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What should Poland and Poles do, after first day of nuclear war?

HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
13 Apr 2009 /  #31
Iran will maybe pick some up

Oh don't worry, if Iran does that, I'm sure it won't go unnoticed ;) ;)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
13 Apr 2009 /  #32
Russia has helped Iran with nuclear development before and America and the international community have turned a blind eye. Still, Iran has agreed to join the forthcoming nuclear conference with the other big players. That augurs well for the future though it could be seen as buying time and false allegiance by some. It's all a game.
OP Crow  154 | 9566  
13 Apr 2009 /  #33
buhaha, +1 ;)

what buhaha?

Germans are germanized Serbs anyway. They should be re-Slavicized or to say re-Serbinized. But, especial problem is that after nuclear strike nobody wouldn`t give a sh** for German origin, nor for Germany.

And drinking vodka.

that`s the good one
Filios1  8 | 1336  
13 Apr 2009 /  #34
I wouldn't mind if a nuke hit me, as long as I had fair enough warning to have one last shot of wodka, and a quick prayer before I go.
OP Crow  154 | 9566  
13 Apr 2009 /  #35
before I go

i just think to myself... my last words would probably be... `i go now.`
Nathan  18 | 1349  
13 Apr 2009 /  #36
Realy, what should Poles and official Poland do, after first day of eventual nuclear conflict between world powers? Let`s say, in this hipothetical situation, that Poland represent target for nuclear weapons of all kind... so, what you people of this forum say?

I think Polish should suntan with Ukrainians on radioactive rays while the rest of the world ends itself up :)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
13 Apr 2009 /  #37
You've been reading too many of Obama's plans, Nathan ;) ;)
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
13 Apr 2009 /  #38
If a nuclear war happened I would find a cave in the Mohave desert and stay in it. I figure I might be okay there because who would want to hit a desert with a nuke? I might be far enough away to avoid fallout sickness too. Maybe my cave would have a stream in it?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
13 Apr 2009 /  #39
Who would want to hit a desert with a nuke, HB? Does Negev mean anything to you? I thought you saw Iran as a rogue state, it would appear not ;) ;)
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
13 Apr 2009 /  #40
As you can see, Russia has nearly 3000 nuclear warheads. Even if some of them are non-operational, how many remaining ones are enough to inflict major damage?

How many of them work? I know Russia has thousands of warheads but how many of them are in working condition? How many of them are installed on working missilies? How many of them are stockpiled?

Its physically impossible for a country that has major problems maintaining its delivery platforms to have even half of that operational,

There's more on how their submarines which are central to strategic scale nuclear delivery are rusting away, thats absolutely crucial equipment and if thats rusting it means that nuclear department in Russia has tragic funding, how many warheads can they actually launch? 500? 900? Definitely not a lot and it takes a LOT of nukes to actually destroy a country the size of US, then there's France and UK with their naval bases and nuclear facilities, American military bases worldwide and you're not left with lots of nukes for a target like Poland.

You will always have rich businesspeople coming forward and maintaining the stockpiles, Sokrates. Nukes are bargaining chips. Iran will maybe pick some up ;) ;)

Then tell me why dont they maintain Russias delivery systems or their entire navy and military?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
13 Apr 2009 /  #41
Russia has ambitious plans to build these up. The BBC has ran some documentaries should you care to look. Medvedev and Putin discussed it on RussiaToday and it's there for you to see.

Please remember, Russia is more covert/clandestine than the West. Your sources will never reflect the true picture unless you have inside knowledge. Go and ask Sasha or Kostik. Maybe you trust the Russian equivalent of GUS?
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
13 Apr 2009 /  #42
Apocalypse + 1 - go look for uncontaminated water, fail, drink Guinness instead

Apocalypse + 2 - Guinness runs out, now it's getting serious. Look for casual sex buddy. Fail as all likely buddies fall apart at first touch. Reduced to drinking Fosters, Officially now a very serious situation.

Apocalypse + 3 - No sex, no Guinness, Fosters gives me the runs. Decide to end it all but can't find the paperwork. Ask a policeman but told to **** off as there are other survivors to worry about.

Apocalypse + 4 - no hair, no water and radio stations playing old Tony Blackburn shows. End it all without the paperwork.
Filios1  8 | 1336  
13 Apr 2009 /  #43
just think to myself...

My last words, after a quick prayer to my ancestors, and a shot of some good wodka... i dont know, probably something like 'Dobranoc Filip' lol...

Crow, any last song you'd like to listen to, when the time came?

But come to think of it, its such a horrible way to die.. without honour, without glory, just reduced to vapour in a split second.. all your human dignity...

in a perfect world, we could die like heroes, on horsback, charging an impregneable defense... romanticized view..
in reality, some of us even die on the toilet of heart failure.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
13 Apr 2009 /  #44
Russia has ambitious plans to build these up. The BBC has ran some documentaries should you care to look. Medvedev and Putin discussed it on RussiaToday and it's there for you to see.

Sean, i have plans to track down Harry and shoot him in a face with a tank but since i cant afford a tank, neither can Russia, its nice to have plans though.

Please remember, Russia is more covert/clandestine than the West. Your sources will never reflect the true picture unless you have inside knowledge. Go and ask Sasha or Kostik. Maybe you trust the Russian equivalent of GUS?

Google is your friend, just type in "Russia fleet decay images" or something along the lines and enjoy, thats not a covert operation thats a huge heap of critical equipment going to hell.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
13 Apr 2009 /  #45
Again, it comes down to credibility. Google is not the definitive authority and you can't certify the authenticity of those pictures.
wildrover  98 | 4430  
13 Apr 2009 /  #46
my last words would probably be... `i go now.`

Mine will be....what the fukc was that......?
Filios1  8 | 1336  
13 Apr 2009 /  #47
what the fukc was that......?

You would be vapourised before you mouthed even fuc*
freebird  3 | 532  
13 Apr 2009 /  #48
What should Poland and Poles do, after first day of nuclear war?

ain't that much left to do for anyone. It's allover.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
13 Apr 2009 /  #49
Again, it comes down to credibility. Google is not the definitive authority and you can't certify the authenticity of those pictures.

Jesus Sean i know we're into conspiracy theories but Russia didnt just inflate a fake rusting fleet for 20+ years, lets not overastimate them ...
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
13 Apr 2009 /  #50
Who would want to hit a desert with a nuke, HB?

It's not impossible that a desert wouldn't be hit, but it is improbable. I would want to be far away from any military bases and wouldn't go to New Mexico.

I would still go with a cave in a desert or Missouri, or maybe a missile silo in
Adirondack State Park, New York. I would try to find something underground that had a system of tunnels.

I would want to live in one of these:


This is another place I want to be:


I would need to move to Australia first tho.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
13 Apr 2009 /  #51
Well, I bow to your superior wisdom as a rusting fleet checker ;)
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
13 Apr 2009 /  #52
I might go live in Ape Cave to escape the fall out:

Filios1  8 | 1336  
13 Apr 2009 /  #53
I might go live in Ape Cave to escape the fall out:

Would you take some fertile women, and one man along, too?
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
13 Apr 2009 /  #54
That would be cool because then I would have my own tribe. We could stay in Meramec Caverns. We could dig out an extensive civilization underground like in The Twelve Monkeys. I would need the man to be an engineer of some kind who is good at design and the women would have to be able to build.
Filios1  8 | 1336  
14 Apr 2009 /  #55
That would be cool because then I would have my own tribe

But don't you think the interbreeding would kill any intellectual potential?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
14 Apr 2009 /  #56
HB, you do know where Negev is, right?
Nathan  18 | 1349  
14 Apr 2009 /  #57
How many of them work? I know Russia has thousands of warheads but how many of them are in working condition? How many of them are installed on working missilies? How many of them are stockpiled?

What difference does it make? No matter whether they can fly over the whole planet or 5 meters and explode (or rust and then explode ;0), it will mean the distruction of the world and no more radioactive suntan for both nations. I think we should build more tan-salons in case they'll blow up all the nukes. ;) Seanus, what do you think?
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
14 Apr 2009 /  #58
But don't you think the interbreeding would kill any intellectual potential?

Filios, it makes me wonder. The origin of the species has always intrigued me. It seems logical that we all have our origins in a handful of whatevers..whatever it is we evolved from lol. At one time it must have interbreed. Look at us now. All 6 billion of us! You can't tell by looking, can you?

HB, you do know where Negev is, right?

The placid peyote plains of southern Israel once inhabited by the Judah tribe. Are you trying to make a pun?
14 Apr 2009 /  #59
Sean, i have plans to track down Harry and shoot him in a face with a tank but since i cant afford a tank, neither can Russia, its nice to have plans though.

Alternatively you could be a man and just come find me. You know where I live, you know where I drink and you know my name, so it's not as if there is anything stopping you. Well, nothing apart from the fact that you are a lying p*ssy.

As for the topic of this thread, hopefully after the USA has been hit by hundreds of nukes, Poles would stop seeing the USA as the land of milk & honey which can do no wrong. But I get the feeling that instead we'd all be hearing about how Putin etc are actually Jewish....
Ignac  - | 28  
14 Apr 2009 /  #60
What should Poland and Poles do, after first day of nuclear war?

Get on your knees and start praying and hope that there is someone out there listening.

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