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Shopping in Tri-City

12 Nov 2007 /  #1
I live in the Tri-city area and the clothes shops around aren't great I've trawled the place and found a few designer branded goods but not much, anyone know of any good boutique asides the shops in Klif and Baltic centrum?
12 Nov 2007 /  #2
Try ul.Swietojanska in Gdynia
Cosmo  5 | 18  
13 Nov 2007 /  #3
You are saying that you cannot find what you're looking for at Galeria Baltica??
Macduff  9 | 69  
13 Nov 2007 /  #4
Newton I know where you are coming from, went shopping at the Baltic gallery last week and did not think the quality of gear was that good.

My idea is to take a cheap flight (Easy Jet or Wizzair) to either Edinburgh or London in January and hit the Sales the quality and choice will be better and money you will save in the sales will cover the flights and accommodation
BubbaWoo  33 | 3503  
13 Nov 2007 /  #5
I live in the Tri-city area and the clothes shops around aren't great

there is a new shop about to open in wejherowo called London Style - it will carry a range of designer lables at reasonable prices that you wont find elsewhere in the tri city

otherwise you are stuck with the same old lables in places like klif, baltic, madisson and manhatten
Macduff  9 | 69  
13 Nov 2007 /  #6
BubbaWoo where is wejherowo?
BubbaWoo  33 | 3503  
13 Nov 2007 /  #7
train runs gdansk, sopot, gdynia, rumia, wehjerowo

havent got the train but its prob about twenty mins from gdynia

if youre driving then go out on the obwodnica and turn left at the gdynia end - takes me 35 mins ish from sopot depending on the traffic
szkotja2007  27 | 1498  
13 Nov 2007 /  #8
I'm telling ya - whoever gets the Diesel franchise in funky Sopot !!!

( OK- so I dont have a clue about running a shop but there is a definate gap in the market )
BubbaWoo  33 | 3503  
13 Nov 2007 /  #9
sopot is really not good for retail
szkotja2007  27 | 1498  
13 Nov 2007 /  #10
Mmmm, theres definately money about though. I have gone on about this long enough, time to give my pal in Gdansk a call, do some homework.

Anyone got a link for a Business plan in Polish ?
BubbaWoo  33 | 3503  
13 Nov 2007 /  #11
there is definatley money in sopot but its not known for its shops - just walking along monczak or niepodliglosci shows this - its all about clubs bars restaurants nightlife and a lot of that is seasonal too.

my polish partner had a shop on monczak but the turnover, even though not bad, couldnt support the rental. it also seems that as more of these huge centrum hanlowes open, individual shops are suffering...
szkotja2007  27 | 1498  
13 Nov 2007 /  #12
t also seems that as more of these huge centrum hanlowes open, individual shops are suffering...

Huge centrums with huge rentals too...food for thought.....( Admin - sorry for digressing from the thread.)
OP Newton  
13 Nov 2007 /  #13
Do you have an address for this shop, Wejherowo is about 35 minutes drive from me, do you know when its opening?
BubbaWoo  33 | 3503  
13 Nov 2007 /  #14
218 on the junction of E28 - ul. Sienkiewicza 5 if i remember correctly

next to the orlex complex about 3 mins walk from the main station towards the town centre

should be open by the end of the month

the shop is owned by a forum member and i for one will be supporting it :-)
OP Newton  
13 Nov 2007 /  #15
Hey, thanks for that I'll check it out when it opens. Meanwhile any other suggestions? Surely there must be more than one decent shop in the whole area!!
BubbaWoo  33 | 3503  
13 Nov 2007 /  #16
gdynia has some decent shops but wejherowo is not yet known for its hipness... although i believe there are some people working on that...

where are you based - why not register on the forum ?
OP Newton  
13 Nov 2007 /  #17
Er..never really thought about it really..... I'm kind of in a forest outside Gdynia.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3503  
13 Nov 2007 /  #18
yeah - theres another forum member up that way too
cjj  - | 281  
14 Nov 2007 /  #19
but it's lovely here ... what did I say ...?....
oh yes it is  
14 Nov 2007 /  #20
Bubba........... Wejherowo may not be Sopot, but friday night in Phantomas there's a top polish DJ playing electro house Macyro Wyro. its only 6zl to get in and its going to old skool, deep down and dirty....BRING IT ON
BubbaWoo  33 | 3503  
14 Nov 2007 /  #21
funny you should mention that - i heard they got a brit MCing too... GIVE IT LARGE
Buddy  7 | 167  
21 Nov 2007 /  #22
Hey I've just noticed this thread and funnily enough I met the owners of this new shop "London Style" at the weekend in Soho in Sopot. They were telling that they are opening at the beginning of Dec and that they will be stocking designer brands for men and women. Such as YSL, Desiel, Moschino, Replay, Roxy, Timberland, Camel Active, Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfinger and more. I'm proper excited as thus far I've been shopping in Klif and Baltic centrum. Rock on.
Debianco  19 | 111  
21 Nov 2007 /  #23
hi newton do you happen to live anywhere near tha village of perlino- i have been looking at investing in or around tri-city-some properties in this village-its in the district of wejherowo.

or any one else know anything about Perlino village cant find much on any website
BubbaWoo  33 | 3503  
21 Nov 2007 /  #24
i just bought about 15 ks from there - i like the countryside, close to the coast and easy access to the tri city etc
Buddy  7 | 167  
21 Nov 2007 /  #25
Bubba you know quite a bit about the shopping malarky I've noticed quite a lot of fake gear in one of the centrums in Gydnia, lots of Louis Vuttion and Channel things. We had a woman swearing to us that the sunglasses she was selling were all genuining. And to be straight I've seen better hooky gear in greece.

I just hope that this place is the real deal, the owners seem actually really down to earth, (despite being obviously very drunk). I'm off to Poznan so I'm going to check out whats hapening down that way :)

HA HA XMAS shopping in Warsaw..hurray. check it out. See I knew these Poles knew their stuff.

High fashion is increasingly visible on the streets of Warsaw as more and more respected international clothing brands open stores in the Polish capital.

BubbaWoo  33 | 3503  
21 Nov 2007 /  #26
(despite being obviously very drunk).

no, really...?

what a suprise...

but on the subect of fakes - lables seem important, especially amongst the young trendies and although there is a lot of money knockin around the tri city i dont believe for a moment that its all genuine - friends (female) have mentioned places in gdynia where you can pick up fake stuff but to be honest, my days of being a victim de la mode are in the past
Buddy  7 | 167  
21 Nov 2007 /  #27
my days of being a victim de la mode are in the past

How old are you are you the pipe and slippers brigade?
I thought in your other posts you came across as young and trendy. or maybe you mean you just dress like a grandad ;) just teasing. But you are right about the money kocking around I see lots of large new houses being built, flats, and seriously expensive cars. Mad innit. Fifth Room !

Or maybe your just not a shallow bastard and victim of fashion like me...hahahah

the shop is owned by a forum member and i for one will be supporting it :-)

Er then why aren't they on line.... hang on Bubba is it your shop? maybe all this stuffy old fogey buisness is a trick and in fact you are "LONDON STYLE". Ha ...I declare sir that it IS you..... Wow this is like cyber sherlock holmes....like cluedo... "it was Bubba in the forum, with Caps lock". Still innocent till proven guilty. Are you in Poland now?
BubbaWoo  33 | 3503  
21 Nov 2007 /  #28
no - im on a stock buying trip in the states
Buddy  7 | 167  
27 Nov 2007 /  #29
Hey only a week to go and I'm gonna be shopping "London Style" yeehaaw
7 Dec 2007 /  #30
I have visited this London Style shop in Wejherowo. Beautiful shop and really nice people. Clothes are good and much cheaper than in Sopot where I'm living. Thanks Bubbawoo for the directions, had to ask locals but found it no problem. i'm going to go back next week and do my xmas shopping.

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