When I was in Poland I saw many people biking. I was wondering if this product will be popular there.
Threadmill Bicycle - popular in Poland?
is that cool or incredibly silly?
is that cool or incredibly silly?
Someone said that it is the stupidest invention ever. But I think it has some potential.
But I think it has some potential.
i just cant see it...
It will mostly be used for a novelty sport similar to Zorbing. The great thing about this is that you can easily jump off the threadmill bike compared to a traditional bike.
It looks like it could do with a reverse gear.
On their map, they've got the Czech republic somewhere in the far west of Ukraine.
How far can you go when you're stuck inside a giant hamster ball?
On their map, they've got the Czech republic somewhere in the far west of Ukraine.
How far can you go when you're stuck inside a giant hamster ball?
How far can you go when you're stuck inside a giant hamster ball?
As far as momentum will take you... Many of the courses that I've seen have a slight downwards slope. I guess that this ball is tricky to roll going up unless you've already built up some speed.