Maybe. Or some descent immigrants move there and people see that it's not so bad as they thought.
I can only speak for my own small market town with authority .
Its in an area where a lot of coal mines used to be,though you wouldnt know it by the countryside now thank god,so from the turn of the last century "outsiders" made there way here,including some Poles even then. After the war a lot of Poles and Ukrainians ended up around here too(and no,no one remembers any friction between these 2 groups ,despite the obvious if you think about it reasons there might have been,put it this was,Britain secretly kept a division of former Ukranian SS here after the war"just in case"...) so in that way people were used to the idea of outsiders from an early start.
Add to that the amount of Scots and Irish in the area and you havnt got a "purely" english area anyway.
Also,being out of the way and not part of a big city during the 50 to 70s it didnt really attract any "ethnic minorities",in my school there was one black girl and one Sihk lad, and of course in the 80s,when I was at school,NO ONE was moving to mining communities in yorkshire :) So theres only really been a slow steady in comming of "outsiders" here and I think that always helps,its in areas where the fabric of the old sociaty is torn out in one or two years by sudden mass imigration that the problems tend to arise,unfortunatly lately thats been Polish people,its not been to bad here for cases of irational dislike but there have been the usuall grumbles,in an area where jobs are scarce to find dozens of prime jobs being advertised as requiring Polish speakers doesnt help matters :)
But all in all, I cant stress how much it is just a case of "strangers" and not really where they come from or what colour their skin is that can be obsereved around here. Lieke someone earlier said,it may take longer in the country but once people like you they show it and you know its genuine because we are never afraid to show if we dislike someone,unlike in cities where a lot of people show a false face just for political corecctness.