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Questions about Torun?

markpol  4 | 21  
19 Aug 2009 /  #1
I am interested in going to live in Torun for a while. So here are my questions:

1) Is it an expensive city to live in?
2) Is the city alive? Is there a lot to do there?
3) What is the mentality of the people? (Are they city-sleekers?)
4) I need to improve my polish, so I'm sure that the local universities offer polish learning courses to english-speaking people. Correct?
6) Any extra comments?

Thank you so much,
pgtx  29 | 3094  
19 Aug 2009 /  #2
local universities offer polish learning courses to english-speaking people. Correct?

did you check here? umk.pl/en
OP markpol  4 | 21  
19 Aug 2009 /  #3
Yes I did check out that site, but its not very user-friendly. I did find out about autumn classes though, fil.umk.pl/skijpdo/wersja_a/k_autumn.html.

To be honest, I won't be moving until next year, but its better to be planning ahead. Plus I'm really interested in Toruń.

So does anyone here live in Toruń?
isa  10 | 41  
20 Aug 2009 /  #4
Yes, a friend of mine and a great guy, Glenn.

Check out his blog: torundailyphoto.blogspot.com
McCoy  27 | 1268  
20 Aug 2009 /  #5
cool blog. when he writes about Poland and Polish he uses the ' us' and 'we' forms. great guy indeed.
22 Aug 2009 /  #6
Hi Markpol


I moved to poland 3 years ago and the first city that I did business in was Torun -

Its a lovely spot a gorgeous historical city and very picturesque a really lovely place to visit.

- it has a population of around the size of Cork city Ireland, its a tourist town, its also a university town and has about 40,000 students each year - Its a very safe city with a great university where you will have no problem finding a polish course and probably lots of english speaking erasmus students.

If you are working as part of some larger organisation based in Torun with english speaking employees then it may not be so difficult. You can meet people through the university language courses and will always find people who want to improve their english in the university. If you are very outgoing that should be easy.

If you are looking for a city vibe with lots of nightlife, shopping, theatre and different restaurants - then Torun may be a bit quiet for you. It was for me - I chose Poznan in the end and am never bored here.

I hope this helps

good luck with the move!!

sobieski  106 | 2111  
22 Aug 2009 /  #7
Surprising nobody until now mentioned Radio Marija :)))))
OP markpol  4 | 21  
23 Aug 2009 /  #8
Radio Marija? Any Good?

If you are working as part of some larger organisation based in Torun with english speaking employees then it may not be so difficult.

Working for a large organization there would be sweet. Perhaps even at the University itself!

If you are looking for a city vibe with lots of nightlife, shopping, theatre and different restaurants

Nightlife isn't really a priority for me. I'm after a pleasant atmospheric city. So (in my opinion), I'm after the exact opposite of what Warsaw is.
George8600  10 | 630  
24 Aug 2009 /  #9
1) Is it an expensive city to live in?
Not really.
2) Is the city alive? Is there a lot to do there?
Sure, lots. Shopping, bars/nightlife, historical attractions, etc.
3) What is the mentality of the people? (Are they city-sleekers?)
They are generally nice and welcoming, but not all are "city people".
4) I need to improve my polish, so I'm sure that the local universities offer polish learning courses to english-speaking people. Correct?
6) Any extra comments?
OP markpol  4 | 21  
27 Aug 2009 /  #10
lol thanks George8600
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
27 Aug 2009 /  #11
Radio Marija? Any Good?

It's a fantastic radio station, very cosmopolitan and attracts the attention of the European Union now and again. I believe the ex Prime Minister of Poland is a huge fan.
groovyg  3 | 70  
15 Sep 2009 /  #12
>> Radio Marija

on the other hand the first Hebrew philology school in Poland has opened in torun this year.

i 2nd George8600's answers, it's a lovely city.
movetopoland  1 | 10  
20 Sep 2009 /  #13
I spent about a month in Torun with 2 Polish mates. If you are after nightlife the town in Buzzing, we used to go to kredens (not sure if its spelt right) a lot. There's loads of bars, clubs, shops and the town is very picturesq. At night it's all lit up, if you cross the river you will see an amazing view.

We did find a really cheap cafe that serves Polish food. Turned out it was actually cheaper to go here than buy the ingredients and cook ourselfs.

The town itself is a student town the people are very friendly, I remember loosing my mates at about 3am and just walked into the next bar and made friends with a group of Polish students, I had no money but they brought me beers and we stayed up drinking until 5am when the pub closed.

The dance clubs in Torun tend to be more adventurous with the music compared to the UK, you'll hear more electro and obscure remixes played.

Everybody speaks English although it's always fun to try and speak Polish when dealing with shops and pubs. Be carefull when saying the word "please" in Polish, it turned out for the first day I was saying pig!

We spent new years in Torun and they had a massive street party, everybody came outside for the countdown, there was loads of street performers and music.

The vibe in Torun is something that I'll never forget, I missed the place for months when I came home.

I've visited a lot of cities including Poznan and Warsaw and I would definitely say Torun is the best.

When visiting Poland I always think it's better to go with some Poles, that way the locals don't see you as a group of British louts on the lash. I remember one Polish bloke said "Typical brits getting drunk" our Polish mate said "it's ok, they are with us" at which point the bloke apologised.
20 Sep 2009 /  #14
whereas here in the UK every club plays the same commercialised songs.

You must have been going to the wrong clubs then, all the clubs I used to go to played grime, dubstep, UKG, hip-hop, R&B and bashment :)

Be carefull when saying the word "please" in Polish, it turned out for the first day I was saying pig!

Eh? How do you get świnia from proszę???
isa  10 | 41  
20 Sep 2009 /  #15
Be carefull when saying the word "please" in Polish, it turned out for the first day I was saying pig!

Lol...that's my husband's problem. Every store we go in, he starts with " prosię Pani" ;-)

Eh? How do you get świnia from proszę???

Swinia is a pig, prosię is a pigglet.
GlennStandish  - | 3  
21 Sep 2009 /  #16
Hi all,

Greetings from Torun. I see that Ive already been mentioned in this discussion already. My name is Glenn Standish and I have been here in Torun on and off for over 6 years. I run the blog TORUN DAILY PHOTO (torundailyphoto.blogspot).

Mark interesting to read that you want to move to Torun. I say do it. You have nothing to lose. Torun is an amazing place. So beautiful and historic.

If you need any advice or help about Torun please don't hesitate to contact me at glennstandish@yahoo .

Hope to hear from you soon.

Best wishes,
movetopoland  1 | 10  
26 Sep 2009 /  #17
You must have been going to the wrong clubs then, all the clubs I used to go to played grime, dubstep, UKG, hip-hop, R&B and bashment :)

Of course, the UK is the home of dubstep, grime and UKG although I was referring to the commercial chain clubs like liquid.
OP markpol  4 | 21  
29 Oct 2009 /  #18

Very Nice Website.

Incidentally, months after starting this thread, I realized that I forgot to ask the most important question...

What are the jobs like in Torun?
What kind of jobs can you get?
Whats the avg salary?

Thanks :)

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