Personally, my opinion is that it's a good idea in theory, but that in practice, homeschooling in the US leaves a lot to be desired.
I guess you are right there is good and bad in any system. I wanted my children to have the buddies and structure of school. I also continue to try new learning with trips of our own. I'm not sure yet who enjoys the trips more, me or the kids.
wrote the homework or papers, kids plagiarized from the internet, there were no trips to the city or visits to the library, or field trips of any kind, during an entire school year!
This seems like child abuse, why take on the resposibility of your own childs mind with such selfish behavior. I view my children as my most important job I will ever hold. They learn so much is such a short time, IMO many US schools do not challange the ability to learn enough. I always strive to introduce new views and learning experances. How sad for a child to be denied a sound foundation.