Realy, what should Poles and official Poland do, after first day of eventual nuclear conflict between world powers? Let`s say, in this hipothetical situation, that Poland represent target for nuclear weapons of all kind... so, what you people of this forum say?
There are many possible situations- in case that Poland belong to NATO pact, in case that Poland isn`t part of NATO pact, in case that Poland represent part of eventual Slavic alliance, or we can imagine any other eventual situation,... whatever...
It is interesting to found out what should do Poles who in the moment of nuclear strike, aren`t at home in Poland but, in some other country... because of job, because of tourist traveling or what should do people who are of Polish origin and aren`t Polish citizens, permanently live in some other country?
What is with atomic shelters in Poland? Are those shelters safe?
After all, imagine all kind of possible situations which can happen to ordinary man/woman and explain your position.
There are many possible situations- in case that Poland belong to NATO pact, in case that Poland isn`t part of NATO pact, in case that Poland represent part of eventual Slavic alliance, or we can imagine any other eventual situation,... whatever...
It is interesting to found out what should do Poles who in the moment of nuclear strike, aren`t at home in Poland but, in some other country... because of job, because of tourist traveling or what should do people who are of Polish origin and aren`t Polish citizens, permanently live in some other country?
What is with atomic shelters in Poland? Are those shelters safe?
After all, imagine all kind of possible situations which can happen to ordinary man/woman and explain your position.