KatowiceCalling 1 | 10
9 Dec 2008 / #1
I was walking past a church in Bielsko Biała one Sunday a few weeks ago.
I was amazed to see a well-fed, ruddy-faced priest putting his things in his Alfa Romeo before driving off no doubt for a lovely big lunch.
This priest is known around Bielsko. He blesses companies in return for tax-free wads. He frequents bars in the area. He has a girlfriend. He drives an expensive car. He takes donations from poor people in church and takes his cut.
Hypocrisy aside, his income - as with all priests - is tax-free and consequently is a subsidy from the Polish government paid for by Christian and non-Christian taxpayers alike.
Surely, this is wrong on many levels?! Your pick which.

I was amazed to see a well-fed, ruddy-faced priest putting his things in his Alfa Romeo before driving off no doubt for a lovely big lunch.
This priest is known around Bielsko. He blesses companies in return for tax-free wads. He frequents bars in the area. He has a girlfriend. He drives an expensive car. He takes donations from poor people in church and takes his cut.
Hypocrisy aside, his income - as with all priests - is tax-free and consequently is a subsidy from the Polish government paid for by Christian and non-Christian taxpayers alike.
Surely, this is wrong on many levels?! Your pick which.