard and say where is problem for children of Poland
PolskaSila  2 | 40  
13 Jun 2007 /  #113
I dont understand it ! Can you translate in Polish or german ?
King Sobieski  2 | 714  
13 Jun 2007 /  #114
czeslaw milosz (he considers himself polish)
pawel strzelecki:

bronislaw malinowski:
MADNAI  - | 7  
14 Jun 2007 /  #115
did somebody of you hear about Sikorski or Sykorsky but I'm not sure was he a polish??
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
29 Jun 2007 /  #117
Jerszy Dudek, goalkeeper for Liverpool.
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
13 Jul 2007 /  #118
Wrong window... hehe :P
aberis  - | 4  
10 Mar 2008 /  #119
Some facts about "being respected" just for you Greg:


Germany comes in second best world wide...can't see a trace of Poland...wonder why???

And beaten to the top spot by the 'hasbeans' you so readily put down . . .

However, as for on topic,

I may have missed it in all the 'origins discussion', but has no-one mentioned Lech Waleska? or how about any of the following . . .

Wladyslaw Szpilman - Pianist
Tadeusz Manteuffel - medievalist
Maria Antonina Czaplicka - anthropologist
Roald Safran - Chemist
Jozef Kosacki - inventor of the mine detector
Joseph Conrad - Writer - Born Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski in what is now Berdichev, Ukraine (however was part of Poland at the time)

Robert Stiller - polyglot, writer, poet, translator, editor - Born in Warsaw (1928)

The Warner Bros. - Yes that is correct. The four founders of the Warner Bros studios were polish. - Harry Warner (Hirsch Eichelbaum), Albert Warner (Aaron Eichelbaum), Sam Warner (Samuel Warner) and Jack Warner (Jacob Warner). Sam and Jack being the two younger brother were not born in Poland but were born in Baltimore and Ontario respectively, however kept their Polish heritage to state that the company was formed by the Four Polish brothers.

These are just the ones that come to mind for me, not being Polish in anyway shape or form. just through my general knowledge of Arts, Literature, Science and Entertainment.
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
10 Mar 2008 /  #120
you have choosen some controversial people ;)

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