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What should Poland and Poles do, after first day of nuclear war?

Sokrates  8 | 3335  
15 Apr 2009 /  #91
An incredibly flexible cynic from Poland, you are. :):):)

Just wait till i get power, you're gonna wear an armband along with Harry and Sjam.
Salomon  2 | 436  
15 Apr 2009 /  #92
Like what?

Poland should solve problems with oppressed Polish miniority in neo-nazi baltic states. Russians have the same problems with neo-nazi baltic states and their miniority. Cooperation in this case would bring more trust between Poland and Russia and both parties would gain.
pawian  226 | 27583  
15 Apr 2009 /  #93
Just wait till i get power, you're gonna wear an armband along with Harry and Sjam.

Yes, we will wear such armbands during a Rising against your New-Nazi power.


Among others, we will tear down your nasty flags:

Do you realise what will happen to you if Harry, Sjam and me overthrow your power?? :):):):)

Poland should solve problems with oppressed Polish miniority in neo-nazi baltic states. Russians have the same problems with neo-nazi baltic states and their miniority. Cooperation in this case would bring more trust between Poland and Russia and both parties would gain.

The problem is that the greatest oppression to the Polish minority is created in Belarus by Lukashenka, the loyal Russian ally, not in Baltic states (though there are problems too).

Do you think Russians will sacrifice Lukashenka to improve their relations with Poles?? :):):)
Salomon  2 | 436  
15 Apr 2009 /  #94
In my opinion miniotity in Lithuania has more problems that this on Belarus (it is also experts opinion). I am sure that changes in Polish foreign policy would solve all problems of Polish miniority in Belarus. So many positive signals towards Lithuania haven't changed annything and it is time to tell "enought".
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
15 Apr 2009 /  #95
Yes, we will wear such armbands during a Rising against your New-Nazi power.

You're guaranteed to be the first deceased hero, maybe they'll even erect a statue for you? Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Sokrates! :] Seriously i've never been called a Nazi before, it tickles my pride.

The problem is that the greatest oppression to the Polish minority is created in Belarus by Lukashenka, the loyal Russian ally, not in Baltic states (though there are problems too).

The problem is that the Poles in Belarus receive no tangible support from us whatsover, no funding, no lawyers, no nothing.
jwojcie  2 | 762  
15 Apr 2009 /  #96
Are you aware that for example Polishforums.com wouldn`t be functional in case of nuclear war?

I think polishforum.com works on servers in USA... At least google search engine says so.
So, polishforum.com existence would be good indicator of USA existence ;-)

What would I do? Probably I would enjoy last minutes of my life...
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
16 Apr 2009 /  #97
What should Poland and Poles do, after first day of nuclear war?

Stay in the basement, or the buda...
wildrover  98 | 4430  
16 Apr 2009 /  #98
Normally i would not recommend getting pssst as a way to sort your problems , but i think in the event of impending nuclear extermination it would be a dam good idea....
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
16 Apr 2009 /  #99
If you have a one day warning of the war, go rob the liquor store, pharmacy and supermarket...And get an early start...
wildrover  98 | 4430  
16 Apr 2009 /  #100
go rob the liquor store,

Why the hell not...i mean , you ain,t gonna get long in jail for it , and chances are you are gonna get fried before the cops come to bust you...
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
16 Apr 2009 /  #101
If you have a one day warning of the war, go rob the liquor store, pharmacy and supermarket...And get an early start...

There wouldn't be any warning. It would just happen out of the blue. Governments wouldn't warn because they would worry about looting, rioting and civil unrest. It would just happen and if you are lucky enough to live far away from the strike zones (if there is such a place and the entire country you live in doesn't get nuked by five hundred H bombs) you might be able to secure a place underground. What I would do is start digging and stockpiling. You can dig a space in your backyard. Make sure you aren't close to any sewer or gas pipes, or any wires and cables. You can dig down about fifty or sixty feet and start tunneling around. Once you get that task accomplished you can take some cement and build your own fortress beneath earth.

What you got to do is figure out how long any fall out will linger in the air. Get enough bottled water to last throughout that time. Figure out where you will go to the bathroom and what you will eat. Put lots of candles and matches down there too. Get ready to sit in for the long haul. You can do it but only if you have a plan.
wildrover  98 | 4430  
16 Apr 2009 /  #102
And of course you will have to be prepared to kill your neighbors who have not got food when they come looking to take yours...not going to be a lot of fun i think...
z_darius  14 | 3960  
16 Apr 2009 /  #103
Why prepare food then. Just wait for the neighbors and eat them. That way, without even a fridge, there will be steady supply of food.

Oh, and as for those trenches, HB, pray that it doesn't rain ;)
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
16 Apr 2009 /  #104
And of course you will have to be prepared to kill your neighbors who have not got food when they come looking to take yours...not going to be a lot of fun i think...

You can't tell them you are digging. Hide the trap door that leads to your sanctuary shelter. They will never find you or your food if you are cautious and thoughtful.

As for the rain, z___Darius, we would need a room that's a bit deeper and lower than the others to create what I call "the inground swimming pool effect" The water would collect at the deep end of the pool while he waits at the shallow end where it's dry. The room would be the deeper end of the pool and it's only use would be to collect the rain water. It would slowly seep into the earth.
Nathan  18 | 1349  
16 Apr 2009 /  #105
Just wait till i get power, you're gonna wear an armband along with Harry and Sjam.

I hope when it happens Polish will cut off your balls and stuff 'em in your filthy mouth. People like you bring nothing just destruction in the name of their brainless heads. But still I don't think you are past 20, so you have an excuse of being a kid.
JohnP  - | 210  
16 Apr 2009 /  #106
At the end of a nuclear exchange?
I think I would endeavor to reintroduce lead based paint, and perhaps even lead lined insulation, for people who would feel more secure sleeping in their own beds instead of a hole in the ground.

House water filters might not be a bad idea either.

Assuming currency is useless, other things can be bartered for, and I would imagine, ammunition and untainted food would become currency in many places...as would be clean water.

Gold is pretty, and rare...but you can't eat it and it doesn't do squat to keep one's family safe.

Just a hunch.

John P.
wildrover  98 | 4430  
16 Apr 2009 /  #107
your sanctuary

As a soldier i spent a bit of time in dirty wet holes....anyone who thinks its going to be fun should try it , not for days , or weeks , or even months , it will probably go on for years , or at least untill you die from some minor ailment , seeing as there will be no chemists , no doctors , and for sure no hospitals....
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
16 Apr 2009 /  #108
I think I would endeavor to reintroduce lead based paint, and perhaps even lead lined insulation, for people who would feel more secure sleeping in their own beds instead of a hole in the ground.

The only problem is, I don't think it would be enough. Underground shelter offers more protection. Might want to paint the walls of the shelter with lead based paint. Do it in advance so it has time to dry and ventilate some.

You can use concrete mix to reinforce the sides of the shelter. Great weekend project.

anyone who thinks its going to be fun should try it

I don't think it would be fun at all. Nuclear war would definitely not be a fun experience. I think we can survive in our shelters until the air is clear enough to come out.
JohnP  - | 210  
16 Apr 2009 /  #109
Pretty sure, most of the radiation of a nuclear blast...occurs at the instant of the blast. There is residual from fallout....less from a high altitude burst, lots from a surface or subsurface burst...essentially irradiated dirt sucked up into the explosion, as well as water vapor which returns as rain, dust, well...fallout.

A few heavy rains, and while perhaps not as nice as prior to the war, it would be liveable.
I think living in a little hole in the ground for years would drive one to WILLINGLY die; whereas risking radiation on the surface is hit or miss.

Hiroshima radiation levels dropped to acceptible habitation limits in well under a week.
Even the dreaded neutron bomb talked about in the 1970s...was considered to be ineffective beyond a certain distance if troops dug in only 5 feet below the surface...but this would be equally effective...a stopped army is a dead army.

Antiradiation sickness supplements, lead insulation, and water filters. Make a killing selling them. People WILL come out of their shelters and they will want water, food, and a no kidding bed to sleep in.

A nice stiff drink might also be in order.
Food hoarding, on the other hand...is a good way to be slaughtered by those just a little bit better armed.

John P.
wildrover  98 | 4430  
16 Apr 2009 /  #110
Might want to paint the walls of the shelter with lead based paint

Isn,t that really bad for your health.....?
z_darius  14 | 3960  
16 Apr 2009 /  #111
I hope you're not aspiring to become a drainage specialist :)
wildrover  98 | 4430  
16 Apr 2009 /  #112
Ha...when i visited what is known as the dead zone in Belarus , the area deemed too dangerous for people to live there after the Chernobyl disaster we discovered that some of the underground shelters had radiation levels that went off the scale of the counters that were isued to people checking such things , you are not even supposed to enter this area , but seeing as nobody wants to stand guard on the road control points its not a problem...They do put concrete blocks in the road to deter people , but it does not stop nutters on motorcycles from riding around them...If you want to know what a nuclear devastated area looks like , then check out my friend Elena filtovas site , she risks a early death riding her motorcycle into the dead zone many times to tell the real story of Chernobyl...Her photo,s will sadden and amaze you..
JohnP  - | 210  
16 Apr 2009 /  #113
Chernobyl is a different situation to that posed by a nuclear detonation. The place is STILL irradiating dirt as the nuclear reaction is STILL happening there (possibly still leaking out too?). It is a fallout factory, as opposed to a nuclear detonation with a finite amount of fallout created in a microsecond flash.

Not continually produced, as in Chernobyl.

IMHO, Chernobyl and the surrounding area would be WORSE considerably (wrt being able to live there) than the aftermath of a nuclear detonation. Especially if it is an air burst (most common tactic....keep the fireball high to cause more loss of life instantly, even if it causes less fallout....remember one's OWN soldiers then have to occupy the poor survivors' towns after the blast). People live in Hiroshima, People live in Nagasaki, they even live in Fallon, Nevada...where some REALLY big ones have been detonated. Not sure about Russians in Siberia. It's different, though.

Nasty regardless.

Still I think being able to offer people a symblance of humanity after such a horrific event...would be simple good sense.

John P.
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
16 Apr 2009 /  #114
I hope you're not aspiring to become a drainage specialist :)

Well if I could get an excavation team in my yard and have around fifty grand to spend on it, I could build a state of the art facility, I'm sure. Might even get a permit from my local city hall and tap into the sewer pipe with one of my own so I can not only install a drain in the floor of my shelter, but a decent toilet too, maybe even a bathtub but I would need to tap into my water pipe as well.

But since it's just me doing the digging and I gotta hurry in case the bombs fall tomorrow, I have to make do with what's quickest and easiest.
JohnP  - | 210  
16 Apr 2009 /  #115
Hmm lead space blankets, anyone?
maybe lead-lined "safe rooms" so if you aren't instantly vaporized you can live until levels either subside or are low enough to go somewhere else...?

If you plan to stay, there's other stuff to consider, of course.

John P.
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
16 Apr 2009 /  #116
I think lead based paints and blankets are a great idea...for my place that's already underground, as an extra precaution. Above ground I wonder if the safe room would be enough?

A great plan, as many survivalists already know and some have done, is buy a house that's already underground. If you have a cool hundred million, you can buy one of those missile silos and live in it.
JohnP  - | 210  
16 Apr 2009 /  #117
Those silo homes are probably great (they keep the same temperature year round, naturally, as I understand)
One would wonder however, my luck I would be the unlucky soul living in one of those when it takes a direct nuclear hit, because the Russians/Americans didn't bother changing the target coordinates in their silos from the cold war and just "hit the red button" instead of re-aiming then hitting the red button...

John P.
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
16 Apr 2009 /  #118
Oh, well, in that case. Wouldn't be a good idea. I thought since they were empty and out of the way...they wouldn't be considered that important logistically.
wildrover  98 | 4430  
16 Apr 2009 /  #119
But since it's just me doing the digging and I gotta hurry in case the bombs fall tomorrow, I have to make do with what's quickest and easiest.

Do you know something we don,t.....? sounds like you are expecting this to happen , should i start digging , and painting myself white....?
JohnP  - | 210  
16 Apr 2009 /  #120
Oh, well, in that case. Wouldn't be a good idea. I thought since they were empty and out of the way...they wouldn't be considered that important logistically.

True...but knowing government for how "efficient" it is, it wouldn't surprise me if both governments didn't really bother messing with the targeting that often, other than the vague idea they were headed to somewhere REALLY strategic...

Hope they do their homework instead of wasting those nice silos-turned-homes "just in case"....

I imagine indoor gardening would take on a larger following, even amongst those who do not smoke....
After all, submarines grow their own lettuce...and stuff from a can will drive you crazy.

John P.

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