how can you have better genes if your country is closed of to outsiders completely. One benefit of historical immigration is that differant patterns of gorups of people breeding with other groups actusally creates STRONGER genes and weeds out weaknesses in genetic codes by natural selection.
britian having an ethnic mix of germanic, anglo saxon, celtic, scandanavian, iberian etc. etc and having suffered mass 20th century immigraiton, gives US better genes.
Apparently your genes are not of the highest quality if you spill letters into the computer without understanding of what you are writing about. Polad was traditionally a multicultural society: Poles, Ukrainians, Swedes, Germans, Lithuanians, Latvians, Hungarians, Mongolians, Turks, Jews, Czechs, Russians, Tatars, Scotts, Greeks.
Back to the topic; when I lived in Poland there was a separation of the handicapped/mentally retarded from the so called normal kids. They went to separate schools that were designed specifically for persons with disabilities. Not too many were seen in the streets. I think Poland will take a few more years before all the facilities and awareness matches that in some other countries.